this image contains text
Introducing FOS-0795...
Neat shit, eh? Yeah, its time to work some of that FoS m
agic once again. As
you can see, its damn near exactly two 2 months since the release
of the
first Fistful of Steel pack. If you were paying attention
, you would realize
that this every-other-month release schedule was announced back when
the group
formed. Now you know, in case you didnt.
New News
We have really fucked shit up since FOS-0595, as you may have noticed
. The
FoS roster has grown quite a bit, with the addition of an
ASCii division and
a number of new sites. But first, the not-so-good news. Trif
ixion went his
own way after his work in the FoS music division, so that
he could get his own
group, Immolation off the ground. He had informed me of his intentio
ns when
he first joined FoS, so no hard feelings and good luck to
him and his crew.
Nightwalk left his courier/coder position to pursue a care
er or something,
and artist Soul Trasher simply vanished from the scene. S
ame thing applies to
Pridkett, who said he was working on a viewer and then cea
sed to exist.
Good news is, weve added Fractal as ASCii division coordinat
or, Intoxicated
Assassin as coding coordinator, and the following members:
Fluid ASCii,
Godsend ANSi, Scorpion ASCii, IcePick co
der, ViceLord courier, Gimp
the Bastard courier, Marauder ANSi/music, Dea
th Talon VGA and Brimborion
VGA. White Noise is taking over as interim music division
Sites, Nets, Etc.
SteelNET will finally be going up in a couple weeks. Softwar
e problems and a
lack of communication betwewn sites led to a major delay, but that wi
ll all be
corrected soon. In the meantime, we be hangin out in fos o
n IRC.
Several new sites were added as of this release: The Prodigy
European HQ, The
Crimson Waters Canadian HQ, STOPOiNT South America
n HQ and Inner Sanctum
Australian HQ. New member boards and distros have also been added.
Department Notes
Due to the rather sudden departure of Trifixion, there won
t be any music in
this pack, and no viewer either, as Pridkett is nowhere to
be found. After
being left computer-less by his parents, Intoxicated Assassin
has not gotten
the app generator to me as I type this, but is calling at 2 A.M. to l
et me
know whats going on. On a totally unrelated note, Fluid has
come up with a
mascot for FoS, known affectionately as The Demented P
ickle...typical sick
shit youve come to expect, of course. Back to the appgen issue,
White Noise
has just informed that he has finished one, so I guess thats not a p
D00D of the Month
Due to his hard work at both coding and drawing, I would like to gran
t the
honorary and completely unofficial title of D00d of the Mont
h upon RBX.
That sums it up as far as I can tell. Enjoy the pack. Fill out a re
with the request generator! Most of all, DONT TOUCH ME THERE.
orionfos Greets to ProzeDawg, Crimson Ice
, Nero, Time, Xpired,
xrist@primenet.com Lithium, Trifixion, Double
Zero and you other bastards!
Hey all... Another great FOS pack this month.. However, we did need s
ome help
in the ascii department, as we only have 3 members Scorpion, Fluid a
myself, therefore we didnt manage to produce as many asciis as we w
wanted to. So if youre an decent ascii artist and interested in join
a group, fill out the FOS application generator in this months pack
and send
it up to City of Shadows the FOS world headquarters, doh i forget th
e number
: , or the Crimson Waters the FOS canadian headquarters, 613.736.5
or simply dcc the app and some of your recent work to me on IRC.. So
everyone, we hope to have an even better pack in September!
Fractal fos ascii coordinator.motion.puls
Greets go out to : Nova, Intoxicated Assassin, Proze, Assaylant, Doub
le 0,
Fluid, Future Assassin, PrymEvil, Joll, msK, Epid
Wizy, everyone on motion...
Werd all....this is iNTOXiCATED ASSASSiN, the FoS coding co-ordinator
. The packshould be out in several hours, so I decided that I
should atleast write some-
thing for this damn pack :. Due to some complications with my assho
le parents,I was not able to finish the app-gen, so White Nois
e took over the job and
finished it thanx a lot ... anyway, by the time I was able to finis
h the app-
gen, his was finished...so as I said before, no releases from me this
The coding department has really picked up, and unfortunately due to
inactivity,Pridkett has left, but a friend of mine, Assumed As
sassin should be taking his
place or something like that, unless we turn him down : .... I reall
y dont
know WHY Im writing this, or why youre still reading it g... I ju
st HAD to
have something in it. Anyway, I guess I just had to explain my posit
ion, and
why I dont have anything in this pack...and of course to thank White
Noise and
Orion for covering my ass when my parents went bezerk over my report-
Look for a bunch of great shit coming your way in two months time :
I was gunna greet a bunch of ereet people, but nah...
-iA FoS Coding Co-ordinator
Introducing FOS-0795...
Neat shit, eh? Yeah, its time to work some of that FoS m
agic once again. As
you can see, its damn near exactly two 2 months since the release
of the
first Fistful of Steel pack. If you were paying attention
, you would realize
that this every-other-month release schedule was announced back when
the group
formed. Now you know, in case you didnt.
New News
We have really fucked shit up since FOS-0595, as you may have noticed
. The
FoS roster has grown quite a bit, with the addition of an
ASCii division and
a number of new sites. But first, the not-so-good news. Trif
ixion went his
own way after his work in the FoS music division, so that
he could get his own
group, Immolation off the ground. He had informed me of his intentio
ns when
he first joined FoS, so no hard feelings and good luck to
him and his crew.
Nightwalk left his courier/coder position to pursue a care
er or something,
and artist Soul Trasher simply vanished from the scene. S
ame thing applies to
Pridkett, who said he was working on a viewer and then cea
sed to exist.
Good news is, weve added Fractal as ASCii division coordinat
or, Intoxicated
Assassin as coding coordinator, and the following members:
Fluid ASCii,
Godsend ANSi, Scorpion ASCii, IcePick co
der, ViceLord courier, Gimp
the Bastard courier, Marauder ANSi/music, Dea
th Talon VGA and Brimborion
VGA. White Noise is taking over as interim music division
Sites, Nets, Etc.
SteelNET will finally be going up in a couple weeks. Softwar
e problems and a
lack of communication betwewn sites led to a major delay, but that wi
ll all be
corrected soon. In the meantime, we be hangin out in fos o
n IRC.
Several new sites were added as of this release: The Prodigy
European HQ, The
Crimson Waters Canadian HQ, STOPOiNT South America
n HQ and Inner Sanctum
Australian HQ. New member boards and distros have also been added.
Department Notes
Due to the rather sudden departure of Trifixion, there won
t be any music in
this pack, and no viewer either, as Pridkett is nowhere to
be found. After
being left computer-less by his parents, Intoxicated Assassin
has not gotten
the app generator to me as I type this, but is calling at 2 A.M. to l
et me
know whats going on. On a totally unrelated note, Fluid has
come up with a
mascot for FoS, known affectionately as The Demented P
ickle...typical sick
shit youve come to expect, of course. Back to the appgen issue,
White Noise
has just informed that he has finished one, so I guess thats not a p
D00D of the Month
Due to his hard work at both coding and drawing, I would like to gran
t the
honorary and completely unofficial title of D00d of the Mont
h upon RBX.
That sums it up as far as I can tell. Enjoy the pack. Fill out a re
with the request generator! Most of all, DONT TOUCH ME THERE.
orionfos Greets to ProzeDawg, Crimson Ice
, Nero, Time, Xpired,
xrist@primenet.com Lithium, Trifixion, Double
Zero and you other bastards!
Hey all... Another great FOS pack this month.. However, we did need s
ome help
in the ascii department, as we only have 3 members Scorpion, Fluid a
myself, therefore we didnt manage to produce as many asciis as we w
wanted to. So if youre an decent ascii artist and interested in join
a group, fill out the FOS application generator in this months pack
and send
it up to City of Shadows the FOS world headquarters, doh i forget th
e number
: , or the Crimson Waters the FOS canadian headquarters, 613.736.5
or simply dcc the app and some of your recent work to me on IRC.. So
everyone, we hope to have an even better pack in September!
Fractal fos ascii coordinator.motion.puls
Greets go out to : Nova, Intoxicated Assassin, Proze, Assaylant, Doub
le 0,
Fluid, Future Assassin, PrymEvil, Joll, msK, Epid
Wizy, everyone on motion...
Werd all....this is iNTOXiCATED ASSASSiN, the FoS coding co-ordinator
. The packshould be out in several hours, so I decided that I
should atleast write some-
thing for this damn pack :. Due to some complications with my assho
le parents,I was not able to finish the app-gen, so White Nois
e took over the job and
finished it thanx a lot ... anyway, by the time I was able to finis
h the app-
gen, his was finished...so as I said before, no releases from me this
The coding department has really picked up, and unfortunately due to
inactivity,Pridkett has left, but a friend of mine, Assumed As
sassin should be taking his
place or something like that, unless we turn him down : .... I reall
y dont
know WHY Im writing this, or why youre still reading it g... I ju
st HAD to
have something in it. Anyway, I guess I just had to explain my posit
ion, and
why I dont have anything in this pack...and of course to thank White
Noise and
Orion for covering my ass when my parents went bezerk over my report-
Look for a bunch of great shit coming your way in two months time :
I was gunna greet a bunch of ereet people, but nah...
-iA FoS Coding Co-ordinator
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