this image contains text
.o fuels.infofile o.
.o wedontneednodamnslogantoproveourselves! o.
-- info on pack 8 -- hello world! yes world, because fuel has gone far beyond the
boundaries of belgium. belgium
is so small that one day, one way or another it had to become too small for our group. that
day has come now! we can proudly look back on past events that
have happened to us. and looking
back is just what were about to
do here in this infofile. you might have gotten curious with the eyes and stuff. we write the day february
2nd of 1995. fuels first release was a fact. it was a simple crappy modfile
composed by the knight. fuel consisted of six people at that time. they were
all more or less, lets say..pretty lame. there was still no sign whatsoever
of anything that looked like an ansi. since the knight didnt know shit
about the scene yet, he released some crappy files that contained some logos
and some asciis aswel. he proudly exclaimed
that they were ansipacks. this happened in
march 95. things went on and a few months
passed. then,things started to change pretty
rapidly. a local friend of us, whom we bap-
tized later as the necrofiliac, had shown
some interest in drawing ansis aswel. so he
and the knight got together and tried to
improve their skills. necrofiliac was kind
of fond of large ansis and insisted on
drawing large ansis. so it was. we started concentrating more on +100 line
ansis and by the time we got past pack 3 and 4, most of the pictures we did
were large ones. we picked up thrasher in the mean time, who was in the
beginning only known to us as a coder, but it appeared that the guy had some
skill in ansi drawing too, and he improved like a rocket. maybe one of the
reasons was that he had and has lots
of time. no! I hear him say now. im
just bloody talented you asshole. well
its true, he is. by that time we also
had our fair share of troubles and shit.
some members that were recruited turned
out to be rippers/lamers/assholes etc..
we also been spreading a virus in one of
our releases without knowing it. we got into some stupid dispute with
another good belgian group. things were cooking and we were getting more
and more known in our little country. im not saying that we were always
getting known in a good way. some thought of us that we were shit, some
thought we were cool. anyway, when I look at some of the people now that
were saying bad things about us, because we were still too small to react
to their accusations, and I find out, that they have disappeared from the
scene now, I can only conclude that they were just little brats with a big
mouth. around May, another milestone came up in fuel. deep freezer joined
us. he wasnt a drawer, coder, gfx
artist or composer, but he was, and
still is, one of the best, maybe even
the best, cordinator around. he
did many good things for our group.
he made sure that the members got
together, he rearranged some dist
sites, messed up the headquarter
listing, made sure that bad releases
were history, recruited new members,
did public relations, got us on the
internet, to name just a few. time passed on and systematically lame or
inactive members were being kicked and replaced by new and valuable members.
the ansi division picked up pooh, who was more into writing lits, but has
some nice ansi talents aswel. months passed and the WiRED annual competition came up. deep freezer urged us to go there with a large
group of guys and compete in as many compos as possible. so we did. WiRED was, for us, a big succes.
our demo, which was entirely coded in a rush weekend finished 12th. it was the second best belgian demo at wired. thrasher won the ansi competition and the knight got 4th place. the t-shirts we were wearing were a huge success aswel. we had many
positive reactions about them, and even so me requests. things got quiet for
a while and everybody was enjoying a well deserved month of rest. after
some time we got the hang of drawing and stuff again, contacted a new drawer
that was formerly in another belgian group, triloxy and asked him if he
wanted to join our ansidivision.
above all odds, he accepted and
we got together and improved our
mutual skills. so we added yet
another artist, night angel, to
our list. through the use of
extensive ircing on several ansi
channels on the internet, we got
to know more of the international
ansi scene and picked up again!? some very valuable members. the first
one to strengthen our ranks was warlord, from iNK. he was our first non-
belgian artist. more would follow soon. zix for instance, decided to give
the fuel-thing a chance and signed up with us and also dikarpo of providence
and stile was a great addition to our ansi division. those 3 foreign
members added that little something to
fuel that had always been missing. they
are specially talented in very good fonts,
which had been criticized much in that
period. another addition came quite
unexpectedly from a sysop that knew an
ansidrawer that didnt have any means of
contacting the outside world himself. so
he gave us some of his work, but up till
now I have no clue about whether I can
include his work or not and how to contact
the guy. the mysterious dude is red dwarf. he has been included in our
memberlisting, but due to safety precautions, no work has been included from
him yet. the thing that followed next had always been a dream of mine. we
got a step closer to getting the complete belgian ansi scene together. in
belgium, you had like exactly 4
groups that produced ansipacks. these
were bdp, cow, fuel, and tly. well,
cow merged into fuel, so now there
is still 3 groups around.that reminds
me of a local song tien kleine negers
but hell, thats got nothing to do
with it, and is probably not even
concievable for translation into
another language. with the merging
of cow into fuel, we got a very good
start of 1996. burps and whitesnake
of odium, scratch and csurfer joined
our team. this concludes the members
so far. now on irc we have been asked
several times to merge with existing american ansi groups. here is what we
have to say about this. we will in no way deny our fuel-being and wipe out
the name that we established so far. there is no place nor time for nego-
tiating a merge with fuel so please stop asking for it. if there will ever
be a merger, WE will discuss the terms and not the other way around. if you
cannot live with that, thats just fine, then dont live ! another very
annoying thing is the constant begging for a
site or headquarter of fuel by some sysops.
we wont take any more hqs or sites unless
there is NO hq or site in that particular
country. thats clear enough .. and now for
the last subject, requesting ansis. if you
ever request an ansi from fuel, then take
in consideration that YOU do not tell us when
the ansi should be finished, but WE will let you know when it is finished,
by either, giving it to you on irc, or by putting it in one of our next
packs. its just like in communist russia, you dont have to pay for it, but
it can take ages before you get it. we
draw ansi for fun, and you know youll
get the quality, therefor, youll just
have to be patient.
now for closing this info-file, Ill just add some technical information.
I know nobody gives a shit about it, but
Ill do it anyhow. by the way, more
artists are ofcourse always welcome.
zip up some of your previous work and
fill in the application form that should
be included in this package. upload all
that on our whq or make sure one of the
members gets it.
signing of, l8er...
the knightfuel
e-mail the knight: siemen.ghysens@ping.be
fuel ftp site: hagar.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/pub/demos/fuel
fuel homepage: tristan.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/users/deep under construction
or visit us on irc for a chat on fuel
FUEL ansi divison members
these are the people
that redefine the word ansi !
greets in alphabetical order
acid acme anemia bdp blind blaze dezign ice ink
legend odium phat stile teklordz tly
.o wedontneednodamnslogantoproveourselves! o.
-- info on pack 8 -- hello world! yes world, because fuel has gone far beyond the
boundaries of belgium. belgium
is so small that one day, one way or another it had to become too small for our group. that
day has come now! we can proudly look back on past events that
have happened to us. and looking
back is just what were about to
do here in this infofile. you might have gotten curious with the eyes and stuff. we write the day february
2nd of 1995. fuels first release was a fact. it was a simple crappy modfile
composed by the knight. fuel consisted of six people at that time. they were
all more or less, lets say..pretty lame. there was still no sign whatsoever
of anything that looked like an ansi. since the knight didnt know shit
about the scene yet, he released some crappy files that contained some logos
and some asciis aswel. he proudly exclaimed
that they were ansipacks. this happened in
march 95. things went on and a few months
passed. then,things started to change pretty
rapidly. a local friend of us, whom we bap-
tized later as the necrofiliac, had shown
some interest in drawing ansis aswel. so he
and the knight got together and tried to
improve their skills. necrofiliac was kind
of fond of large ansis and insisted on
drawing large ansis. so it was. we started concentrating more on +100 line
ansis and by the time we got past pack 3 and 4, most of the pictures we did
were large ones. we picked up thrasher in the mean time, who was in the
beginning only known to us as a coder, but it appeared that the guy had some
skill in ansi drawing too, and he improved like a rocket. maybe one of the
reasons was that he had and has lots
of time. no! I hear him say now. im
just bloody talented you asshole. well
its true, he is. by that time we also
had our fair share of troubles and shit.
some members that were recruited turned
out to be rippers/lamers/assholes etc..
we also been spreading a virus in one of
our releases without knowing it. we got into some stupid dispute with
another good belgian group. things were cooking and we were getting more
and more known in our little country. im not saying that we were always
getting known in a good way. some thought of us that we were shit, some
thought we were cool. anyway, when I look at some of the people now that
were saying bad things about us, because we were still too small to react
to their accusations, and I find out, that they have disappeared from the
scene now, I can only conclude that they were just little brats with a big
mouth. around May, another milestone came up in fuel. deep freezer joined
us. he wasnt a drawer, coder, gfx
artist or composer, but he was, and
still is, one of the best, maybe even
the best, cordinator around. he
did many good things for our group.
he made sure that the members got
together, he rearranged some dist
sites, messed up the headquarter
listing, made sure that bad releases
were history, recruited new members,
did public relations, got us on the
internet, to name just a few. time passed on and systematically lame or
inactive members were being kicked and replaced by new and valuable members.
the ansi division picked up pooh, who was more into writing lits, but has
some nice ansi talents aswel. months passed and the WiRED annual competition came up. deep freezer urged us to go there with a large
group of guys and compete in as many compos as possible. so we did. WiRED was, for us, a big succes.
our demo, which was entirely coded in a rush weekend finished 12th. it was the second best belgian demo at wired. thrasher won the ansi competition and the knight got 4th place. the t-shirts we were wearing were a huge success aswel. we had many
positive reactions about them, and even so me requests. things got quiet for
a while and everybody was enjoying a well deserved month of rest. after
some time we got the hang of drawing and stuff again, contacted a new drawer
that was formerly in another belgian group, triloxy and asked him if he
wanted to join our ansidivision.
above all odds, he accepted and
we got together and improved our
mutual skills. so we added yet
another artist, night angel, to
our list. through the use of
extensive ircing on several ansi
channels on the internet, we got
to know more of the international
ansi scene and picked up again!? some very valuable members. the first
one to strengthen our ranks was warlord, from iNK. he was our first non-
belgian artist. more would follow soon. zix for instance, decided to give
the fuel-thing a chance and signed up with us and also dikarpo of providence
and stile was a great addition to our ansi division. those 3 foreign
members added that little something to
fuel that had always been missing. they
are specially talented in very good fonts,
which had been criticized much in that
period. another addition came quite
unexpectedly from a sysop that knew an
ansidrawer that didnt have any means of
contacting the outside world himself. so
he gave us some of his work, but up till
now I have no clue about whether I can
include his work or not and how to contact
the guy. the mysterious dude is red dwarf. he has been included in our
memberlisting, but due to safety precautions, no work has been included from
him yet. the thing that followed next had always been a dream of mine. we
got a step closer to getting the complete belgian ansi scene together. in
belgium, you had like exactly 4
groups that produced ansipacks. these
were bdp, cow, fuel, and tly. well,
cow merged into fuel, so now there
is still 3 groups around.that reminds
me of a local song tien kleine negers
but hell, thats got nothing to do
with it, and is probably not even
concievable for translation into
another language. with the merging
of cow into fuel, we got a very good
start of 1996. burps and whitesnake
of odium, scratch and csurfer joined
our team. this concludes the members
so far. now on irc we have been asked
several times to merge with existing american ansi groups. here is what we
have to say about this. we will in no way deny our fuel-being and wipe out
the name that we established so far. there is no place nor time for nego-
tiating a merge with fuel so please stop asking for it. if there will ever
be a merger, WE will discuss the terms and not the other way around. if you
cannot live with that, thats just fine, then dont live ! another very
annoying thing is the constant begging for a
site or headquarter of fuel by some sysops.
we wont take any more hqs or sites unless
there is NO hq or site in that particular
country. thats clear enough .. and now for
the last subject, requesting ansis. if you
ever request an ansi from fuel, then take
in consideration that YOU do not tell us when
the ansi should be finished, but WE will let you know when it is finished,
by either, giving it to you on irc, or by putting it in one of our next
packs. its just like in communist russia, you dont have to pay for it, but
it can take ages before you get it. we
draw ansi for fun, and you know youll
get the quality, therefor, youll just
have to be patient.
now for closing this info-file, Ill just add some technical information.
I know nobody gives a shit about it, but
Ill do it anyhow. by the way, more
artists are ofcourse always welcome.
zip up some of your previous work and
fill in the application form that should
be included in this package. upload all
that on our whq or make sure one of the
members gets it.
signing of, l8er...
the knightfuel
e-mail the knight: siemen.ghysens@ping.be
fuel ftp site: hagar.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/pub/demos/fuel
fuel homepage: tristan.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/users/deep under construction
or visit us on irc for a chat on fuel
FUEL ansi divison members
these are the people
that redefine the word ansi !
greets in alphabetical order
acid acme anemia bdp blind blaze dezign ice ink
legend odium phat stile teklordz tly
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