this image contains text
. l,. .@88@. .@88@. @88@.
: SP7SSSSP .dP7b .7P7b. P7b. :
l lSP d88: 78888P d88 7bS7, 7bP .,,. 7P. l
8 :S: 788P :SS!Sl 888: MS: :SSS:SSSS 8
8b ?b..dPS7S 8888888: :b. .dP7b..dP d8
88b.7S@@SP 7P 7888888P .7S@@SP 7S@@SP d88
78b.**.,db,. ** .@@. **.,d8888
..d8888S@@.. also known as kresile. . . :888888: ...@@88888888
!presents a small cluster for you bitches!
says odelay for the best present day ascii group
/ l //
::: l
odelay ascii. respect. :::
says darkstar for shroom?
:.. . darkstar . . ...:
says scs for revolution
l l
l // l /
/ / k3 /
/ s c s /
says fruite for insight
l l
/ // l //
l// l/
f r u i t //-, //-- --,
// l //
says stonehenge for aqua
l , /- l
l// // l/---/
:: owned by aqua.. trebz// ::
YO! fucking read this or face being regulated.
ok, this is was just a few samples of the shit ive been working on.
i need to find a style, so tell me which one you liked best, bitch.
oh yah, and watch out for my new newschool style too hooker.
: SP7SSSSP .dP7b .7P7b. P7b. :
l lSP d88: 78888P d88 7bS7, 7bP .,,. 7P. l
8 :S: 788P :SS!Sl 888: MS: :SSS:SSSS 8
8b ?b..dPS7S 8888888: :b. .dP7b..dP d8
88b.7S@@SP 7P 7888888P .7S@@SP 7S@@SP d88
78b.**.,db,. ** .@@. **.,d8888
..d8888S@@.. also known as kresile. . . :888888: ...@@88888888
!presents a small cluster for you bitches!
says odelay for the best present day ascii group
/ l //
::: l
odelay ascii. respect. :::
says darkstar for shroom?
:.. . darkstar . . ...:
says scs for revolution
l l
l // l /
/ / k3 /
/ s c s /
says fruite for insight
l l
/ // l //
l// l/
f r u i t //-, //-- --,
// l //
says stonehenge for aqua
l , /- l
l// // l/---/
:: owned by aqua.. trebz// ::
YO! fucking read this or face being regulated.
ok, this is was just a few samples of the shit ive been working on.
i need to find a style, so tell me which one you liked best, bitch.
oh yah, and watch out for my new newschool style too hooker.
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