this image contains text
.,. ?Sa,. -WHOLEtype . ShrimpFLG .**/. ?Sg. . .
. .. 7l ?b,. . */a.
.P db j *P ,1. */. ?1 ? .P /g. ?S* .d /. . 7b. *S d* .p 1k 1P .iP , /b
. ?/. . lP . ,dP 11 .* .dj*-a. 1:
, ?l. . ?1 lP , 1P 1P . , .b. 1: . *b ,d .d1 l1 dP ,* , .a ll b. jP .d1 :. ?b /,. *?P ,1 jb ?1. b. /b *. /ja.
P ., ,b. ?b ? b /* . ,a,. ?b . .1: 1 1P* ., , *jl ll1 ?1. /jP* ,dP .P ,g s,. j*. /b. ? .,iP ,j1 1l .ab ?.,d
P : * a //. lb. /j* , . *j,. ?b ?b. / ,d . *Sl 1. .,1 Wa, */* ,P lP*
Foliage premier pack. 1i lP ?
July 2001. *Wb
Given the fact that only a tiny percentage of the current scene has seen the
pre-Foliage info file, Im releasing it here again, in hope that more people
will take a look at it and see if they share my ideas. This is very important,
because this is what Foliage actually stands for.
The PC underground art scene is dead. And this isnt a new thing. Both ASCII andANSI scenes arent what they used to be. It was a foretold destiny that no one
couldve changed. But fuck it, really, nobody really cares about the scene
anyway. What you see now very few gigantic, low-quality, inactive art groups,
in addition to incredibly dead IRC channels isnt the scene. It is the inactiveghost of it. There is no way to destroy it and replace it with a revived scene:
that is a well known fact now, after several attempts to have done so failed.
Foliage is all about drawing. Its additue isnt about wAnTiNG tO rEvIvE tHe
sCeNe WiTh CrEatIng 99992345 NeW gRoUPZ aNd GaInINg 1000 MeMbAz. No- Foliage
is art neto. It seeks beauty and asthetics, talent and originality, intelligenceand creativity. The artistic aspect of our work is the one that should matter tous. Foliage is for those of you who show interest in art, aside from the comput-er world. Its goal is to provide gifted people with an established area to
release their art, without having to take this rotten shit from our scene-
and you know exactly what I mean. Hopefully Foliage packs will motivate people
to draw again. So far all attempts to revive the scene were done in the field
of politics. Foliage is going to try the field of art, for this is what its allabout.
Foliage does not intend to be in close touch with outside groups- It will
therefor never merge with any of these. Dualing will be limited, however not
forbidden. Excessive dualing, among other things, will slowly degenerate the
team to the state of Remorse!Ascii and the like. We do not try to revive the
scene, and certainly do not wish to become a part of its ghost.
All Foliage members must be artists, and active ones. An artist who fails to
release for more than two packs in succession is removed.
As previously said, asthetics is a very important value to us: as a result, I
will not accept applications from oldschool ASCII artists. Im looking for ANSI,WHOLEtype colored newschool ascii and RIP artists who match the requirements
above. Again, Foliage emphasizes art, thus we are looking for pure artists in
mind and soul. Arrogant, manipulative and ungifted people shouldnt join what
rules out most of the current scenes members.. heh. If an artist is not sureabout his quality, he is still allowed to join, in assumption he makes serious
efforts to improve. I would, though, prefer having skilled artists instead.
Foliage will release even if it has only one member. I dont give a fuck about
the number of people recuited. I certainly dont want to make Foliage a group
of 50 members or more, since that would be harmful. Coming to think about it,
the optimal state would be to have no more than twelve 12 members. Join only
if you really want to and if you love to draw. Do that by Emailing the followingaddress: Shrimp@hotmail.co.il or alternately catch me on ascii/ans as Shrimp. Remember- Youre not making me a huge favour by joining. I would be very happy
if you joined, but as I said before, Foliage will live without you. :.
Assuming youve read it, Im going to remark a few rules that have recently
1: In addition to oldschool ASCII, another medium that is rejected by Foliage
is comic ripping. Sorry POLYGON.
1a: Oldschool ASCII artists ARE allowed to join, assuming they are blood-related to the founder Shrimp.
2: We are in a desperate need of members. Please join. Foliage will NOT live
without you.
Well, there arent any real news for this premier pack. Nobody wanted to join
the group, except for my little brother, who is only using Foliage as a stage
to present his works, in order for other groups to take him. I chose not to killoff the group and accept invitations from other groups, because Im hoping that
this pack will attract different artists and make them join. Who knows.
I also got my internet connection back, so I guess Ill get on more often.
Another thing is, that Im seriously considering to stop drawing ASCII. I just
dont like it.
Oh, and theres gonna be a REAL picture of me in next months pack, heh.
Members Information
Shrimp Founder
Real Name: Itamar Ben-David
D/O/B: 22/10/1984
Current Whereabouts: Jerusalem, Israel
Joined the scene in early 1997. Served as a member for rCa, CIA, Awe Lettering,
Glue, Odelay, the revived version of Noname!ascii, and until recently - Mimic.
Draws newschool ASCII and recently focuses on ANSI and VGA. Practices different
art classes in and outside school. Hates oldschool ASCII and comic ripping.
Also hates to talk about himself on 3rd form.
Ubiquity The only oldschooler ever to be in Foliage:
Real Name: Matan Ben-David
D/O/B: 31/07/1986
Current Whereabouts: Jerusalem, Israel
Joined the scene in July 2001. Draws oldschool for some reason. Looking for a
group thatll take him.
Contact Foliage
Would you like to join us? Rate us? Comment us?
Do that by E-mailing me: Shrimp@hotmail.co.il or via IRC.
. .. 7l ?b,. . */a.
.P db j *P ,1. */. ?1 ? .P /g. ?S* .d /. . 7b. *S d* .p 1k 1P .iP , /b
. ?/. . lP . ,dP 11 .* .dj*-a. 1:
, ?l. . ?1 lP , 1P 1P . , .b. 1: . *b ,d .d1 l1 dP ,* , .a ll b. jP .d1 :. ?b /,. *?P ,1 jb ?1. b. /b *. /ja.
P ., ,b. ?b ? b /* . ,a,. ?b . .1: 1 1P* ., , *jl ll1 ?1. /jP* ,dP .P ,g s,. j*. /b. ? .,iP ,j1 1l .ab ?.,d
P : * a //. lb. /j* , . *j,. ?b ?b. / ,d . *Sl 1. .,1 Wa, */* ,P lP*
Foliage premier pack. 1i lP ?
July 2001. *Wb
Given the fact that only a tiny percentage of the current scene has seen the
pre-Foliage info file, Im releasing it here again, in hope that more people
will take a look at it and see if they share my ideas. This is very important,
because this is what Foliage actually stands for.
The PC underground art scene is dead. And this isnt a new thing. Both ASCII andANSI scenes arent what they used to be. It was a foretold destiny that no one
couldve changed. But fuck it, really, nobody really cares about the scene
anyway. What you see now very few gigantic, low-quality, inactive art groups,
in addition to incredibly dead IRC channels isnt the scene. It is the inactiveghost of it. There is no way to destroy it and replace it with a revived scene:
that is a well known fact now, after several attempts to have done so failed.
Foliage is all about drawing. Its additue isnt about wAnTiNG tO rEvIvE tHe
sCeNe WiTh CrEatIng 99992345 NeW gRoUPZ aNd GaInINg 1000 MeMbAz. No- Foliage
is art neto. It seeks beauty and asthetics, talent and originality, intelligenceand creativity. The artistic aspect of our work is the one that should matter tous. Foliage is for those of you who show interest in art, aside from the comput-er world. Its goal is to provide gifted people with an established area to
release their art, without having to take this rotten shit from our scene-
and you know exactly what I mean. Hopefully Foliage packs will motivate people
to draw again. So far all attempts to revive the scene were done in the field
of politics. Foliage is going to try the field of art, for this is what its allabout.
Foliage does not intend to be in close touch with outside groups- It will
therefor never merge with any of these. Dualing will be limited, however not
forbidden. Excessive dualing, among other things, will slowly degenerate the
team to the state of Remorse!Ascii and the like. We do not try to revive the
scene, and certainly do not wish to become a part of its ghost.
All Foliage members must be artists, and active ones. An artist who fails to
release for more than two packs in succession is removed.
As previously said, asthetics is a very important value to us: as a result, I
will not accept applications from oldschool ASCII artists. Im looking for ANSI,WHOLEtype colored newschool ascii and RIP artists who match the requirements
above. Again, Foliage emphasizes art, thus we are looking for pure artists in
mind and soul. Arrogant, manipulative and ungifted people shouldnt join what
rules out most of the current scenes members.. heh. If an artist is not sureabout his quality, he is still allowed to join, in assumption he makes serious
efforts to improve. I would, though, prefer having skilled artists instead.
Foliage will release even if it has only one member. I dont give a fuck about
the number of people recuited. I certainly dont want to make Foliage a group
of 50 members or more, since that would be harmful. Coming to think about it,
the optimal state would be to have no more than twelve 12 members. Join only
if you really want to and if you love to draw. Do that by Emailing the followingaddress: Shrimp@hotmail.co.il or alternately catch me on ascii/ans as Shrimp. Remember- Youre not making me a huge favour by joining. I would be very happy
if you joined, but as I said before, Foliage will live without you. :.
Assuming youve read it, Im going to remark a few rules that have recently
1: In addition to oldschool ASCII, another medium that is rejected by Foliage
is comic ripping. Sorry POLYGON.
1a: Oldschool ASCII artists ARE allowed to join, assuming they are blood-related to the founder Shrimp.
2: We are in a desperate need of members. Please join. Foliage will NOT live
without you.
Well, there arent any real news for this premier pack. Nobody wanted to join
the group, except for my little brother, who is only using Foliage as a stage
to present his works, in order for other groups to take him. I chose not to killoff the group and accept invitations from other groups, because Im hoping that
this pack will attract different artists and make them join. Who knows.
I also got my internet connection back, so I guess Ill get on more often.
Another thing is, that Im seriously considering to stop drawing ASCII. I just
dont like it.
Oh, and theres gonna be a REAL picture of me in next months pack, heh.
Members Information
Shrimp Founder
Real Name: Itamar Ben-David
D/O/B: 22/10/1984
Current Whereabouts: Jerusalem, Israel
Joined the scene in early 1997. Served as a member for rCa, CIA, Awe Lettering,
Glue, Odelay, the revived version of Noname!ascii, and until recently - Mimic.
Draws newschool ASCII and recently focuses on ANSI and VGA. Practices different
art classes in and outside school. Hates oldschool ASCII and comic ripping.
Also hates to talk about himself on 3rd form.
Ubiquity The only oldschooler ever to be in Foliage:
Real Name: Matan Ben-David
D/O/B: 31/07/1986
Current Whereabouts: Jerusalem, Israel
Joined the scene in July 2001. Draws oldschool for some reason. Looking for a
group thatll take him.
Contact Foliage
Would you like to join us? Rate us? Comment us?
Do that by E-mailing me: Shrimp@hotmail.co.il or via IRC.
log in to add a comment.