this image contains text
All original
All propane
The best mag in my neighborhood
Guess whos back? I just released my 4th issue yesterday 10-25-00 and
already i am on the move again trying to get together a 5th issue.. Last issue,
in case you didnt pay attention, was a actual emag, this month i have went backto doing it the original way. Alot of people said the mag didnt work for them
right, so i appologize to all of you out there. Maybe ill make 4 back into a
zine sometime for ya. Oh well. Anyways, This month, i chose to go ahead and do
away with the fav ansi thing. Im tired of looking through the same packs for
no reason, so now in its place will be old pics and fonts that i liked.. btw, the fav ansi thing will come back when more stuff is released.. :
NEW STUFF!!!! ok this month i have decided to do a letter to the editortype thing, maytag had one in his mag and it was pretty spiff. Anyways, it workslike this, you send me a letter about anything you want, and ill put it in the mag and reply to it. Sounds easy right? it is. Send your letters, mail bombs,
porn , and submissions to FUQMONKEY@HOTMAIL.COM. Also, if you get bored and wantsomething to do, go write articles, writing all of them yourself gets kinda old.
I really liked the article in last issue entitiled responses so i willbe carrying this on monthly. Pretty simple premiss, i take what you say about
the mag, put it in here , and reply in a witty fashion. This doesnt mean flood
me with stupid responses hoping ill put them in cause i wont. I will only be
putting in genuine responses, which are pretty hard to find.. my favorite this
issue is from SavageCow yo jigga this isnt half bad. Now this is cool on
two different levels. One is because he liked the mag, and two is because i
rarely get to see the word jigga typed out on my screen. Im always up for new
experiences :
Welp, thats it for the intro this issue. Id just like to say fuck
you to all of you out there reading this. Well, not really but it did fill up
some space.. You all own if you are reading this..
fuckmonkey.. The OTHER white meat..
Issue 5 were so close to cool you cant tell the difference
by: propane
??: rules
The ansi scene, just like everything else, has its rules, its
bad habits, and also its own community. Ansi is just like everything else,
lets say your a musician. You find people who are similar to you, and form a
group and produce the best stuff you can. Same could be said with alot of other
things, movie studios, publishers, magazines, alot of stuff. So what is one
thing that DOES seperate us from everyone else, aside from eliteness. Its moneythats why all those other guys keep doing what they are, they get paid to. So
obviously, the main reason alot of scenesters stop devoting their time and
effort into ansi, is because they arent being paid for it.
So, What does this mean? this means that we are all matierialistic shitswho dont wanna do anything unless they are paid to. Hell im sure most of you
have charged your own parents for things. These are the same people who support
you for a good part of your life. Yet when they ask for help, you feel the need
to charge them. Now, i like you have done this many times, but it never really
hit me till now. Somethings arent about money, somethings are about pride,
comittment, and expression.
This must mean that even though alot of the people whove left over the
years were scene greats, they were in it for the wrong reasons. You might think
the majority of people to leave were good, but in actuality for every 1 good
artist who left, 20 shitty ones probably quit.. So to all of you out there who
draw for all the right reasons. This mags for you....
pro I ramble to fill space pane
Issue 5 were so close to cool you cant tell the difference
by: propane
??: ansi
I was pretty productive tonight, i wrote quite a few articles, finished
up a pic, and did a font. Of course, all of this was for fuckmonkey, arent you
jealous? Anyways, what motivated me was sitting down and reading each of the
issues i have released so far. It might be just me, but i noticed a steady
increase in the quality of the articles from issue to issue. This inspired me
to carry on. So in the spirit of diy i started to crank out ansi and articles.
Now this might be a story, similar to alot of others out there. The onlydifference being my having a mag to publish my story in. But wait!! you too can
have your article or ansi published. Its very easy, send your checks, money
orders, and prostitutes to Wait, thats getting off the
subject. I am very pleased with this mag, when i started it , i figured id do
one issue, no one would read it, and it would die. But after the first release,
i was excited to see people actually downloading it on irc, and some of them
actually liking it. So needless to say i was pumped to start on issue 2. Sadly
issue 2 was kind of rushed, and therefor not as good. I have tried to not do
this on any of my issues from now on. I will just take my time, making my
articles about serious stuff, and trying to do it in a semi legible way.
After issue 3, i noticed a couple of people were actually GLAD when
I released the mag. I dont wanna mention to many names but *cough* zippor.. :
Anyways, issue 3 was pretty good, but still a .ans and not what i was looking for. So between issue 3 and 4 i reread gutter and notice ebuild being mentioned.So being curious i downloaded the program, and alas, i found the answer to my
problem. What better for a mag writer who cant program than a program to programfor you.. : weird sentence.. So i mess with this nifty little program, figure
it out, put out issue 4.. Now, issue 4 is by far my favorite. Mostly because
it is coded : But sadly, it didnt work for everyone. so back to .ans *sigh*
On to issue 5, Im hoping thing will be the best issue to date. Im
deffinatly putting my all into writing and drawing for it, so i hope it shows.
You might notice quite a bit more articles in this release. Also youll notice
new NEW NEW ansi : My point is this, Ive mentioned it not lasting for long,
but fuck that. This mag will be around for A LONG WHILE. Im having more fun
with this than ive had in the scene since 97-98. So for those who hate the mag
youll wanna put me on /ignore, those who like it, be prepared for much much
- p - fuck - p - suck - e -
Issue 5 were so close to cool you cant tell the difference
by: propane
??: time
Time, patience, and expression. Thats what goes into a ansi, atleast
thats what I think goes into a ansi. Im a artist, I have been for quite a
while. Im sure alot of you dont know me, or my artwork. I have a very bad
habit of hurrying my ansis along, there is a reason for this though. Ive
always been the kind of person who gets tired of looking at a picture after
about 2-3 days. So hence I try to finish them within my time constraints, if
i dont, they usually tend to just sit on my hdd and never get finished. Untill now i didnt really care what anyone thought about my stuff. Then I realized
if I dont care, who will? The answer to this, is nobody. So i have been
trying to force myself into spending more time on each peice i do. And i think
it is starting to show. Ive been getting people saying you stuff is really
improving so im not the only one who thinks so. Like my latest pic, which
is the intro for this issue. I spent about 2 weeks on it and i think it turned
out pretty good. Some of you out there reading this may not like it, but you
cant please everyone so fuck it..
We all have ansi in common, we all draw for a hobby most of us anyhow
yet we dont really try to help each other in any way. This is a bit odd, I meanshit, we all sit in the same channels, yet most of us dont talk to each other.
This is kinda retarded, sure there are some people youd be better off not
talking to, but you wouldnt know unless you tried.. You might see me in
channels, and just start talking to people i dont know. Who cares, shyness is
not for irc, or computers for that matter. Nothing is holding us back from
becoming friends aside from our own stupidity. This isnt life, if you dont
like the person, leave the channel, put em on ignore.. Hell just call them all
kinds of names, they cant do anything. This is a fake world were living in,
sure in some ways its real, but for the majority its just a game. So i say
play the game, talk to everyone, who cares if they are better or worse then you
at ansi. Do you only pick friends in real life who are better then you or equal
to you in some hobby, lets say basketball. If your friend wasnt as good as
you at basketball would you not talk to him?
The whole clique thing in the ansi scene is screwy. It may have been
called for when group wars were going on, and there was alot of competition.
The only competition you have now is you. Youre drawing ansi at a time when
everyone is off doing other stupid shit, like vga and music hey musics funanyways, this article is pointless, i just wanted to get some stuff off my mind
if you dont feel the same way about what i said, who cares, im better then
you so we cant be friends anyway..
Fuckmonkey, the mag your parents masturbate to
Issue 5 were so close to cool you cant tell the difference
by: propane
??: gutter
I know you might all think im lame for doing this, but id like to talkabout gutter for a few moments.. Gutter was imo the best scene mag ive ever
read. I wasnt around for gutter, it was during one of my off years. I came backjust in time for issue 12. Hell i never even really knew filth, but that is not
the point. When i found out about gutter, i quickly downloaded all 12 1/2 issuesand read them word for word. Now, ive read numerous mags, but this one was
different. It wasnt like reading some plain jane peice of poo. It actually had
soul, you felt by reading it you knew filthy a little bit better. He took his
creation to a whole new level.
He had the whole scene pestering him for releases, waiting anxiously forthe next issue to come out. He was THE voice for the scene at the time. Then shit happend and he had to move onto other things. But his work still stands as
a testament to what can be done with a magazine, with a little imagination, and
alot of time. His mag will always be my favorite, even though emecca owned btw
i though he said he was gonna release another issue of that Gutter is what ansiis all about. Fun, friends, and drugs.. I wish i could of been around for the
whole gutter craze, i wish i could of been around for any craze really. I was
lucky enough to be in fuel for a while, but that was short lived. What im
trying to say is, do something to leave a scar on the scene, we all want to
be remember, and even if you didnt like filths ansis, you loved his mag. His
name will live on for years to come. Isnt that what you all want? i know i do.
send me hatemail i changed it, damn shit mail
Issue 5 were so close to cool you cant tell the difference
by: propane
??: quotes
propane YAY
dlicious YAY!
propane so why are we yaying
tefron uh
tefron ok
tefron look at this
tefron tell me its gay
taintedxl sob doesnt like hairy saqz
sobriquet what!? I havent shaved my nuts in at least three weeks.
propane hmmm
ansichrst nice throw-up...
spearfx My hands are cold with your blood!
tefron yo
tefron tefron
tefron owmns
avg just dcc it to me man
avg i could rape you right now
zipp0r hmm
propane hmm indeed
tHEXT were having an hmm night here
propane- anyone wanna see this ansi
tHEXT Im not sure
tHEXT it might hurt my eyes
avg please slap me..
propane- i cant my left hand has herpes
avg great
mel dont ban matty
mel ill get angry
therapist me too
therapist i hate me
therapist but see
therapist propane..
*** propane- sets mode: +b-o *!*mel@* mel
*** mel was kicked by propane- are you mad now?
*** Joins: mel
*** Joins: OpAdmin
propane- oh no
*** propane- sets mode: +b *!*
*** OpAdmin was kicked by propane- suck my cock op
propane- haha
propane- i love irc
Issue 5 were so close to cool you cant tell the difference
cool font by halaster hal-dun2.ans
fire dune hal
cool pic eerie 33-skf21.ans
speed is the key
ops breed
word up yo, this shit was all done by eerie of fire.
want an ansi? i work at 5 an hour .. less than minimum wage, yes sir.
by: propane
??: goodbye
Welp, thats all folks. Issue 5 has come and gone, another notch under
my belt if you will.. Sorry for the mishap with issue4, hope you liked this one
though it is kind of small, but i didnt want to make you wait TOO long :
anyways, i know i didnt have my letter to the editor, but i lost the 2 letters
i did have, so look for that next month, also look for fm to stay a .ans .
If your interested in drawing, writing, or anything else, send all your
stuff to .. I need stuff soon, so quit holding out on me.
Anyways, this issue is dedicated to my little friend ant sea. Without him, i
doubt any of us would be here..
Till next issue
propane of the FM persuasion
All propane
The best mag in my neighborhood
Guess whos back? I just released my 4th issue yesterday 10-25-00 and
already i am on the move again trying to get together a 5th issue.. Last issue,
in case you didnt pay attention, was a actual emag, this month i have went backto doing it the original way. Alot of people said the mag didnt work for them
right, so i appologize to all of you out there. Maybe ill make 4 back into a
zine sometime for ya. Oh well. Anyways, This month, i chose to go ahead and do
away with the fav ansi thing. Im tired of looking through the same packs for
no reason, so now in its place will be old pics and fonts that i liked.. btw, the fav ansi thing will come back when more stuff is released.. :
NEW STUFF!!!! ok this month i have decided to do a letter to the editortype thing, maytag had one in his mag and it was pretty spiff. Anyways, it workslike this, you send me a letter about anything you want, and ill put it in the mag and reply to it. Sounds easy right? it is. Send your letters, mail bombs,
porn , and submissions to FUQMONKEY@HOTMAIL.COM. Also, if you get bored and wantsomething to do, go write articles, writing all of them yourself gets kinda old.
I really liked the article in last issue entitiled responses so i willbe carrying this on monthly. Pretty simple premiss, i take what you say about
the mag, put it in here , and reply in a witty fashion. This doesnt mean flood
me with stupid responses hoping ill put them in cause i wont. I will only be
putting in genuine responses, which are pretty hard to find.. my favorite this
issue is from SavageCow yo jigga this isnt half bad. Now this is cool on
two different levels. One is because he liked the mag, and two is because i
rarely get to see the word jigga typed out on my screen. Im always up for new
experiences :
Welp, thats it for the intro this issue. Id just like to say fuck
you to all of you out there reading this. Well, not really but it did fill up
some space.. You all own if you are reading this..
fuckmonkey.. The OTHER white meat..
Issue 5 were so close to cool you cant tell the difference
by: propane
??: rules
The ansi scene, just like everything else, has its rules, its
bad habits, and also its own community. Ansi is just like everything else,
lets say your a musician. You find people who are similar to you, and form a
group and produce the best stuff you can. Same could be said with alot of other
things, movie studios, publishers, magazines, alot of stuff. So what is one
thing that DOES seperate us from everyone else, aside from eliteness. Its moneythats why all those other guys keep doing what they are, they get paid to. So
obviously, the main reason alot of scenesters stop devoting their time and
effort into ansi, is because they arent being paid for it.
So, What does this mean? this means that we are all matierialistic shitswho dont wanna do anything unless they are paid to. Hell im sure most of you
have charged your own parents for things. These are the same people who support
you for a good part of your life. Yet when they ask for help, you feel the need
to charge them. Now, i like you have done this many times, but it never really
hit me till now. Somethings arent about money, somethings are about pride,
comittment, and expression.
This must mean that even though alot of the people whove left over the
years were scene greats, they were in it for the wrong reasons. You might think
the majority of people to leave were good, but in actuality for every 1 good
artist who left, 20 shitty ones probably quit.. So to all of you out there who
draw for all the right reasons. This mags for you....
pro I ramble to fill space pane
Issue 5 were so close to cool you cant tell the difference
by: propane
??: ansi
I was pretty productive tonight, i wrote quite a few articles, finished
up a pic, and did a font. Of course, all of this was for fuckmonkey, arent you
jealous? Anyways, what motivated me was sitting down and reading each of the
issues i have released so far. It might be just me, but i noticed a steady
increase in the quality of the articles from issue to issue. This inspired me
to carry on. So in the spirit of diy i started to crank out ansi and articles.
Now this might be a story, similar to alot of others out there. The onlydifference being my having a mag to publish my story in. But wait!! you too can
have your article or ansi published. Its very easy, send your checks, money
orders, and prostitutes to Wait, thats getting off the
subject. I am very pleased with this mag, when i started it , i figured id do
one issue, no one would read it, and it would die. But after the first release,
i was excited to see people actually downloading it on irc, and some of them
actually liking it. So needless to say i was pumped to start on issue 2. Sadly
issue 2 was kind of rushed, and therefor not as good. I have tried to not do
this on any of my issues from now on. I will just take my time, making my
articles about serious stuff, and trying to do it in a semi legible way.
After issue 3, i noticed a couple of people were actually GLAD when
I released the mag. I dont wanna mention to many names but *cough* zippor.. :
Anyways, issue 3 was pretty good, but still a .ans and not what i was looking for. So between issue 3 and 4 i reread gutter and notice ebuild being mentioned.So being curious i downloaded the program, and alas, i found the answer to my
problem. What better for a mag writer who cant program than a program to programfor you.. : weird sentence.. So i mess with this nifty little program, figure
it out, put out issue 4.. Now, issue 4 is by far my favorite. Mostly because
it is coded : But sadly, it didnt work for everyone. so back to .ans *sigh*
On to issue 5, Im hoping thing will be the best issue to date. Im
deffinatly putting my all into writing and drawing for it, so i hope it shows.
You might notice quite a bit more articles in this release. Also youll notice
new NEW NEW ansi : My point is this, Ive mentioned it not lasting for long,
but fuck that. This mag will be around for A LONG WHILE. Im having more fun
with this than ive had in the scene since 97-98. So for those who hate the mag
youll wanna put me on /ignore, those who like it, be prepared for much much
- p - fuck - p - suck - e -
Issue 5 were so close to cool you cant tell the difference
by: propane
??: time
Time, patience, and expression. Thats what goes into a ansi, atleast
thats what I think goes into a ansi. Im a artist, I have been for quite a
while. Im sure alot of you dont know me, or my artwork. I have a very bad
habit of hurrying my ansis along, there is a reason for this though. Ive
always been the kind of person who gets tired of looking at a picture after
about 2-3 days. So hence I try to finish them within my time constraints, if
i dont, they usually tend to just sit on my hdd and never get finished. Untill now i didnt really care what anyone thought about my stuff. Then I realized
if I dont care, who will? The answer to this, is nobody. So i have been
trying to force myself into spending more time on each peice i do. And i think
it is starting to show. Ive been getting people saying you stuff is really
improving so im not the only one who thinks so. Like my latest pic, which
is the intro for this issue. I spent about 2 weeks on it and i think it turned
out pretty good. Some of you out there reading this may not like it, but you
cant please everyone so fuck it..
We all have ansi in common, we all draw for a hobby most of us anyhow
yet we dont really try to help each other in any way. This is a bit odd, I meanshit, we all sit in the same channels, yet most of us dont talk to each other.
This is kinda retarded, sure there are some people youd be better off not
talking to, but you wouldnt know unless you tried.. You might see me in
channels, and just start talking to people i dont know. Who cares, shyness is
not for irc, or computers for that matter. Nothing is holding us back from
becoming friends aside from our own stupidity. This isnt life, if you dont
like the person, leave the channel, put em on ignore.. Hell just call them all
kinds of names, they cant do anything. This is a fake world were living in,
sure in some ways its real, but for the majority its just a game. So i say
play the game, talk to everyone, who cares if they are better or worse then you
at ansi. Do you only pick friends in real life who are better then you or equal
to you in some hobby, lets say basketball. If your friend wasnt as good as
you at basketball would you not talk to him?
The whole clique thing in the ansi scene is screwy. It may have been
called for when group wars were going on, and there was alot of competition.
The only competition you have now is you. Youre drawing ansi at a time when
everyone is off doing other stupid shit, like vga and music hey musics funanyways, this article is pointless, i just wanted to get some stuff off my mind
if you dont feel the same way about what i said, who cares, im better then
you so we cant be friends anyway..
Fuckmonkey, the mag your parents masturbate to
Issue 5 were so close to cool you cant tell the difference
by: propane
??: gutter
I know you might all think im lame for doing this, but id like to talkabout gutter for a few moments.. Gutter was imo the best scene mag ive ever
read. I wasnt around for gutter, it was during one of my off years. I came backjust in time for issue 12. Hell i never even really knew filth, but that is not
the point. When i found out about gutter, i quickly downloaded all 12 1/2 issuesand read them word for word. Now, ive read numerous mags, but this one was
different. It wasnt like reading some plain jane peice of poo. It actually had
soul, you felt by reading it you knew filthy a little bit better. He took his
creation to a whole new level.
He had the whole scene pestering him for releases, waiting anxiously forthe next issue to come out. He was THE voice for the scene at the time. Then shit happend and he had to move onto other things. But his work still stands as
a testament to what can be done with a magazine, with a little imagination, and
alot of time. His mag will always be my favorite, even though emecca owned btw
i though he said he was gonna release another issue of that Gutter is what ansiis all about. Fun, friends, and drugs.. I wish i could of been around for the
whole gutter craze, i wish i could of been around for any craze really. I was
lucky enough to be in fuel for a while, but that was short lived. What im
trying to say is, do something to leave a scar on the scene, we all want to
be remember, and even if you didnt like filths ansis, you loved his mag. His
name will live on for years to come. Isnt that what you all want? i know i do.
send me hatemail i changed it, damn shit mail
Issue 5 were so close to cool you cant tell the difference
by: propane
??: quotes
propane YAY
dlicious YAY!
propane so why are we yaying
tefron uh
tefron ok
tefron look at this
tefron tell me its gay
taintedxl sob doesnt like hairy saqz
sobriquet what!? I havent shaved my nuts in at least three weeks.
propane hmmm
ansichrst nice throw-up...
spearfx My hands are cold with your blood!
tefron yo
tefron tefron
tefron owmns
avg just dcc it to me man
avg i could rape you right now
zipp0r hmm
propane hmm indeed
tHEXT were having an hmm night here
propane- anyone wanna see this ansi
tHEXT Im not sure
tHEXT it might hurt my eyes
avg please slap me..
propane- i cant my left hand has herpes
avg great
mel dont ban matty
mel ill get angry
therapist me too
therapist i hate me
therapist but see
therapist propane..
*** propane- sets mode: +b-o *!*mel@* mel
*** mel was kicked by propane- are you mad now?
*** Joins: mel
*** Joins: OpAdmin
propane- oh no
*** propane- sets mode: +b *!*
*** OpAdmin was kicked by propane- suck my cock op
propane- haha
propane- i love irc
Issue 5 were so close to cool you cant tell the difference
cool font by halaster hal-dun2.ans
fire dune hal
cool pic eerie 33-skf21.ans
speed is the key
ops breed
word up yo, this shit was all done by eerie of fire.
want an ansi? i work at 5 an hour .. less than minimum wage, yes sir.
by: propane
??: goodbye
Welp, thats all folks. Issue 5 has come and gone, another notch under
my belt if you will.. Sorry for the mishap with issue4, hope you liked this one
though it is kind of small, but i didnt want to make you wait TOO long :
anyways, i know i didnt have my letter to the editor, but i lost the 2 letters
i did have, so look for that next month, also look for fm to stay a .ans .
If your interested in drawing, writing, or anything else, send all your
stuff to .. I need stuff soon, so quit holding out on me.
Anyways, this issue is dedicated to my little friend ant sea. Without him, i
doubt any of us would be here..
Till next issue
propane of the FM persuasion
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