![Fire Member/Sitelist by Halaster](/pack/fire0296/x1/FIRE-NFO.ANS.png)
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Making a mess of the ansi scene ..
.. and loving every minute of it!
chief mileti: halaster hal
coding mileti: maxwell max
ansi mileti: the extremist te
ascii mileti: fractal ft
rip mileti: shaolin sa
laundry mileti: nivenh nv
special ops: prisoner1 p1
pyronet shmuck: fade fa
founders: donut hole dh vendetta ve
artists: anarchangel aa aphelion ap armageddon donut ad
bedlam bm bob the janitor btj crisis cr
dragoon kain dk eerie 33 firestone fs
god amoung lice gl ktulu kt lord cracker lc
nootropic nt panacea pn nosegos ng psionide ps
stone amnesia sam silver dragon sd silver rat sr
sinister x sx tyme tm tang tg vertigo vg
winbee wb x-lax xl young yo
legend division: iodine id prince of death pod somms so
affiliates: the regency whq harvest moon ushq
the deep umbra aushq ground zero israelhq
sarcastic toaster canhq apocalypse easthq
the gas chamber westhq daemons gate distro
the screaming tomato distro
whatever bbs ts wants distro
arpeggio.res.cmu.edu dedicated ftp site
note: send all applications to arpeggio.res.cmu.edu in the
/fire/applications directory or reach halaster on the
the regency at tregency.res.cmu.edu. you can also
seek out any of the miletis for the type of art you
wish to contribute.
memberlist by halasterfire
.. and loving every minute of it!
chief mileti: halaster hal
coding mileti: maxwell max
ansi mileti: the extremist te
ascii mileti: fractal ft
rip mileti: shaolin sa
laundry mileti: nivenh nv
special ops: prisoner1 p1
pyronet shmuck: fade fa
founders: donut hole dh vendetta ve
artists: anarchangel aa aphelion ap armageddon donut ad
bedlam bm bob the janitor btj crisis cr
dragoon kain dk eerie 33 firestone fs
god amoung lice gl ktulu kt lord cracker lc
nootropic nt panacea pn nosegos ng psionide ps
stone amnesia sam silver dragon sd silver rat sr
sinister x sx tyme tm tang tg vertigo vg
winbee wb x-lax xl young yo
legend division: iodine id prince of death pod somms so
affiliates: the regency whq harvest moon ushq
the deep umbra aushq ground zero israelhq
sarcastic toaster canhq apocalypse easthq
the gas chamber westhq daemons gate distro
the screaming tomato distro
whatever bbs ts wants distro
arpeggio.res.cmu.edu dedicated ftp site
note: send all applications to arpeggio.res.cmu.edu in the
/fire/applications directory or reach halaster on the
the regency at tregency.res.cmu.edu. you can also
seek out any of the miletis for the type of art you
wish to contribute.
memberlist by halasterfire
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