this image contains text
// // / fW /
----+---- - FiNiSH f GDz -
FiNiSH of GODz ASKi Division Presents
...the First RuSSiAN ASKi Pack...
// +-* Senior Staff *-+
/ oO /
--- infernal flames --- ./ //
--- micky zombie --- //
--- the coroner --- //
/ / / +-* Members *-+ //
// / / --- fight.winder --- /
/ /. --- mad hatter --- /
/ // --- stuntman --- /
// --- zaphod --- /
// +-* Couriers *-+
// Oo /
.--- infernal flames --- // /
--- the coroner --- ./ /
--- darkhorse --- /
/ Call our RHQ to join or request ansi/aski: / .
/ . Rocks of Pern-+7-095-956-1536-Abbot Dervish/Lord Jecksom /
/ u can also e-mail us to: coroner@wemtv.munic.msk.su. /
. / Greetz go to: /
/ ACiD, tRN, X-ESS, iCE, bPC, DDt, lKR, RtA, ASiA, kTS!ASKi... . /
----+---- - FiNiSH f GDz -
FiNiSH of GODz ASKi Division Presents
...the First RuSSiAN ASKi Pack...
// +-* Senior Staff *-+
/ oO /
--- infernal flames --- ./ //
--- micky zombie --- //
--- the coroner --- //
/ / / +-* Members *-+ //
// / / --- fight.winder --- /
/ /. --- mad hatter --- /
/ // --- stuntman --- /
// --- zaphod --- /
// +-* Couriers *-+
// Oo /
.--- infernal flames --- // /
--- the coroner --- ./ /
--- darkhorse --- /
/ Call our RHQ to join or request ansi/aski: / .
/ . Rocks of Pern-+7-095-956-1536-Abbot Dervish/Lord Jecksom /
/ u can also e-mail us to: coroner@wemtv.munic.msk.su. /
. / Greetz go to: /
/ ACiD, tRN, X-ESS, iCE, bPC, DDt, lKR, RtA, ASiA, kTS!ASKi... . /
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