this image contains text
s C
b a
S, v e , ,d
s, a g ,,
- ,ss,,,,sdS
:SST P : : P , b, ,,sP , :ST , T ,,sd
b,bsd P
bs,TT : P
TSs ,,, ,b :
T SSssssssss ,b
. e . p . . i . . c . . .
. n . e . . w . . s . . . b,
Where is everyone? Anvilhed hasnt been around
lately, due to his ISP messing around and making it P P
impossible to get onto EFNet irc servers... And : :
according to him, he doesnt want to draw alone oh b, ,b
well, hopefully things will work out :.. In turn
Anvie has been moved to member and Maytag has moved
up to coordination, congrats!
The scene in general has been going downhill :
lately, not the group system. Critics like Dieznyik b,
say that the group structure is obsolete... Well, P
I challenge that idea. Lets think about this seriously :
for a moment. If you are a starting artist, or even ,b
an intermediate one, how on earth can you sustain
enough interest and discepline in ansi to release a
solo pack? Furthermore, a truly amazing pack? Groups P
help to develop your style, as artists are exposed to a :
greater variety of techniques. ,b
Even famous artists in the past worked together: P P
Picasso and Braque developed cubism, dada writers : :
collaborated at the Cabaret Voltaire, and so on. The only b, ,b
people who can thrive in a solo atmosphere are those who
have the determination and artistic drive to go alone:
this does not comprise a majority of the ansi scene. Face
it, people have lives, and to some ansi is a diversion at
best, rather than a full-blown artistic avenue. Groups help
bring together more serious minded artists with hobby-minded
ones, bringing together ideas and a sense of community.
So with this statement Id like to close my comments,
letting the art in this release speak for itself. Observe
the styles with an open mind and take a little time to
actually absorb the art. ie. do NOT spend 5 seconds looking
at an ansi and go to the next Respect the artists effort
and give the peice a chance.
Im extremely proud of everyone who is part of this
great group, a genuine experiment in originality, scope,
and diversity.
p.s. special thanks go out to tna and 4o, for inspiring me to
draw in new ways.
Argon of Epic
. n . e . . w . . s . . .
Well um, hi. Savage takin over with my usual 3 words of nothing.
Just three short days ago I had a harddrive full the the brim of shit.
So full in fact, that I went out and bought myself a nice new burner.
Then I came home, and fucked up my harddrive completely, losing EVERYTHING
on it, and having absolutely no use for the burner.
Next month.
Sorry boys,
savageCOW of Epic
. n . e . . w . . s . . .
Man my armpits stink... maybe i should use deoderant or
something. Maybe if i showered... errr... whats that? what?
you mean im on the air and you didnt tell me? errr
he he he*cough* Welcome to the third epic pack. I am all
nervous about this... i havent written an infofile since
i wrote the echo0697 info file with watOr. damn i miss him.
Anyways... moving on... I still plan on doing the epic music
disk. So far it seems that only myself and sod will be
releasing our music though because no one talks to me, cuz i
am a loser. Is it because i am fat? is it because... well...
anyways, epic kids, get out yer music making machines and
whip up a mod, it, s3m or mp3. email it to me.
i plan on releasing this disk around the 20th, so msg me as
soon as possible. also msg me if you want to do a guest song
because that is good too
oh ya, i almost forgot... along with making hellium a coded
emag with real content, it has become an epic production.
it is likely that epic4 will include hellium3, as hellium 2
will probably be released a few days after this pack. and
remember... draw and write for me thanks... over.
maytag man of Epic
. m . e . . m . . b . . . e . . . . r . . . . s . . .
Pardon the makeshift memberlist, a better one is being designed
for release 4.
coordination Argon SavageCOW Maytag Man
artists Arrogance anvilhed Alla Xul
Cryogenic Chronicc Drakul
LdLor Sod Snowball
Scoundrel ironCHEF Platoonim
s C
b a
S, v e , ,d
s, a g ,,
- ,ss,,,,sdS
:SST P : : P , b, ,,sP , :ST , T ,,sd
b,bsd P
bs,TT : P
TSs ,,, ,b :
T SSssssssss ,b
. e . p . . i . . c . . .
. n . e . . w . . s . . . b,
Where is everyone? Anvilhed hasnt been around
lately, due to his ISP messing around and making it P P
impossible to get onto EFNet irc servers... And : :
according to him, he doesnt want to draw alone oh b, ,b
well, hopefully things will work out :.. In turn
Anvie has been moved to member and Maytag has moved
up to coordination, congrats!
The scene in general has been going downhill :
lately, not the group system. Critics like Dieznyik b,
say that the group structure is obsolete... Well, P
I challenge that idea. Lets think about this seriously :
for a moment. If you are a starting artist, or even ,b
an intermediate one, how on earth can you sustain
enough interest and discepline in ansi to release a
solo pack? Furthermore, a truly amazing pack? Groups P
help to develop your style, as artists are exposed to a :
greater variety of techniques. ,b
Even famous artists in the past worked together: P P
Picasso and Braque developed cubism, dada writers : :
collaborated at the Cabaret Voltaire, and so on. The only b, ,b
people who can thrive in a solo atmosphere are those who
have the determination and artistic drive to go alone:
this does not comprise a majority of the ansi scene. Face
it, people have lives, and to some ansi is a diversion at
best, rather than a full-blown artistic avenue. Groups help
bring together more serious minded artists with hobby-minded
ones, bringing together ideas and a sense of community.
So with this statement Id like to close my comments,
letting the art in this release speak for itself. Observe
the styles with an open mind and take a little time to
actually absorb the art. ie. do NOT spend 5 seconds looking
at an ansi and go to the next Respect the artists effort
and give the peice a chance.
Im extremely proud of everyone who is part of this
great group, a genuine experiment in originality, scope,
and diversity.
p.s. special thanks go out to tna and 4o, for inspiring me to
draw in new ways.
Argon of Epic
. n . e . . w . . s . . .
Well um, hi. Savage takin over with my usual 3 words of nothing.
Just three short days ago I had a harddrive full the the brim of shit.
So full in fact, that I went out and bought myself a nice new burner.
Then I came home, and fucked up my harddrive completely, losing EVERYTHING
on it, and having absolutely no use for the burner.
Next month.
Sorry boys,
savageCOW of Epic
. n . e . . w . . s . . .
Man my armpits stink... maybe i should use deoderant or
something. Maybe if i showered... errr... whats that? what?
you mean im on the air and you didnt tell me? errr
he he he*cough* Welcome to the third epic pack. I am all
nervous about this... i havent written an infofile since
i wrote the echo0697 info file with watOr. damn i miss him.
Anyways... moving on... I still plan on doing the epic music
disk. So far it seems that only myself and sod will be
releasing our music though because no one talks to me, cuz i
am a loser. Is it because i am fat? is it because... well...
anyways, epic kids, get out yer music making machines and
whip up a mod, it, s3m or mp3. email it to me.
i plan on releasing this disk around the 20th, so msg me as
soon as possible. also msg me if you want to do a guest song
because that is good too
oh ya, i almost forgot... along with making hellium a coded
emag with real content, it has become an epic production.
it is likely that epic4 will include hellium3, as hellium 2
will probably be released a few days after this pack. and
remember... draw and write for me thanks... over.
maytag man of Epic
. m . e . . m . . b . . . e . . . . r . . . . s . . .
Pardon the makeshift memberlist, a better one is being designed
for release 4.
coordination Argon SavageCOW Maytag Man
artists Arrogance anvilhed Alla Xul
Cryogenic Chronicc Drakul
LdLor Sod Snowball
Scoundrel ironCHEF Platoonim
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