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Welcome to the info file. This is not the real info file so if we left out something important, it will probably be in there next month.
Fuels Hirez packs have consistantly gotten better as we have grown. Just in a few months our vga department has risen to the top of the hirez scene. Last month we only had about 1/2 of our members release, and it was one of our best, if not the best, packs to date. We are always looking for new members and talent.
If you are interested in joining our vga department, please e-mail enzyme@iglou.com with a few examples and a short note would be nice too.
If you are currently a member our first order of business is this. Please send your pack submissions to me on IRC or enzyme@iglou.com. I will be putting together the next few packs due to Night Deamon having extra work. Dont fret. He will still be around.
Another note to members. If you do web page style graphics, please contact Francis Seven if you are able to do web page graphics. We have a domain registered, we just need the graphics. F7 has been working hard on the code and needs our help.
Well thats all for now. If you have any questions about Fuel or VGA/Hirez related material please e-mail me.
Fuels Hirez packs have consistantly gotten better as we have grown. Just in a few months our vga department has risen to the top of the hirez scene. Last month we only had about 1/2 of our members release, and it was one of our best, if not the best, packs to date. We are always looking for new members and talent.
If you are interested in joining our vga department, please e-mail enzyme@iglou.com with a few examples and a short note would be nice too.
If you are currently a member our first order of business is this. Please send your pack submissions to me on IRC or enzyme@iglou.com. I will be putting together the next few packs due to Night Deamon having extra work. Dont fret. He will still be around.
Another note to members. If you do web page style graphics, please contact Francis Seven if you are able to do web page graphics. We have a domain registered, we just need the graphics. F7 has been working hard on the code and needs our help.
Well thats all for now. If you have any questions about Fuel or VGA/Hirez related material please e-mail me.
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