this image contains text
Heres the REAL Shit --
Da FiDELiS News, August
1995 0k, the news is gonna be short
this month because I dont have too much time.First that -- Im
going of vacation later today yeah! so thats why the packsc
oming out mondo early. Dont worry though, CyberPHck will still be up
if youneed to reach FiDELiS. This m
onth we welcome a ton of new artists, and a ton of wonderful work, to
FiDELiS -- on the ANSi Side, weve got both G figure out the
ansi codes onthat one, and Prime Time, two artists with a lot of p
otential who look like
their willing to work. Check out both of their contributions to this mont
hs paq
0n the VGA side, weve got an artist called Placebo who we
re not sure if
wants to join yet or not, but we went ahead included the advertisemnt h
e did
for CyberPHck -- check it out, it looks d0pe.
1n the Lit. and the Coders departments, we welcome the same
two artists go
figure, Transient and Happy The Clown. Theyve both got a lot of talent
writers, and were hoping they stick around for awihle... Also, Transient
month found the time to code us at least a preliminary version of an appl
icationgenerator, so check it out! Now you can actually fill somethi
ng out instead of
just using telepathy!
As far as sites go, were gaining so many that I cant reme
mber which ones
are new which old, so sorry about that guys, but all I can say is that
we DO
have a BUNCH of new sites, including two European ones. Also, we now have
regional distro in just about every corner of the states, making it easie
r too
for you guys to get in touch with us.
Welp, beyond that, the groups going well, as you all can s
ee its growing
well too, and hopefully will continue to do so -- but remember, at FiDELi
S we
dont give a fuck, were just in it to have fun : Ok, heres the obligat
thing -- if you want an ad for your board, or if you fill out an applicat
and forget where to send it, call up CyberPHck, 813399-2162, the FiDEL
World Headquarters, and either apply no NUP, or login as handle: FiDELi
password: FiDELiS, and you will have access to the FiDELiS shit suprise!
0k, thats about it, I gotta go paq for this trip, so Ill
check ya l8r
dudes : And again, hope that you like the pack we put together this mont
h -
not bad for three weeks :
Satan Clas FiDELiS Sen
Speaking for the rest of FiDELiS too
since I have them all tied up behind me
working non-stop on art
Heres the REAL Shit --
Da FiDELiS News, August
1995 0k, the news is gonna be short
this month because I dont have too much time.First that -- Im
going of vacation later today yeah! so thats why the packsc
oming out mondo early. Dont worry though, CyberPHck will still be up
if youneed to reach FiDELiS. This m
onth we welcome a ton of new artists, and a ton of wonderful work, to
FiDELiS -- on the ANSi Side, weve got both G figure out the
ansi codes onthat one, and Prime Time, two artists with a lot of p
otential who look like
their willing to work. Check out both of their contributions to this mont
hs paq
0n the VGA side, weve got an artist called Placebo who we
re not sure if
wants to join yet or not, but we went ahead included the advertisemnt h
e did
for CyberPHck -- check it out, it looks d0pe.
1n the Lit. and the Coders departments, we welcome the same
two artists go
figure, Transient and Happy The Clown. Theyve both got a lot of talent
writers, and were hoping they stick around for awihle... Also, Transient
month found the time to code us at least a preliminary version of an appl
icationgenerator, so check it out! Now you can actually fill somethi
ng out instead of
just using telepathy!
As far as sites go, were gaining so many that I cant reme
mber which ones
are new which old, so sorry about that guys, but all I can say is that
we DO
have a BUNCH of new sites, including two European ones. Also, we now have
regional distro in just about every corner of the states, making it easie
r too
for you guys to get in touch with us.
Welp, beyond that, the groups going well, as you all can s
ee its growing
well too, and hopefully will continue to do so -- but remember, at FiDELi
S we
dont give a fuck, were just in it to have fun : Ok, heres the obligat
thing -- if you want an ad for your board, or if you fill out an applicat
and forget where to send it, call up CyberPHck, 813399-2162, the FiDEL
World Headquarters, and either apply no NUP, or login as handle: FiDELi
password: FiDELiS, and you will have access to the FiDELiS shit suprise!
0k, thats about it, I gotta go paq for this trip, so Ill
check ya l8r
dudes : And again, hope that you like the pack we put together this mont
h -
not bad for three weeks :
Satan Clas FiDELiS Sen
Speaking for the rest of FiDELiS too
since I have them all tied up behind me
working non-stop on art
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