this image contains text
..gawd! this summer sucks big wanker! the wh
ole frikkin east coast is blanketed by this crappy pi
le of humidity.. ahm tellin you now: do no
t go to the beach! the whole
place is full o jelly fish sucks for any kind of wat
er activities you
can think of i.e. divin
g, surfing, etc. damn! -nos.
NO-DOR2.ANS nosferatu.eden
dor adv
ertisement 2 for... us! wow!
if you feel r
eal bored, drop me a line on
my board, dor dr with none o
that nup crap at 71
7-581-1124 or on
ight sorrows oh so wonderful
network, infinet.
find me in any of the
sci-fi, movie/
tv, or artwork bases.
d o r
1 7 1 7 5 8 1 1 1 2 4
swissawps? mephisto, nos all EDEN
running. poopy obv setup, 28.8 speeds
supports. ..everything?
affiliations. barely any to speak of
no NUP, NUV equals none, voting is zilch
..maxx rips can be fun ansi. nosferatu/eden
ole frikkin east coast is blanketed by this crappy pi
le of humidity.. ahm tellin you now: do no
t go to the beach! the whole
place is full o jelly fish sucks for any kind of wat
er activities you
can think of i.e. divin
g, surfing, etc. damn! -nos.
NO-DOR2.ANS nosferatu.eden
dor adv
ertisement 2 for... us! wow!
if you feel r
eal bored, drop me a line on
my board, dor dr with none o
that nup crap at 71
7-581-1124 or on
ight sorrows oh so wonderful
network, infinet.
find me in any of the
sci-fi, movie/
tv, or artwork bases.
d o r
1 7 1 7 5 8 1 1 1 2 4
swissawps? mephisto, nos all EDEN
running. poopy obv setup, 28.8 speeds
supports. ..everything?
affiliations. barely any to speak of
no NUP, NUV equals none, voting is zilch
..maxx rips can be fun ansi. nosferatu/eden
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