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s a v a g e C O W - e l e c t r o n i c p i c t u r e s - 1 9 9 9
-thanks to spear for the epic font
Over the last few weeks, ans has been flooded with discussions about
original pics, compared to comic rips. Heres my opinion on the issue:
Comic Rips:
Doing these, is one of, if not THE best methods of learning the ways of
ansi. You learn shaping, shading, how to make a piece appealing, what
works, what doesnt, and all the other little ins, outs, dos and donts. Not only that, once you get good, you build quite a reputation for
yourself in the scene.. get into the top groups.. everything just becomes
a whole lot more fun. There is however a time, for me at least, where
the fun begins to end. Drawing becomes more of a chore than what it should
be. Fun. You hit a point when you know most of the ins, outs, dos and
donts. Every piece you work on, is just like the last. You sit and look
at a picture and copy. And copy. And copy. The challenge of reproducing
it isnt there anymore.. it just becomes, well, boring. Take for example
myself, TaintedX, Filth, 75 of iCE ansi. Its not coincidental that all
of our production has been declining.. weve just, hit that point. For
some, giving up is the answer. For me, there was another.
Original Pics:
Now that Ive started getting into doing originals ie: this one, Ive
developed a whole new appreciation for ansi, for art, and for a whole
bunch of ansi artists. Theres a bunch of guys out there drawing all
original stuff. Theres the big names, like Dieznyik, Konami, Bym,
my fellow epicer Argon. These guys produce visually kickass stuff,
but I think arent given as much praise as they deserve. Drawing originals
is a WHOLE lot tougher than doing a comic rip. You have no reference.
Shading isnt pre-done for you. Position isnt pre-done for you. Ideas
arent pre-though of for you. Youre completely on your own. Its pretty
overwhelming, and definately frustrating. I think the majority of people
who argue against originals are just being ignorant. I cant do it, so
it sucks. Thats the attitude many people seem to take whether theyll
admit it or not. Not too long ago, I considered myself an ansi master.
I could rip any pic. It seems now though, I consider myself an almost
ansi-rookie. It takes balls to make the change over from comic rips to
originals. You arent going to be as good with originals right away as you
were with comic rips, maybe not even ever. But I know for myself, hearing
someone say man, thats a cool pic. on one I did myself is a whole lot
more gratifying that hearing someone say the same thing about a comic rip.
I cant draw things as detailed or exact as the comic rips I did.. hopefully one day they will be.
Misc shit I meant to say:
Before, I used to compare all ansis on the same scale. I realize now though that while some original pics might not be as visually pleasing as some
comic rips, you cant expect them to be. Ive changed the way I look at
ansis, and like I said earlier, have a whole new appreciation for them.
Catch22 is a guy I really think deserves a mention in here. He was really
on his way up in the scene.. producing real kickass comic rips each month.
Then suddenly one month he switched over to originals, and has been doing
them ever since. Ill be honest, the pieces arent anywhere near as good
not to say they suck as the comic rips he was doing. Actually, Im not
sure what Im trying to say here. Just that, I phear catch22.
Anyway.. Im out.
PS: Catch - consider this my answer to your challenge.
savageCOW scow@kracked.com
-thanks to spear for the epic font
Over the last few weeks, ans has been flooded with discussions about
original pics, compared to comic rips. Heres my opinion on the issue:
Comic Rips:
Doing these, is one of, if not THE best methods of learning the ways of
ansi. You learn shaping, shading, how to make a piece appealing, what
works, what doesnt, and all the other little ins, outs, dos and donts. Not only that, once you get good, you build quite a reputation for
yourself in the scene.. get into the top groups.. everything just becomes
a whole lot more fun. There is however a time, for me at least, where
the fun begins to end. Drawing becomes more of a chore than what it should
be. Fun. You hit a point when you know most of the ins, outs, dos and
donts. Every piece you work on, is just like the last. You sit and look
at a picture and copy. And copy. And copy. The challenge of reproducing
it isnt there anymore.. it just becomes, well, boring. Take for example
myself, TaintedX, Filth, 75 of iCE ansi. Its not coincidental that all
of our production has been declining.. weve just, hit that point. For
some, giving up is the answer. For me, there was another.
Original Pics:
Now that Ive started getting into doing originals ie: this one, Ive
developed a whole new appreciation for ansi, for art, and for a whole
bunch of ansi artists. Theres a bunch of guys out there drawing all
original stuff. Theres the big names, like Dieznyik, Konami, Bym,
my fellow epicer Argon. These guys produce visually kickass stuff,
but I think arent given as much praise as they deserve. Drawing originals
is a WHOLE lot tougher than doing a comic rip. You have no reference.
Shading isnt pre-done for you. Position isnt pre-done for you. Ideas
arent pre-though of for you. Youre completely on your own. Its pretty
overwhelming, and definately frustrating. I think the majority of people
who argue against originals are just being ignorant. I cant do it, so
it sucks. Thats the attitude many people seem to take whether theyll
admit it or not. Not too long ago, I considered myself an ansi master.
I could rip any pic. It seems now though, I consider myself an almost
ansi-rookie. It takes balls to make the change over from comic rips to
originals. You arent going to be as good with originals right away as you
were with comic rips, maybe not even ever. But I know for myself, hearing
someone say man, thats a cool pic. on one I did myself is a whole lot
more gratifying that hearing someone say the same thing about a comic rip.
I cant draw things as detailed or exact as the comic rips I did.. hopefully one day they will be.
Misc shit I meant to say:
Before, I used to compare all ansis on the same scale. I realize now though that while some original pics might not be as visually pleasing as some
comic rips, you cant expect them to be. Ive changed the way I look at
ansis, and like I said earlier, have a whole new appreciation for them.
Catch22 is a guy I really think deserves a mention in here. He was really
on his way up in the scene.. producing real kickass comic rips each month.
Then suddenly one month he switched over to originals, and has been doing
them ever since. Ill be honest, the pieces arent anywhere near as good
not to say they suck as the comic rips he was doing. Actually, Im not
sure what Im trying to say here. Just that, I phear catch22.
Anyway.. Im out.
PS: Catch - consider this my answer to your challenge.
savageCOW scow@kracked.com
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