this image contains text
FUEL Ansipack 7
ansipack7 info file. FUEL . We dont need no damn slogan to prove ourselves! . Yeah! Fuel did it again...the seventh pack turned out to be even better than the previous one...what happened ? Well, people started realising were here to stay! We whipped out
another groovy pack, thats what we did..
We also got bigger, first newcomer in our ansi ranks is
Night Angel, a former Triloxy member, but with his moving to
Leuven and all, he contacted us, and we welcomed him.
Weve been unsuccesfully trying to visit his house and meet
him there, but we always ended up being drunk in a caffee
nearby him. Better luck next time. Also Warlord is one of
our newbies, hes a good drawer and has proven his worth
already in iNK. Hes not yet contributed in this pack, but
when Im writing this I hope he will have either emailed me
or put his work on our site. So if there is any work of him
in this pack, then dont f*cking blame me, he shouldve sent
it to me faster anyhow. and Im too lazy to start editing
this text again..hell I was even too lazy to draw a new
Fuel logo to put on top of this info file :
Another new member is Zix... hes a very talented drawer that
used to draw for the famous errorart in the past. Make
sure you watch his work, cuz in my opinion it really rox.
He also draws some nifty asciis, which are certainly worth
to be looked at too.
And then theres still the rest of us...the good old Fuel
ansi gang, Thrasher, who won the Belgium Wired95 ansi
competition. He did a lot of quality work in this new pack
too. Necrofiliac, whos not only bloody dangerous, but also
a great drawer with his own kinda style. Lots of k-rad
ansis included from him too.. PooH, the poet : who should
try watching girls proportions some more... but is a very
nice, but slow, drawer. The Stinger contributed to this
seventh pack too, with a bunch of smaller ansis, which
I put all together into one big one. And then theres still
me, The Knight who has had very little time the last month,
and is very sorry if you requested an ansi from Fuel and
did not get it yet. You have to understand that we were
totally flooded by requests... I tried to live up to my
promises much as I could, but the time pressure was very
high and I wanted to release this pack on the 1st of december.
Some members were kicked because of inactivity and loss of
interest in the scene.
If you want to join forces with a good ansigroup and you
can live with some pressure, then try Fuel, you wont be
disappointed. If you want to join, zip some of your
previous work the best preferably and email it to me
the.knight@tornado.be or try to catch me on irc under
You can always ftp our latest releases and ansipacks from
our ftp site: hagar.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/pub/demos/fuel
or download them from a headquarter ofcourse.
Signing off....l8r..
FUEL ansi divison members
these are the people
that redefine the word ansi !
The Knight
E-mail:the.knight@tornado.be Cownet: 88:132/600.1
Or leave msg at Pointbreak
ansipack7 info file. FUEL . We dont need no damn slogan to prove ourselves! . Yeah! Fuel did it again...the seventh pack turned out to be even better than the previous one...what happened ? Well, people started realising were here to stay! We whipped out
another groovy pack, thats what we did..
We also got bigger, first newcomer in our ansi ranks is
Night Angel, a former Triloxy member, but with his moving to
Leuven and all, he contacted us, and we welcomed him.
Weve been unsuccesfully trying to visit his house and meet
him there, but we always ended up being drunk in a caffee
nearby him. Better luck next time. Also Warlord is one of
our newbies, hes a good drawer and has proven his worth
already in iNK. Hes not yet contributed in this pack, but
when Im writing this I hope he will have either emailed me
or put his work on our site. So if there is any work of him
in this pack, then dont f*cking blame me, he shouldve sent
it to me faster anyhow. and Im too lazy to start editing
this text again..hell I was even too lazy to draw a new
Fuel logo to put on top of this info file :
Another new member is Zix... hes a very talented drawer that
used to draw for the famous errorart in the past. Make
sure you watch his work, cuz in my opinion it really rox.
He also draws some nifty asciis, which are certainly worth
to be looked at too.
And then theres still the rest of us...the good old Fuel
ansi gang, Thrasher, who won the Belgium Wired95 ansi
competition. He did a lot of quality work in this new pack
too. Necrofiliac, whos not only bloody dangerous, but also
a great drawer with his own kinda style. Lots of k-rad
ansis included from him too.. PooH, the poet : who should
try watching girls proportions some more... but is a very
nice, but slow, drawer. The Stinger contributed to this
seventh pack too, with a bunch of smaller ansis, which
I put all together into one big one. And then theres still
me, The Knight who has had very little time the last month,
and is very sorry if you requested an ansi from Fuel and
did not get it yet. You have to understand that we were
totally flooded by requests... I tried to live up to my
promises much as I could, but the time pressure was very
high and I wanted to release this pack on the 1st of december.
Some members were kicked because of inactivity and loss of
interest in the scene.
If you want to join forces with a good ansigroup and you
can live with some pressure, then try Fuel, you wont be
disappointed. If you want to join, zip some of your
previous work the best preferably and email it to me
the.knight@tornado.be or try to catch me on irc under
You can always ftp our latest releases and ansipacks from
our ftp site: hagar.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/pub/demos/fuel
or download them from a headquarter ofcourse.
Signing off....l8r..
FUEL ansi divison members
these are the people
that redefine the word ansi !
The Knight
E-mail:the.knight@tornado.be Cownet: 88:132/600.1
Or leave msg at Pointbreak
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