this image contains text
This m
onth the group as a whole slacked off a little i
think.. this definately doesnt go for everyone: Main F
rame, Leper Messiah, and Mojo for example
seem to have given their all.. But overa
ll, with a tad more effort on each persons
part we im sure could have produced a much larger quantit
y of good work.. Guess everyone myself e
specially is catching some Spring Fever
g.. Dont get me wrong.. May 1995 show
s some serious effort.. But with things g
oing on in a lot of members lives right now
not everything was getting finished.. Many noted that they
had a number of pieces laying around but j
ust never got around to finishing them i
ncluding myself :/ Whats all this blab
ber mean coming out the mind of a very ti
red .nfo writer? It means keep your eyes peeled for Junes
pack, because with all of these things gettin
g finished plus
all of our new members starting up welcome to all you gu
June will have an impressive showcase of what Edens been
working on over the past couple months..
And this is all good, because Eden isnt about pressuring
people to produce artwork, its about encouraging people
work out their flaws and nurturing their development. Im
planning to see Junes pack as an example of what the gro
up is
about.. being able to relax and not focus your life on th
e art
scene improving your skills at your own pace, not feelin
g the
pressure of work, but gratification from the act of creat
Anyway, everyone have a happy month.. and well meet agai
in the bright summer days of June..
woodstock eden
onth the group as a whole slacked off a little i
think.. this definately doesnt go for everyone: Main F
rame, Leper Messiah, and Mojo for example
seem to have given their all.. But overa
ll, with a tad more effort on each persons
part we im sure could have produced a much larger quantit
y of good work.. Guess everyone myself e
specially is catching some Spring Fever
g.. Dont get me wrong.. May 1995 show
s some serious effort.. But with things g
oing on in a lot of members lives right now
not everything was getting finished.. Many noted that they
had a number of pieces laying around but j
ust never got around to finishing them i
ncluding myself :/ Whats all this blab
ber mean coming out the mind of a very ti
red .nfo writer? It means keep your eyes peeled for Junes
pack, because with all of these things gettin
g finished plus
all of our new members starting up welcome to all you gu
June will have an impressive showcase of what Edens been
working on over the past couple months..
And this is all good, because Eden isnt about pressuring
people to produce artwork, its about encouraging people
work out their flaws and nurturing their development. Im
planning to see Junes pack as an example of what the gro
up is
about.. being able to relax and not focus your life on th
e art
scene improving your skills at your own pace, not feelin
g the
pressure of work, but gratification from the act of creat
Anyway, everyone have a happy month.. and well meet agai
in the bright summer days of June..
woodstock eden
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