this image contains text
pACk 5 - nEWSLETTEr 23-07-98 fLAnGe pRoDuCtiOns 1998
1. Introduction
Weve made it to 5! Maybe something serious might evolve! Weve got more
new members.. If yer into street art and graff. then sus out the new guys
work. His alias: riMBash, so please make welcome his presence in flange.
Look out this month for one killer music pack containing the best scene music
youve heard since fc days. Also in this pack included is the first flange
made winamp skin. Thanks to Basher for the idea, DrainAmp is now a reality,
and keep yer eyes skinned in the future for fLANGeAmp which is sure to kick
ass bigtime! We have various cd cover designs from dev for the fisrt flange
demo cd in the making No carrier. Also Varios menu sets, some free, some
not and a couple of the best intro ansis Ive done in a while. Our litrature
dept has supplied some material for your enjoyment too.
Well enough of me spoiling it for ya, go ahead... take a look! ...enjoy!
2. Members
mr.d sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
dev sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
genocyber sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
ibanez sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
ataxia sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
ninja sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
danno sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
rimbash sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
kannible sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
xlr8 above ground manager radio,publicity,etc code - lit
3. Pack Contents
news.ans - this file.
mrd-hack.ans - Hack central ansi for Lord Byron.
mrd-flfl.ans - Flash Flood intro ansi for beef of flashflood bbs.
mrd-menu.ans - Menuset. Free for taking. Sorta elitish style.
mrd-kill.ans - 3 ansi skins for Boogie mans Lamer killer pro.
mrd-dude.ans - New Drain intro ansi for the drain bbs mine.
dev-menu.ans - Menuset for Gelf of the Corellia system bbs.
dev-cd1.jpg - Flange demo cd 1 cover design.
dev-cd2.jpg - Flange demo cd 1 cover design.
dev-cd3.jpg - Flange demo cd 1 cover design.
drainamp.zip - DrainAmp - Winamp skin made by Mr.D.
rim-fros.jpg - Digitized Graff.
rim-lens.jpg - Digitized Graff.
rim-len2.jpg - Digitized Graff.
rim-mrd.jpg - Digitized Graff. - it says Mr.D hehe sik hey.
xl8-drug.txt - The roundabout. - a must for any smoker.
kbl-rain.txt - Eternal rain.
4. Distro Sites
WHQ the drain 9873-5513 mr.D
digital utopia 9795-3803 is0T0ne
midian 9527-5873 wolverine
corellia system 9763-5703 gelf
5. Joining Information
If you wish to join flange, you must be completely dedicated or
down the drain with you. We are all motivated here.
Contact Dev or Mr.D at any of the bbss listed above
to inquire about our group and/or to recieve joining information.
6. Credits
If you have ANY complaints critisizm etc etc. direct them to MR.D at the drain
or any of the boards he calls, e-mail to drainboyz@hotmail.com.
or just call the Drain BBS on 9873-5513 and leave notes to whomever.
please note: All flange material is 100 original unless otherwise indicated.
fLAnGe pRoDuCtiOns 1998
1. Introduction
Weve made it to 5! Maybe something serious might evolve! Weve got more
new members.. If yer into street art and graff. then sus out the new guys
work. His alias: riMBash, so please make welcome his presence in flange.
Look out this month for one killer music pack containing the best scene music
youve heard since fc days. Also in this pack included is the first flange
made winamp skin. Thanks to Basher for the idea, DrainAmp is now a reality,
and keep yer eyes skinned in the future for fLANGeAmp which is sure to kick
ass bigtime! We have various cd cover designs from dev for the fisrt flange
demo cd in the making No carrier. Also Varios menu sets, some free, some
not and a couple of the best intro ansis Ive done in a while. Our litrature
dept has supplied some material for your enjoyment too.
Well enough of me spoiling it for ya, go ahead... take a look! ...enjoy!
2. Members
mr.d sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
dev sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
genocyber sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
ibanez sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
ataxia sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
ninja sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
danno sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
rimbash sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
kannible sysop - ansi - ascii - vga - track - mp3 - code - lit
xlr8 above ground manager radio,publicity,etc code - lit
3. Pack Contents
news.ans - this file.
mrd-hack.ans - Hack central ansi for Lord Byron.
mrd-flfl.ans - Flash Flood intro ansi for beef of flashflood bbs.
mrd-menu.ans - Menuset. Free for taking. Sorta elitish style.
mrd-kill.ans - 3 ansi skins for Boogie mans Lamer killer pro.
mrd-dude.ans - New Drain intro ansi for the drain bbs mine.
dev-menu.ans - Menuset for Gelf of the Corellia system bbs.
dev-cd1.jpg - Flange demo cd 1 cover design.
dev-cd2.jpg - Flange demo cd 1 cover design.
dev-cd3.jpg - Flange demo cd 1 cover design.
drainamp.zip - DrainAmp - Winamp skin made by Mr.D.
rim-fros.jpg - Digitized Graff.
rim-lens.jpg - Digitized Graff.
rim-len2.jpg - Digitized Graff.
rim-mrd.jpg - Digitized Graff. - it says Mr.D hehe sik hey.
xl8-drug.txt - The roundabout. - a must for any smoker.
kbl-rain.txt - Eternal rain.
4. Distro Sites
WHQ the drain 9873-5513 mr.D
digital utopia 9795-3803 is0T0ne
midian 9527-5873 wolverine
corellia system 9763-5703 gelf
5. Joining Information
If you wish to join flange, you must be completely dedicated or
down the drain with you. We are all motivated here.
Contact Dev or Mr.D at any of the bbss listed above
to inquire about our group and/or to recieve joining information.
6. Credits
If you have ANY complaints critisizm etc etc. direct them to MR.D at the drain
or any of the boards he calls, e-mail to drainboyz@hotmail.com.
or just call the Drain BBS on 9873-5513 and leave notes to whomever.
please note: All flange material is 100 original unless otherwise indicated.
fLAnGe pRoDuCtiOns 1998
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