this image contains text
fuel numero 10..yeah!
..put it on fire with gasoline..
1. Introduction.
Yo! and welcome to fuels 10th artpack!
what happened since you last saw us ? well, we lost some members and
gained some others, ditched some hqs and sites, lost our whq, got
a new one, set up a bot in fuel, recieved christmass presents and
puked our guts out during newyear, smoked hash, got into fights,
had car accidents and in our spare time we made some new art to
please you, dear audience. apart from that nothing much else went on.
2. Memberflow.
whos out ? mendator left for twilight , and kargus is concentrating
on coding now. please ppl, if you sign up with us, dont just leave after
one pack. I think its a stupid attitude and it wont do you much good
jumping from one group to the other all the time. also super88 left
just before the pack was released coz he will prolly release his ascii
work with remorse ascii.
the following ppl are getting an inactivity warning. I hate kicking you
guys out, so Im leaving you on the memberlist for *this* pack. contact
one of the organizers asap, or thou shallt be kicked. harass, where the
fuck are your st00pid monsters ? omega-x, you were on the right track
but where the fuck are you now ? elastic, never seen any of your shit.
whitesnake, ik dacht dat ge der terug zin in had gekregen pfez, dead
or what ?
guys guys guys, and girl, listen to me here.. i dont care what reasons
you have for being inactive, just drop me or thrasher a line to tell us
that you are still alive, okay!?@
whoa! this seems like an inactivity galore... lucky we gained lots of fresh
blood to make up for that. count drakula and speed freak from ovation
joined our ranks. glad to see you active again cd! also spinn joins us as
as an ascii artist. scoundrel left opium and teams up with us, watch his
cool fonting work. burps, known and feared by some, known and adored by
others, is gonna help out with the organizing and do an occasional ansi
once in a while. also angel of hell aka aOh joined us this month, who
will be maintaining the fuel mailing list fuel@ansi-art.org, do some
ansi work and be a cool guy. also this month twoxfh or fire from heaven
joined our doodling ranks. hes a particularly good artist with quite
some experience in the field as you will surely notice in this months
pack. and surprise surprise, 4th discyple joined us too this month.
theres no need for me to explain who he is, coz his fame precedes him
wherever he goes. the last one to close the newcomers list for this month
is spastic, a cool fonting dude that as he says it wants to become famous. well... you might have knocked on the right door...
to all of you guys, i hand you my sincere welcoming words, and im sure
we can make quite an impression on the artscene.
3. Headquarters and site policy.
since Im such a lazy fuck and hate editing our headquarter and sites
list all the time, I have decided to kick some boards whoah, arent we
in a kicking mood today. If your board was once a fuel hq/site and is
no longer in our list it either means that a. you are offline
b. your board sucks or c. it was left out by mistake.
now listen to me, and listen to me good. ONLY if point c. applies to
you, notify one of the organizers telling him what a dumbass dickweed
he is and beg him politely to put it back in the list :
furthermore, sites and hqs have become quite obsolete in these modern
internet ages, so they have become more of a prestige thing. we will
therefore only hand out sites to people we know personally or to
memberboards. not even begging is going to help here. case closed.
4. Applying to fuel.
applying can be done in various ways for your own convenience. talk to
one of the organizers in fuel burps,thrashie or Teakay, leave a msg
on our bot @trauma, call our whq Trauma +32-16-620922 or write an
email to one of the organizers. when applying, allways include at least
3 pictures of your previous work that represent your skills best. we
are especially looking for more dedicated ansi or ascii artists, but
vga guys are welcome too. another way of applying is writing email to the
fuel mailing list, so all members of fuel can judge your work. just write
to fuel@ansi-art.org if youre not too shy about your work :
5. Merging with fuel.
is out of the question.
6. Rumors section. 100 true unless I made them up.
word goes around that thrasher is having a secret affair with a female
ansi artist who operates under the alias lekker beest. thrasher got into
this huge fistfight with another belgian artdude called cyclops. hey
guys, dont fight over girls, nail em.
creator appears to be doing some art for penthouse magazine. when we last
talked he said he was going to the set with p.anderson.
fuel09.zip was leeched from ftp.cdrom.com 180 times in december, which
made us all very happy. keep up the good work guys, leech that pack from
cdrom.com : itll get us in the charts...whoah!
nail of fire and mean scheme was allegedly the subject for fuels fake
intro at wired96, called dirty old people. last minute changes to the
names in the intro were made in order to keep the belgian/german peace.
the knight claimed to be ill at newyears eve. officially he stayed home and
watched tv... his parents found his x-rated videotapes and cleenex the day
acid has no ansi anymore. it finally had to happen. ansis became so
scarse in the acid packs that they finally disappeared. huray to vga! whoah
acid!ansi was called into life, and claims not to be part of acid at all.
weird theyre so many acid guys in acid!ansi tho double whoah!
quick newsflash - acid!ansi died already..
radman proposed a merger of twilight into acid...but got no for an answer
from deeply disturbed.
after much hesitation burps finally admitted that he is in fact an airplane
type Fokker.
people say the fuelpack rocks before theyve even seen it.
there are no more good reviewing magazines. reviewing magazines ruled.
nobody reads reviews except for his own work..well damnit. I never got
reviewed! is it too late now ? will anybody please do fucking reviews
a cool new dutch european artgroup emerged. theyre called fade. great
art guys! dont nick our members, well nick yours triple whoah!:
ansi is pathetic. but this is not a rumor, its common knowledge. one
day a bot master puts you in the ops list on phlome, the next day another
master deletes you. immature behaviour among bot masters makes this
channel the laughing stock of the scene.
7. Greetings
to the artgroups we respect
. fade . tpy . teklordz . twilight . ice . ovation . dark . blend .
. acid . codine . mean scheme . black maiden . awe . force . ega .
. maiden . acid!ansi . phat . blade . fire . polyester . p301 .
. fusion . force . rile . lazarus . blender . fire . rage .
and the demo/mag crews we admire
. purge . psychic link . imphobia . legend design .
. klf . valhalla . antares . pulse . cubic team .
8. End of file.
and remember kids, we got the right to bitch!
01.02.97 thats february!
The Knight out!
..put it on fire with gasoline..
1. Introduction.
Yo! and welcome to fuels 10th artpack!
what happened since you last saw us ? well, we lost some members and
gained some others, ditched some hqs and sites, lost our whq, got
a new one, set up a bot in fuel, recieved christmass presents and
puked our guts out during newyear, smoked hash, got into fights,
had car accidents and in our spare time we made some new art to
please you, dear audience. apart from that nothing much else went on.
2. Memberflow.
whos out ? mendator left for twilight , and kargus is concentrating
on coding now. please ppl, if you sign up with us, dont just leave after
one pack. I think its a stupid attitude and it wont do you much good
jumping from one group to the other all the time. also super88 left
just before the pack was released coz he will prolly release his ascii
work with remorse ascii.
the following ppl are getting an inactivity warning. I hate kicking you
guys out, so Im leaving you on the memberlist for *this* pack. contact
one of the organizers asap, or thou shallt be kicked. harass, where the
fuck are your st00pid monsters ? omega-x, you were on the right track
but where the fuck are you now ? elastic, never seen any of your shit.
whitesnake, ik dacht dat ge der terug zin in had gekregen pfez, dead
or what ?
guys guys guys, and girl, listen to me here.. i dont care what reasons
you have for being inactive, just drop me or thrasher a line to tell us
that you are still alive, okay!?@
whoa! this seems like an inactivity galore... lucky we gained lots of fresh
blood to make up for that. count drakula and speed freak from ovation
joined our ranks. glad to see you active again cd! also spinn joins us as
as an ascii artist. scoundrel left opium and teams up with us, watch his
cool fonting work. burps, known and feared by some, known and adored by
others, is gonna help out with the organizing and do an occasional ansi
once in a while. also angel of hell aka aOh joined us this month, who
will be maintaining the fuel mailing list fuel@ansi-art.org, do some
ansi work and be a cool guy. also this month twoxfh or fire from heaven
joined our doodling ranks. hes a particularly good artist with quite
some experience in the field as you will surely notice in this months
pack. and surprise surprise, 4th discyple joined us too this month.
theres no need for me to explain who he is, coz his fame precedes him
wherever he goes. the last one to close the newcomers list for this month
is spastic, a cool fonting dude that as he says it wants to become famous. well... you might have knocked on the right door...
to all of you guys, i hand you my sincere welcoming words, and im sure
we can make quite an impression on the artscene.
3. Headquarters and site policy.
since Im such a lazy fuck and hate editing our headquarter and sites
list all the time, I have decided to kick some boards whoah, arent we
in a kicking mood today. If your board was once a fuel hq/site and is
no longer in our list it either means that a. you are offline
b. your board sucks or c. it was left out by mistake.
now listen to me, and listen to me good. ONLY if point c. applies to
you, notify one of the organizers telling him what a dumbass dickweed
he is and beg him politely to put it back in the list :
furthermore, sites and hqs have become quite obsolete in these modern
internet ages, so they have become more of a prestige thing. we will
therefore only hand out sites to people we know personally or to
memberboards. not even begging is going to help here. case closed.
4. Applying to fuel.
applying can be done in various ways for your own convenience. talk to
one of the organizers in fuel burps,thrashie or Teakay, leave a msg
on our bot @trauma, call our whq Trauma +32-16-620922 or write an
email to one of the organizers. when applying, allways include at least
3 pictures of your previous work that represent your skills best. we
are especially looking for more dedicated ansi or ascii artists, but
vga guys are welcome too. another way of applying is writing email to the
fuel mailing list, so all members of fuel can judge your work. just write
to fuel@ansi-art.org if youre not too shy about your work :
5. Merging with fuel.
is out of the question.
6. Rumors section. 100 true unless I made them up.
word goes around that thrasher is having a secret affair with a female
ansi artist who operates under the alias lekker beest. thrasher got into
this huge fistfight with another belgian artdude called cyclops. hey
guys, dont fight over girls, nail em.
creator appears to be doing some art for penthouse magazine. when we last
talked he said he was going to the set with p.anderson.
fuel09.zip was leeched from ftp.cdrom.com 180 times in december, which
made us all very happy. keep up the good work guys, leech that pack from
cdrom.com : itll get us in the charts...whoah!
nail of fire and mean scheme was allegedly the subject for fuels fake
intro at wired96, called dirty old people. last minute changes to the
names in the intro were made in order to keep the belgian/german peace.
the knight claimed to be ill at newyears eve. officially he stayed home and
watched tv... his parents found his x-rated videotapes and cleenex the day
acid has no ansi anymore. it finally had to happen. ansis became so
scarse in the acid packs that they finally disappeared. huray to vga! whoah
acid!ansi was called into life, and claims not to be part of acid at all.
weird theyre so many acid guys in acid!ansi tho double whoah!
quick newsflash - acid!ansi died already..
radman proposed a merger of twilight into acid...but got no for an answer
from deeply disturbed.
after much hesitation burps finally admitted that he is in fact an airplane
type Fokker.
people say the fuelpack rocks before theyve even seen it.
there are no more good reviewing magazines. reviewing magazines ruled.
nobody reads reviews except for his own work..well damnit. I never got
reviewed! is it too late now ? will anybody please do fucking reviews
a cool new dutch european artgroup emerged. theyre called fade. great
art guys! dont nick our members, well nick yours triple whoah!:
ansi is pathetic. but this is not a rumor, its common knowledge. one
day a bot master puts you in the ops list on phlome, the next day another
master deletes you. immature behaviour among bot masters makes this
channel the laughing stock of the scene.
7. Greetings
to the artgroups we respect
. fade . tpy . teklordz . twilight . ice . ovation . dark . blend .
. acid . codine . mean scheme . black maiden . awe . force . ega .
. maiden . acid!ansi . phat . blade . fire . polyester . p301 .
. fusion . force . rile . lazarus . blender . fire . rage .
and the demo/mag crews we admire
. purge . psychic link . imphobia . legend design .
. klf . valhalla . antares . pulse . cubic team .
8. End of file.
and remember kids, we got the right to bitch!
01.02.97 thats february!
The Knight out!
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