this image contains text
We didnt have much to say so we put everything in one bi
g happy file..
------@ flood member list as of 05/96
dPflood productions ,d@
-- founders --
@ ,dP pack number one... @ :
rheostatic re, neochronyk nc
: d released 05/96..... : ,:
:m,,: g@g d@SS@b d@SS@ ,: :
-- coordinators --
: : : @ @ : ,: : :
member: Poetic Justice po
ansi: Forsaken Prophet p
!@ : : : ,: : : @ @
ascii: Your name here
P @ ,:@P Y@P 4
vga: Your name here
:fid.diz by rheostatic.................
-------@ -- artists --
Chamber cr, vga
rheostatics Notes: Critical Mass cm
, vga
Forsaken Prophet p, ansi
Here we go, flood pack number one. Nothing Gohan
gh, vga
really special, not too big, not too many neoc
hronyk nc, ascii
members. But that really doesnt matter Poetic Ju
stice po, ansi
cause were not in competition with rheostati
c re, ascii
anyone, we just want to put out some good
Shamen sh, ascii
art and when we get bigger and better, The U
ndead Sorcerer tus, ansi
good for us.
-- coders --
Anyway, as I have pointed out already, the Chaos
cs, asm
pack is rather small. About 100k unzipped. Critical M
ass cm, pascal/C++
Nonetheless.. The art in the pack is Vacuum Tu
be vt!, C++
of good quality and it will stay that way.
And I guess 100k isnt that bad for a -- m
isc --
small local group with no members. : Nuremberg
nu, aid
aleXon ax, html
As you can see, we dont have a VGA or Vacuum Tu
be vt!, html
ASCII coordinator as of yet.. So if you
would like to be either coordinator, -- b
oards --
contact me or neochronyk. The Th
irteenth Halo, whq
Prophecy, member board
A viewer and an app generator are underway
The Ides Of March, member board
for the next pack. We would have had it C
ool Dudes Incorporated, dist
for this pack but we screwed up..
-- http:// --
flood is a beta test group for Hoopties www.geocities
.com/SiliconValley/2620ArtWorx, one hell of
an ANSI editor.
Featuring a VGA mode editor, a VGA font
-- ftp:// --
generator, a palette editor, unlimited
length ANSIs, BinVU .EXE saved ANSIs,
plus tons of great features. If you would -- e
mail --
like some info, mail Hooptie at:
hooptie@cibola.net neochronyk:
Lessee.. my birthday is on May 5th.. so i d
ecided to keep from releasing thepack un
til that date.. ya know, just for fun..
Hmm.. id like to that Poetic Justice for making this all pr
ofessional lookingand fixing grammer, spelling, etc..
Well I know Im missing a lot of stuff that I should
be saying but Im too lazyto try to remember it all, so
Ill hope that nc will be able to say somethingabout it.
So I hope you enjoy the pack..
-rheospastic, flood founder
neochronyks notes:
Welcome to floods first catastrophic production. Afte
r about 3 months ofdelay, were finally getting our first
pack out. As of today, most of the groupis out of the 403
, but that has shit to do with talent. There is something
aboutthis area code that pumps out great artists. I woul
d like to extend a personalgreeting to some other 403 big-
guys, Ghengis ACiD you owe me a keyboard :Treason
ACiD, and Nuremberg ACiD.ASCii warez-puppy in disguise
Needless to say this is my first notes, and I dont
really read othergroups notes, so I have no idea what t
o write. If youre wondering what floodsabout, its like
this. So far were mostly ASCII, and damn fine ASCII at
that.We have a couple great ANSI dudes, and were a littl
e short on VGA. We are allfriendly, and no one has an ego
. Most importantly, we do not act black.
Lastly, Id like to point out the pathetic turn the a
rt scene is taking.People seem to think its okay to be in
15 groups, hop in bed with every othergroup they meet,
and act like theyre black-ass-bitches. It makes the scene
looklike its run by 14 year little fucks. Quit it with
the j00 lIke dA wuu-TANg!shit, and draw and be modest.
This has to be the main reason ACiD is such aquality g
roup, you dont see shit like that. Another problem is eg
o-ass motherfuckers thinking theyre so hot cause they d
raw. Well heres the deal: thisis a computer, and no
matter how well you draw, if you dont have a REAL life,yo
ure a loser. Quit thinking this is reality and this is
all that matters.Join a group that you like, support t
hat group, and dont act black, causeyoure not and yo
u look like a bunch of fucking idiots.
Lastly lastly, we are currently searching for more members.
However we willnot take the turn most new groups do
when theyre desperate and take inshitty artists.
We will maintain a high quality level in all of our p
acks.I would rather have 30k of quality, than 200k of 170k
shit. If anyone wishes toapply, mail one of the email ad
dresses, or call my board tth:403:252:7694 andapply for
an account by leaving a matrix feedback to me with your
intent andarea code, or contact a member via IRC. Tha
ts all I have to say. Enjoy thefirst flood pack.
neochronyk - flood i996 - founder
g r e e t i n g s
Im gonna do some quicky greets here, just cause i
ve been in a bitchy mood forthe last couple of days.. he
re goes neochronyk, Poetic Justice, Nuremberg,Ghengis,
Treason, Hiro Protgagonist, Mithrandir, Forsaken Prophet,
Tempus, Cain,the rest of the boys in flood, the makers o
f Menthos, and.. umm.. i know i ammissing some people.. n
othing personal, im just dumb.. :
g happy file..
------@ flood member list as of 05/96
dPflood productions ,d@
-- founders --
@ ,dP pack number one... @ :
rheostatic re, neochronyk nc
: d released 05/96..... : ,:
:m,,: g@g d@SS@b d@SS@ ,: :
-- coordinators --
: : : @ @ : ,: : :
member: Poetic Justice po
ansi: Forsaken Prophet p
!@ : : : ,: : : @ @
ascii: Your name here
P @ ,:@P Y@P 4
vga: Your name here
:fid.diz by rheostatic.................
-------@ -- artists --
Chamber cr, vga
rheostatics Notes: Critical Mass cm
, vga
Forsaken Prophet p, ansi
Here we go, flood pack number one. Nothing Gohan
gh, vga
really special, not too big, not too many neoc
hronyk nc, ascii
members. But that really doesnt matter Poetic Ju
stice po, ansi
cause were not in competition with rheostati
c re, ascii
anyone, we just want to put out some good
Shamen sh, ascii
art and when we get bigger and better, The U
ndead Sorcerer tus, ansi
good for us.
-- coders --
Anyway, as I have pointed out already, the Chaos
cs, asm
pack is rather small. About 100k unzipped. Critical M
ass cm, pascal/C++
Nonetheless.. The art in the pack is Vacuum Tu
be vt!, C++
of good quality and it will stay that way.
And I guess 100k isnt that bad for a -- m
isc --
small local group with no members. : Nuremberg
nu, aid
aleXon ax, html
As you can see, we dont have a VGA or Vacuum Tu
be vt!, html
ASCII coordinator as of yet.. So if you
would like to be either coordinator, -- b
oards --
contact me or neochronyk. The Th
irteenth Halo, whq
Prophecy, member board
A viewer and an app generator are underway
The Ides Of March, member board
for the next pack. We would have had it C
ool Dudes Incorporated, dist
for this pack but we screwed up..
-- http:// --
flood is a beta test group for Hoopties www.geocities
.com/SiliconValley/2620ArtWorx, one hell of
an ANSI editor.
Featuring a VGA mode editor, a VGA font
-- ftp:// --
generator, a palette editor, unlimited
length ANSIs, BinVU .EXE saved ANSIs,
plus tons of great features. If you would -- e
mail --
like some info, mail Hooptie at:
hooptie@cibola.net neochronyk:
Lessee.. my birthday is on May 5th.. so i d
ecided to keep from releasing thepack un
til that date.. ya know, just for fun..
Hmm.. id like to that Poetic Justice for making this all pr
ofessional lookingand fixing grammer, spelling, etc..
Well I know Im missing a lot of stuff that I should
be saying but Im too lazyto try to remember it all, so
Ill hope that nc will be able to say somethingabout it.
So I hope you enjoy the pack..
-rheospastic, flood founder
neochronyks notes:
Welcome to floods first catastrophic production. Afte
r about 3 months ofdelay, were finally getting our first
pack out. As of today, most of the groupis out of the 403
, but that has shit to do with talent. There is something
aboutthis area code that pumps out great artists. I woul
d like to extend a personalgreeting to some other 403 big-
guys, Ghengis ACiD you owe me a keyboard :Treason
ACiD, and Nuremberg ACiD.ASCii warez-puppy in disguise
Needless to say this is my first notes, and I dont
really read othergroups notes, so I have no idea what t
o write. If youre wondering what floodsabout, its like
this. So far were mostly ASCII, and damn fine ASCII at
that.We have a couple great ANSI dudes, and were a littl
e short on VGA. We are allfriendly, and no one has an ego
. Most importantly, we do not act black.
Lastly, Id like to point out the pathetic turn the a
rt scene is taking.People seem to think its okay to be in
15 groups, hop in bed with every othergroup they meet,
and act like theyre black-ass-bitches. It makes the scene
looklike its run by 14 year little fucks. Quit it with
the j00 lIke dA wuu-TANg!shit, and draw and be modest.
This has to be the main reason ACiD is such aquality g
roup, you dont see shit like that. Another problem is eg
o-ass motherfuckers thinking theyre so hot cause they d
raw. Well heres the deal: thisis a computer, and no
matter how well you draw, if you dont have a REAL life,yo
ure a loser. Quit thinking this is reality and this is
all that matters.Join a group that you like, support t
hat group, and dont act black, causeyoure not and yo
u look like a bunch of fucking idiots.
Lastly lastly, we are currently searching for more members.
However we willnot take the turn most new groups do
when theyre desperate and take inshitty artists.
We will maintain a high quality level in all of our p
acks.I would rather have 30k of quality, than 200k of 170k
shit. If anyone wishes toapply, mail one of the email ad
dresses, or call my board tth:403:252:7694 andapply for
an account by leaving a matrix feedback to me with your
intent andarea code, or contact a member via IRC. Tha
ts all I have to say. Enjoy thefirst flood pack.
neochronyk - flood i996 - founder
g r e e t i n g s
Im gonna do some quicky greets here, just cause i
ve been in a bitchy mood forthe last couple of days.. he
re goes neochronyk, Poetic Justice, Nuremberg,Ghengis,
Treason, Hiro Protgagonist, Mithrandir, Forsaken Prophet,
Tempus, Cain,the rest of the boys in flood, the makers o
f Menthos, and.. umm.. i know i ammissing some people.. n
othing personal, im just dumb.. :
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