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Eternal Talk Issue 2 November 1993. ANSi Logo: Maestro ETERNiTY93
Hey whats up everyone, Maestro here. Well here it is folks,
our second release from ETERNiTY. I dont know about you but I
think its about ten times better then our last release. I also
think it came out pretty well considering we were somewhat in a
crippled state. So whats going on with ETERNiTY? Well, my good
friends, I shall tell you. Ok, well Im sure you noticed alot of
MA-s this release. Well, lemme explain. No, I dont think Im
so K-Rad that I should have the most ANSis in each pack. Our
good friend Viper from 604 was kind of left without a computer.
Well, its kind of hard drawing ANSis without a computer. Also,
we had three new artists join the group, Spirit of Illusion,
Outdoor Miner, and Lithium Insanity. Well, they joined pretty
late in the month so they really werent prepared to release
anything this month. So me, being the nice guy I am made up the
difference. I apologize to everyone about this months release,
I know you were expecting alot more. But I figured we made a
commitment to release a pack every month and it was my
responsibility to get you that pack no matter what. Incidently
this pack was not late, we decided to schedule our release date
to the 15th of every month. That way youll have a new pack to
look at in the middle of the month.
Ok, what else happened this month. Well we lost two members,
Hammer and Reaper. Both started in a local group called EPiC and
decided to go back. Theyre both real cool dudes and I hope they
have as much fun with it as we have with ETERNiTY. On the same
note, we gained five new members. Morat The Black who will be
doing some coding for us, Night Shade who will be doing some
couriering for us, Spirit Of Illusion, Lithium Insanity, and
Outdoor Miner who I mentioned before are new artists for us. Well,
I would like to welcome them to ETERNiTY. Now you might be
wondering why ETERNiTY is so small. The reason we dont have so
many members is because basicly we dont wnat to let people in
the group just for the sake of saying we have alot of members.
We have had alot of people apply to the group and to those who
didnt make it Im sorry and I really hope you try again.
Ok, so thats that. Now what did you think of this months
release. We would really like to here from you. Unfortunately my
late and departed VMB is no more We now bow our heads in silence.
So, if you are interested in recieving more info on ETERNiTY or
would like a request we can be reached via ToXiCNet, ValiantNet,
ImpactNet, and LethalNet. Also, if you are interested in applying
to ETERNiTY, please fill out the application included in this
months release and UL it to our WHQ or one of our 413 Member boards.
Maestro ETERNiTY/Prez/Artist
MindCrime: I think you do your best work on short notice:
Marly Man: FAWK? Hmm, I like it! :
ETERNiTY Crew: Next month! Im psyched!
TRiBE, BAD, RIOT, iMAGE: Keep up the great work guys.
Corruption Guys: I cant wait to see the mag.
That asshole that left me a message on my VMB saying we sucked and
that we would die after our first pack: Nanny Nanny Boo Boo!
Everyone in 413: Ah, theres no place like home:
Whats up.. Flat Line in this motha fuka. heh, anyway i really
dont have much to say so would like to give props out to the
iMAGE: Slick first pack guys, keep it up.
GRiP/AD: Every pack just keeps getting better and better.
FAWK: So did they ask ya to join the basket weaving division yet?
LUPUS: Great Idea.
All the small groups out there keep producing guys.
Marly Man: What the hell does *@-!*! mean? :
Hot Rod: The first ganksta in Assault
Cyber-Christ: Nice OverDose ansi too bad the eyes dont come out
All the other ETE guys! Fuck the impossible.
All of 413. Hey we may become a real ac someday
Yea, Yea.. Mazter here, well to all who doubted us for the 2nd
release, whats up now? huh? Greets go out to the following..
Hot Rod: Good luck in Assault, and keep up the great work.
Marly Man: Uhhh, did you like leave caps lock on or suttin.
Cyber-Christ: Great work, just dont get to lazy. :
iMAGE/EMPiRE: Good work you your first packs, look out for ETE.
LUPUS: LUPUS Rules! LUPUS Rules!, oh shit Im not CC of SWaT..
Rest of Eternity: Till death do us part.. on in 94.
Rest of 413: It sucks, its lame, not worth it..
... Peace
Hey whats up everyone, Maestro here. Well here it is folks,
our second release from ETERNiTY. I dont know about you but I
think its about ten times better then our last release. I also
think it came out pretty well considering we were somewhat in a
crippled state. So whats going on with ETERNiTY? Well, my good
friends, I shall tell you. Ok, well Im sure you noticed alot of
MA-s this release. Well, lemme explain. No, I dont think Im
so K-Rad that I should have the most ANSis in each pack. Our
good friend Viper from 604 was kind of left without a computer.
Well, its kind of hard drawing ANSis without a computer. Also,
we had three new artists join the group, Spirit of Illusion,
Outdoor Miner, and Lithium Insanity. Well, they joined pretty
late in the month so they really werent prepared to release
anything this month. So me, being the nice guy I am made up the
difference. I apologize to everyone about this months release,
I know you were expecting alot more. But I figured we made a
commitment to release a pack every month and it was my
responsibility to get you that pack no matter what. Incidently
this pack was not late, we decided to schedule our release date
to the 15th of every month. That way youll have a new pack to
look at in the middle of the month.
Ok, what else happened this month. Well we lost two members,
Hammer and Reaper. Both started in a local group called EPiC and
decided to go back. Theyre both real cool dudes and I hope they
have as much fun with it as we have with ETERNiTY. On the same
note, we gained five new members. Morat The Black who will be
doing some coding for us, Night Shade who will be doing some
couriering for us, Spirit Of Illusion, Lithium Insanity, and
Outdoor Miner who I mentioned before are new artists for us. Well,
I would like to welcome them to ETERNiTY. Now you might be
wondering why ETERNiTY is so small. The reason we dont have so
many members is because basicly we dont wnat to let people in
the group just for the sake of saying we have alot of members.
We have had alot of people apply to the group and to those who
didnt make it Im sorry and I really hope you try again.
Ok, so thats that. Now what did you think of this months
release. We would really like to here from you. Unfortunately my
late and departed VMB is no more We now bow our heads in silence.
So, if you are interested in recieving more info on ETERNiTY or
would like a request we can be reached via ToXiCNet, ValiantNet,
ImpactNet, and LethalNet. Also, if you are interested in applying
to ETERNiTY, please fill out the application included in this
months release and UL it to our WHQ or one of our 413 Member boards.
Maestro ETERNiTY/Prez/Artist
MindCrime: I think you do your best work on short notice:
Marly Man: FAWK? Hmm, I like it! :
ETERNiTY Crew: Next month! Im psyched!
TRiBE, BAD, RIOT, iMAGE: Keep up the great work guys.
Corruption Guys: I cant wait to see the mag.
That asshole that left me a message on my VMB saying we sucked and
that we would die after our first pack: Nanny Nanny Boo Boo!
Everyone in 413: Ah, theres no place like home:
Whats up.. Flat Line in this motha fuka. heh, anyway i really
dont have much to say so would like to give props out to the
iMAGE: Slick first pack guys, keep it up.
GRiP/AD: Every pack just keeps getting better and better.
FAWK: So did they ask ya to join the basket weaving division yet?
LUPUS: Great Idea.
All the small groups out there keep producing guys.
Marly Man: What the hell does *@-!*! mean? :
Hot Rod: The first ganksta in Assault
Cyber-Christ: Nice OverDose ansi too bad the eyes dont come out
All the other ETE guys! Fuck the impossible.
All of 413. Hey we may become a real ac someday
Yea, Yea.. Mazter here, well to all who doubted us for the 2nd
release, whats up now? huh? Greets go out to the following..
Hot Rod: Good luck in Assault, and keep up the great work.
Marly Man: Uhhh, did you like leave caps lock on or suttin.
Cyber-Christ: Great work, just dont get to lazy. :
iMAGE/EMPiRE: Good work you your first packs, look out for ETE.
LUPUS: LUPUS Rules! LUPUS Rules!, oh shit Im not CC of SWaT..
Rest of Eternity: Till death do us part.. on in 94.
Rest of 413: It sucks, its lame, not worth it..
... Peace
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