this image contains text
The Art Group Fluids News/ Info
Global News/ Info
What can I say this time, Fluid just continue to be better and better. As it
looks in the MemberList, Were becoming rather stinks but, We maybe lost 4
members which 1 of them decided to become an Alumni but we also earn 3 new
fantastic members. I count that we becomes rather good in quality, and rather
stinks in quantity. And if you are a smart scener, Youll know that Quality
over Quantity. I will also like to welcome our new members into the group,
Have fun! Anyway, What I wanted to say was just: Just check the pack and Enjoy yourself and Ill see you next pack with a little hope! Later
Greets goes out to: Cleaner It wasnt for you, Fluid was never alive,
Aeternam As might as you left us, We still love you and well always will!,
Blizzard It was fun having you with us, 2m Stone Was fun, Hope you feel the
same way!, Poly Goon, Dead Soul, Black Jack, Keetar, Zero Vision, Spirit Of
Rage, Jamal, Night Stalker, God Among Lice, Pike, The Reaper, Black Eyez,
Gehenna, Volatile, Wackie, Shrimp, Vetes Girl, Nas, Mr Wrong, Lint etc Heck, You all just rule!. Group greets: Unique, Purg, Mimic, Prelude, Brother Hood,
Moon Rise, Focus and the rest of you rulling groups in the scene!
Peace out!
Member News/ Info
2m Stone - Out, Ansi Artist.
Aeternam - Out, Ascii Artist.
Blizzard - Out, Hi-Rez Artist.
Chipmunk - Hi-Rez Artist. Another rulling Furry Artist. I just love this guys
art and I bet that you will too.
Electrified - Hi-Rez Artist. Mad 3D Artist. This guy just rule, I have nothing
else to say.
Super Alex - Changed his handle into Feanor.
Idler - A very good friend of mine. I just love her. Shes one of the hottest
Ansi newbies around.
Prosthesis - Alumni, Ascii Artist. This guy left the Ascii scene and we had to
make him an Alumni after all his help.
Squish - Ascii Artist. Active, Moved from his Alumni position to an Active
Member position.
Joining News/ Info
Why do you need to chose us when you have so much groups in the scene? Well...
The correct answer is that we are the only group that give you special trips,
Trips such as giving programs not freewares or sharewares to each one of our
our members if he ask and need etc. This is one kind of the trip but that we
are giving a lot more trips such as trips that give respect and ownor such
as building motds for IRC / ISP Servers, creating graphics for programs that
will rock the world not simple programs such as Viewers etc. This is another
kind of trip that we give / supply. The third trip kind is getting your own
free page on the net by our domain and getting E-mail also by our domain.
There are a lot of other trips that we give such as helping etc. If you are
convince that we are the perfect / right group for you, send an E-Mail to:...
benyamin@comandcom.com and tell us your own affils and send us a couple of
your art and tell us also why did you chose us and we will do a vote for you
on Natural!Fluid. The chanse is pretty big that you will be accepted to any
Department youll chose so start applying.
Files News/ Info
File Type Author Title
-fluid-.--- Ascii Fluids Artists The ArtGroup Fluids 4th Pack Main
5q-arsnl.Asc Ascii Squish Arsenal BBS
5q-fld.Asc Ascii Squish Fluid logo
5q-ntrl.Asc Ascii Squish Natural BBS
Aetgbye.Asc Ascii Aeternam Good bye to Fluid!
Cm-devil.Jpg Hi-Rez Chip Munk Ugly Devil
Cm-forst.Jpg Hi-Rez Chip Munk The Furry Forst
Cm-no1.Jpg Hi-Rez Chip Munk Number 01
Cm-perse.Jpg Hi-Rez Chip Munk Per-Se
Ef-dmv1.Jpg Hi-Rez Electrified Falling People
Ef-flu1.Jpg Hi-Rez Electrified Fluid logo 1
Ef-toa.Jpg Hi-Rez Electrified To-A
Es-sheil.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Sheila
Es-sp.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Self Portrait
Es-val.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Valentine
Fileid.Diz Ascii Squish The ArtGroup Fluids 4th Fileid
Flu-04.Mem Ansi Multiple The ArtGroup Fluids 4th MemberList
Flu-04.Nfo Ansi Multiple The ArtGroup Fluids 4th News/ Info
Fn-Lokil.Jpg Hi-Rez Feanor Lokil
Is-fluid.Asc Ascii Prosthesis fluid
Rbs-fado.Xm Music Rbees Falling Down
Rm-bull.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk The Bull
Rm-face.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk The Face from...
Rm-lady.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Lady draw
Rm-makbt.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Makbet
Scr-ambi.Xm Music Scrap Midnight Ambience
Tz-flu1.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Fluid 01
Tz-flu2.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Fluid 02
Us-tfs.Asc Ascii Multiple The home of The Flying Squirlles
Yb-a1.Asc Ascii Starks Arsenal BBSs screen 1
Yb-a2.Asc Ascii Starks Arsenal BBSs screen 2
Yb-abstr.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The Abstrakt creatours
Yb-n.Asc Ascii Starks The N-Style
Yb-nwl.Asc Ascii Starks Ruah Compo - Wayland BBS
Yb-ppc.Asc Ascii Starks Prophecy BBS
News/ Info by Starks
The Art Group Fluids News/ Info
Global News/ Info
What can I say this time, Fluid just continue to be better and better. As it
looks in the MemberList, Were becoming rather stinks but, We maybe lost 4
members which 1 of them decided to become an Alumni but we also earn 3 new
fantastic members. I count that we becomes rather good in quality, and rather
stinks in quantity. And if you are a smart scener, Youll know that Quality
over Quantity. I will also like to welcome our new members into the group,
Have fun! Anyway, What I wanted to say was just: Just check the pack and Enjoy yourself and Ill see you next pack with a little hope! Later
Greets goes out to: Cleaner It wasnt for you, Fluid was never alive,
Aeternam As might as you left us, We still love you and well always will!,
Blizzard It was fun having you with us, 2m Stone Was fun, Hope you feel the
same way!, Poly Goon, Dead Soul, Black Jack, Keetar, Zero Vision, Spirit Of
Rage, Jamal, Night Stalker, God Among Lice, Pike, The Reaper, Black Eyez,
Gehenna, Volatile, Wackie, Shrimp, Vetes Girl, Nas, Mr Wrong, Lint etc Heck, You all just rule!. Group greets: Unique, Purg, Mimic, Prelude, Brother Hood,
Moon Rise, Focus and the rest of you rulling groups in the scene!
Peace out!
Member News/ Info
2m Stone - Out, Ansi Artist.
Aeternam - Out, Ascii Artist.
Blizzard - Out, Hi-Rez Artist.
Chipmunk - Hi-Rez Artist. Another rulling Furry Artist. I just love this guys
art and I bet that you will too.
Electrified - Hi-Rez Artist. Mad 3D Artist. This guy just rule, I have nothing
else to say.
Super Alex - Changed his handle into Feanor.
Idler - A very good friend of mine. I just love her. Shes one of the hottest
Ansi newbies around.
Prosthesis - Alumni, Ascii Artist. This guy left the Ascii scene and we had to
make him an Alumni after all his help.
Squish - Ascii Artist. Active, Moved from his Alumni position to an Active
Member position.
Joining News/ Info
Why do you need to chose us when you have so much groups in the scene? Well...
The correct answer is that we are the only group that give you special trips,
Trips such as giving programs not freewares or sharewares to each one of our
our members if he ask and need etc. This is one kind of the trip but that we
are giving a lot more trips such as trips that give respect and ownor such
as building motds for IRC / ISP Servers, creating graphics for programs that
will rock the world not simple programs such as Viewers etc. This is another
kind of trip that we give / supply. The third trip kind is getting your own
free page on the net by our domain and getting E-mail also by our domain.
There are a lot of other trips that we give such as helping etc. If you are
convince that we are the perfect / right group for you, send an E-Mail to:...
benyamin@comandcom.com and tell us your own affils and send us a couple of
your art and tell us also why did you chose us and we will do a vote for you
on Natural!Fluid. The chanse is pretty big that you will be accepted to any
Department youll chose so start applying.
Files News/ Info
File Type Author Title
-fluid-.--- Ascii Fluids Artists The ArtGroup Fluids 4th Pack Main
5q-arsnl.Asc Ascii Squish Arsenal BBS
5q-fld.Asc Ascii Squish Fluid logo
5q-ntrl.Asc Ascii Squish Natural BBS
Aetgbye.Asc Ascii Aeternam Good bye to Fluid!
Cm-devil.Jpg Hi-Rez Chip Munk Ugly Devil
Cm-forst.Jpg Hi-Rez Chip Munk The Furry Forst
Cm-no1.Jpg Hi-Rez Chip Munk Number 01
Cm-perse.Jpg Hi-Rez Chip Munk Per-Se
Ef-dmv1.Jpg Hi-Rez Electrified Falling People
Ef-flu1.Jpg Hi-Rez Electrified Fluid logo 1
Ef-toa.Jpg Hi-Rez Electrified To-A
Es-sheil.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Sheila
Es-sp.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Self Portrait
Es-val.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Valentine
Fileid.Diz Ascii Squish The ArtGroup Fluids 4th Fileid
Flu-04.Mem Ansi Multiple The ArtGroup Fluids 4th MemberList
Flu-04.Nfo Ansi Multiple The ArtGroup Fluids 4th News/ Info
Fn-Lokil.Jpg Hi-Rez Feanor Lokil
Is-fluid.Asc Ascii Prosthesis fluid
Rbs-fado.Xm Music Rbees Falling Down
Rm-bull.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk The Bull
Rm-face.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk The Face from...
Rm-lady.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Lady draw
Rm-makbt.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Makbet
Scr-ambi.Xm Music Scrap Midnight Ambience
Tz-flu1.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Fluid 01
Tz-flu2.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Fluid 02
Us-tfs.Asc Ascii Multiple The home of The Flying Squirlles
Yb-a1.Asc Ascii Starks Arsenal BBSs screen 1
Yb-a2.Asc Ascii Starks Arsenal BBSs screen 2
Yb-abstr.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The Abstrakt creatours
Yb-n.Asc Ascii Starks The N-Style
Yb-nwl.Asc Ascii Starks Ruah Compo - Wayland BBS
Yb-ppc.Asc Ascii Starks Prophecy BBS
News/ Info by Starks
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