this image contains text
Well, here we are one month later still alive and kickin af
ter a total month From Hell. We had a lot of good response on the first pack we put out, and we thank those who spread the pack around the world! As you notice there is not a huge a
mount of artwork in this compedium. The reason for that is because it has been again a month From Hell. A great majority of the fury members have been out of town these past two we
eks and well as most group that is the time when most of the art is produced. If you thought the first month was good wait until you see the September Compedium! It will have loads of good w
ork from every Fury Member! Also things have been hard on the group lately due to the incompitance of me calling LD to much. Which caused my board The Stand to go down. Cybertron 615.373.8302 has been assinge
d USHQ and Corrupted Society will be taken over the WHQ as of now. All those wishing to apply can logon on either board as Handle: FURY and Password: FURY. This month we pi
cked up a few additional members, Village Idiot
formerly of TRiBE and UNiON will have artwork appearing in the September
Compedium, Sky Pirate formerly of SKyZ has joined our ranks this month
and has a few things for you. All of those, who called while I was out
of town, sorry about that. If you still wish to give me a call about
Fury or becoming a member I can be reached @615.776.5746, ask for Jason.
I do apologize to all those who may have called my board and got
no answer. So just give me a ring sometime soon and Ill get with ya.
Once my board comes back up permanently it will be called W E T W O R K S. Some of you may see some advertisments for it here and there so when
it goes up give the board a buzz!
I havent seen any work from Scandal or Joe Mama this month, I
will try to give you guys a call soon, but things are weary down here
with the phone bill!
Again I would like to thank all those who gave us comments and those who helped spread the Fury compedium around the globe! Until a kick@ September catch you later! -A
zrael ACiD/COR/PROCLAIM Fury - Senior Mem.
Eternal Lie - Thanks for all the programming help! You know what I mean!
Somms - You have TF looking awesome! Thanks for the help also!
Beastie - I am a phucking phile leech on C0!
ReD Man - I know, I know, your still the best!
RaD Man - Where is all your work at?
Maestro - Doing good with Nation keep it up!
Lord Jazz - Thanks for the spiffy font! Now do me that ansi!
Satanoscillatemetallicsonatas - Only if I could draw ansi as good as you!
Mr. Corruption - Whats up /R4 //4R3Z d0od, come stick with it!
Napalm - Was that an elephant or cat you were stroking on the VMB?
Tron - This is greet is unofficial!
Bullet - Thanks for setting up as temp. WHQ and polling the nets for us!
Jello - Hey whats going on?!? Hurry and find a 950!
Mass Delusion - Havent seen ya in a long time call soon.
Blazing Shadow - They will start calling you soon.
Omen - Practice makes perfect! I could use some.
t2 - YO!
Village Idiot - Call back soon! We need to chat!
Corwin - Whats up with Amber?
Kronos - I say we start Critic up again?!?
Ktulu - Just had to greet you for some reason.
All ACiD dudes! iCE, UNiON, all the fellow FURY MEMs, IMPERiAL, NATiON, CiA,
RELiC, ALiVE, and all COR Members.
Once you are done reading this, add your name to the greets and upload it to
another BBS or one of your pals.
FURY c 1994
ter a total month From Hell. We had a lot of good response on the first pack we put out, and we thank those who spread the pack around the world! As you notice there is not a huge a
mount of artwork in this compedium. The reason for that is because it has been again a month From Hell. A great majority of the fury members have been out of town these past two we
eks and well as most group that is the time when most of the art is produced. If you thought the first month was good wait until you see the September Compedium! It will have loads of good w
ork from every Fury Member! Also things have been hard on the group lately due to the incompitance of me calling LD to much. Which caused my board The Stand to go down. Cybertron 615.373.8302 has been assinge
d USHQ and Corrupted Society will be taken over the WHQ as of now. All those wishing to apply can logon on either board as Handle: FURY and Password: FURY. This month we pi
cked up a few additional members, Village Idiot
formerly of TRiBE and UNiON will have artwork appearing in the September
Compedium, Sky Pirate formerly of SKyZ has joined our ranks this month
and has a few things for you. All of those, who called while I was out
of town, sorry about that. If you still wish to give me a call about
Fury or becoming a member I can be reached @615.776.5746, ask for Jason.
I do apologize to all those who may have called my board and got
no answer. So just give me a ring sometime soon and Ill get with ya.
Once my board comes back up permanently it will be called W E T W O R K S. Some of you may see some advertisments for it here and there so when
it goes up give the board a buzz!
I havent seen any work from Scandal or Joe Mama this month, I
will try to give you guys a call soon, but things are weary down here
with the phone bill!
Again I would like to thank all those who gave us comments and those who helped spread the Fury compedium around the globe! Until a kick@ September catch you later! -A
zrael ACiD/COR/PROCLAIM Fury - Senior Mem.
Eternal Lie - Thanks for all the programming help! You know what I mean!
Somms - You have TF looking awesome! Thanks for the help also!
Beastie - I am a phucking phile leech on C0!
ReD Man - I know, I know, your still the best!
RaD Man - Where is all your work at?
Maestro - Doing good with Nation keep it up!
Lord Jazz - Thanks for the spiffy font! Now do me that ansi!
Satanoscillatemetallicsonatas - Only if I could draw ansi as good as you!
Mr. Corruption - Whats up /R4 //4R3Z d0od, come stick with it!
Napalm - Was that an elephant or cat you were stroking on the VMB?
Tron - This is greet is unofficial!
Bullet - Thanks for setting up as temp. WHQ and polling the nets for us!
Jello - Hey whats going on?!? Hurry and find a 950!
Mass Delusion - Havent seen ya in a long time call soon.
Blazing Shadow - They will start calling you soon.
Omen - Practice makes perfect! I could use some.
t2 - YO!
Village Idiot - Call back soon! We need to chat!
Corwin - Whats up with Amber?
Kronos - I say we start Critic up again?!?
Ktulu - Just had to greet you for some reason.
All ACiD dudes! iCE, UNiON, all the fellow FURY MEMs, IMPERiAL, NATiON, CiA,
RELiC, ALiVE, and all COR Members.
Once you are done reading this, add your name to the greets and upload it to
another BBS or one of your pals.
FURY c 1994
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