this image contains text
hellothisisalliwanttosay . . . . blarrddgggg
greets - - - -
grump rgt homoz razmix drex ice acid nme krupt caliban ba
cb bh fire mop and you enjoy
g13thankyou ! -------------------------------------------------------
a c i d
p r o d u k acid
s h u n z 96 g!
a c i d
g13 acid promo -------------------------------------------------------
g13ice promo --------------------------------------------------------
d e s t e
d e
elcrappius musikg13
yo bitchhh wasshup desteeeeee . . . . .
g13 deste 96 --------------------------------------------------------
o o z e
ooze eemag
g13ooze promo -------------------------------------------------------
acid produckshunz 1996
gigalo 13 f o r c e
g13acid promo -------------------------------------------------------
go the funkay
graffiti stylez
hellos 2 ...
sg / lemonade / toon goon / sq2
as these dudes are my inspiration..
g13iCEpromo -------------------------------------------------------
c r i t i c a l
c r e w gigalo 13 grump caliban
out soon
g13 cdlogo -------------------------------------------------------
i n f e c t i o u s
d i s e a s e
g13id logo -------------------------------------------------------
le endo
greets - - - -
grump rgt homoz razmix drex ice acid nme krupt caliban ba
cb bh fire mop and you enjoy
g13thankyou ! -------------------------------------------------------
a c i d
p r o d u k acid
s h u n z 96 g!
a c i d
g13 acid promo -------------------------------------------------------
g13ice promo --------------------------------------------------------
d e s t e
d e
elcrappius musikg13
yo bitchhh wasshup desteeeeee . . . . .
g13 deste 96 --------------------------------------------------------
o o z e
ooze eemag
g13ooze promo -------------------------------------------------------
acid produckshunz 1996
gigalo 13 f o r c e
g13acid promo -------------------------------------------------------
go the funkay
graffiti stylez
hellos 2 ...
sg / lemonade / toon goon / sq2
as these dudes are my inspiration..
g13iCEpromo -------------------------------------------------------
c r i t i c a l
c r e w gigalo 13 grump caliban
out soon
g13 cdlogo -------------------------------------------------------
i n f e c t i o u s
d i s e a s e
g13id logo -------------------------------------------------------
le endo
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