this image contains text
a Fire Production
Forgive me
forI am sin.
ansi for Library of Alexandria if nosegos did one, why cant
--line 38
now --Im tired of people talk-
ing about keep it real and representing, yet they sit and
let their cul-
ture be raped by ignorance. Im talking about hypocrisy. Im
talking about
ignorance and intolerance. Close-minded attitudes and aparthe
id. Ugly words
but accurate. This shit is about the frustration thats fucki
ng up the prog-
ram caused by the aforementioned mind states. Perhaps Im jus
t naive. You
may be thinking this all sounds personal. It is. While the g
ood far oversha-
dows the bad in my history --lately my mind has been bombarded
by the ugly side
of things. But I guess thats the strongest quality of ignora
nce --it is cons-
stantly expanding. I admit that my negative tone here this mo
nth may be a sign
of stress. You sometimes just have to let it out. My problem
, I guess, is
that this is my life. Living it and celebrating its existanc
e. And when I
see it being eroded by hypocrisy, I get pissed. -- Numb 06/96
Be a groupie. Fanclub. Its international: ih8numb@cyberspa
--line 55
Forgive me
forI am sin.
ansi for Library of Alexandria if nosegos did one, why cant
--line 38
now --Im tired of people talk-
ing about keep it real and representing, yet they sit and
let their cul-
ture be raped by ignorance. Im talking about hypocrisy. Im
talking about
ignorance and intolerance. Close-minded attitudes and aparthe
id. Ugly words
but accurate. This shit is about the frustration thats fucki
ng up the prog-
ram caused by the aforementioned mind states. Perhaps Im jus
t naive. You
may be thinking this all sounds personal. It is. While the g
ood far oversha-
dows the bad in my history --lately my mind has been bombarded
by the ugly side
of things. But I guess thats the strongest quality of ignora
nce --it is cons-
stantly expanding. I admit that my negative tone here this mo
nth may be a sign
of stress. You sometimes just have to let it out. My problem
, I guess, is
that this is my life. Living it and celebrating its existanc
e. And when I
see it being eroded by hypocrisy, I get pissed. -- Numb 06/96
Be a groupie. Fanclub. Its international: ih8numb@cyberspa
--line 55
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