this image contains text
october 1st, 1998. functi
on5 infofile.
meaningless quote ta
ken from a random source
I *DID* have sexual relations with that
- warpus.
welcome k-mart shoppers
Welcome to Functions five month anniversary. Its Oct
ober, we
are all back in school or most of us smart people ar
e, anyways,
and we have less time on our hands than ever. In res
ult of this
occasion, we are celebrating our best pack ever! It
perfect sense, doesnt it?
Last month, I lost home access to the Internet, and r
eally had
no other means of contacting the members of Function
for Warpus, who, since the last pack, has only spoken
to me
through a simple long distance call in which he compl
ained about
the lack of a September pack, and an unfortunate frid
incident. As a result of these misfortunes mostly t
he fridge-
kicking, we did not release a September pack. Were
not dead
though in fact, were about as healthy as Clintons
present role
in American society. In a related matter, get ready to
all over yourselves, because there are more pics in t
his pack than
any of our previous packs can shake a stick at.
Id like to apologize to the members of Function for no
t making a
particularly back-breaking effort to get in contact w
ith them.
It was brought to my attention, during September, tha
t I could
have easily relayed a message through Nitnatsnoc, who
lives in the
same area code as I, telling the members what was up.
Sorry, but
its been a busy summer, and.. well, I slept a lot.
Deal with it.
Big up to Gravedancer for putting all of his life-relat
responsibilities aside, and locking himself in comple
te isolation
for the past month. By complete isolation, I mean ot
her than
his computer, a copy of Aciddraw, and 4 or 5 dozen be
an and
cheese burritos.
more filler, less filling
Wow, this is great. I have finally approached the news
section of
this infofile, with nothing more to say than what is
said in the
above introductory paragraph. Well, fuck me in my go
at ass.
All I can do now is write a short plug for my dead el
magazine, Omlette, just recently released its 4th an
d last
issue. You can find all of the issues of Omlette in
codied or
HTML format at http://www.omlette.cjb.net. Omlette i
s a humour
based magazine, not an art scene blabbermouth rant-n-
rave horror
show like so many other magazines we have seen in the
past. Dear
Filth ahd Inazone: No, I am not referring to you
The reason
that I killed Omlette is in the editorial of the new
issue itself,
so go get it or I will pack your dogs arsehold with
And maybe yours too.
On a completely unrelated note, I am now in first year
studying gasp computers and mathematics. Cthulu al
so goes to
the same college, which means I get to see him more o
ften. Well,
once a week the majority of his courses are in the e
vening isnt
that often, but its better than once a year. Any
ways, the
moral of the story is this: He eats whole carrots.
Lots of them.
Big ones, too.
If you wish to apply to our cattle loving group, please
up as many works of your recent art as you feel necessa
along with the text file created by our application gen
and send it to either Quip jmalcolm@geocities.com.
new interns 1
ville From such great groups as Fire, a
nd Nerp, comes Ville.
His handle kind of resembles the word veal. Anyways,
Ville hasnt contacted us since the day he joined
, which
leads us to believe that he has been sliced up and sold
in the meats section at Safeway. Apparently, before hi
demise, Ville stated that he had some ansi sitting at
home on his computer. More recent news informed that
he no longer lives at home. Greeaat.
media outcasts 2
garroter Garroter, aka The Fonz, decided
that his ansi career
was done for. After telling us that he would pro
not be producing any artwork, we remained hopeful
for a
month, but now we must face the music and let him go.
Yeah, thats right.. and dont came back, you filthy
ditch pig.
kleenex After using him to wipe a tear fr
om our eye,
we tossed Kleenex into a huge dark abyss.. where he...
err.. well, he draws ansi for Awe and Dark now.
The above comment about Garroter being a filthy ditch p
ig was
really a naughty joke. We still love him, and his va
st knowledge
of various sexual positions.
I also have a correction to make about the quote at the
top of
this infofile. Warpus did NOT, in fact, sleep with
that woman.
It turned out that there actually was no woman, and t
hat his
object of desire was only Fuzzy, our very own Internet
In a related rumour, I heard that Fuzzy has started his
web pornography complex called Fuzzy Bares.
in conclusion
Thanks for viewing the pack assuming that you have, or
to. If you want to join, then apply. Its as simple
as that.
Oh, and if youre looking for a place to sell yourself,
is celebrating their 4th anniversary this October, so g
uest some
art with them. Last years 3rd annivers
ary pack was huge, and
I have a feeling this is going to become
a trend.
thanks for last night
fuzzy For
designing our web page.
haji Once ag
ain, for the same excellent fileid.diz.
header by iro
nghost and warpus. infofile by
header touch-u
ps by quip
Conan OBrien Okay, Ill be Kenneth Starr. Heres a bi
ble.. Do you
swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth?
long pause
Bill Clinton Theyre not really going to ask me that, a
re they?
on5 infofile.
meaningless quote ta
ken from a random source
I *DID* have sexual relations with that
- warpus.
welcome k-mart shoppers
Welcome to Functions five month anniversary. Its Oct
ober, we
are all back in school or most of us smart people ar
e, anyways,
and we have less time on our hands than ever. In res
ult of this
occasion, we are celebrating our best pack ever! It
perfect sense, doesnt it?
Last month, I lost home access to the Internet, and r
eally had
no other means of contacting the members of Function
for Warpus, who, since the last pack, has only spoken
to me
through a simple long distance call in which he compl
ained about
the lack of a September pack, and an unfortunate frid
incident. As a result of these misfortunes mostly t
he fridge-
kicking, we did not release a September pack. Were
not dead
though in fact, were about as healthy as Clintons
present role
in American society. In a related matter, get ready to
all over yourselves, because there are more pics in t
his pack than
any of our previous packs can shake a stick at.
Id like to apologize to the members of Function for no
t making a
particularly back-breaking effort to get in contact w
ith them.
It was brought to my attention, during September, tha
t I could
have easily relayed a message through Nitnatsnoc, who
lives in the
same area code as I, telling the members what was up.
Sorry, but
its been a busy summer, and.. well, I slept a lot.
Deal with it.
Big up to Gravedancer for putting all of his life-relat
responsibilities aside, and locking himself in comple
te isolation
for the past month. By complete isolation, I mean ot
her than
his computer, a copy of Aciddraw, and 4 or 5 dozen be
an and
cheese burritos.
more filler, less filling
Wow, this is great. I have finally approached the news
section of
this infofile, with nothing more to say than what is
said in the
above introductory paragraph. Well, fuck me in my go
at ass.
All I can do now is write a short plug for my dead el
magazine, Omlette, just recently released its 4th an
d last
issue. You can find all of the issues of Omlette in
codied or
HTML format at http://www.omlette.cjb.net. Omlette i
s a humour
based magazine, not an art scene blabbermouth rant-n-
rave horror
show like so many other magazines we have seen in the
past. Dear
Filth ahd Inazone: No, I am not referring to you
The reason
that I killed Omlette is in the editorial of the new
issue itself,
so go get it or I will pack your dogs arsehold with
And maybe yours too.
On a completely unrelated note, I am now in first year
studying gasp computers and mathematics. Cthulu al
so goes to
the same college, which means I get to see him more o
ften. Well,
once a week the majority of his courses are in the e
vening isnt
that often, but its better than once a year. Any
ways, the
moral of the story is this: He eats whole carrots.
Lots of them.
Big ones, too.
If you wish to apply to our cattle loving group, please
up as many works of your recent art as you feel necessa
along with the text file created by our application gen
and send it to either Quip jmalcolm@geocities.com.
new interns 1
ville From such great groups as Fire, a
nd Nerp, comes Ville.
His handle kind of resembles the word veal. Anyways,
Ville hasnt contacted us since the day he joined
, which
leads us to believe that he has been sliced up and sold
in the meats section at Safeway. Apparently, before hi
demise, Ville stated that he had some ansi sitting at
home on his computer. More recent news informed that
he no longer lives at home. Greeaat.
media outcasts 2
garroter Garroter, aka The Fonz, decided
that his ansi career
was done for. After telling us that he would pro
not be producing any artwork, we remained hopeful
for a
month, but now we must face the music and let him go.
Yeah, thats right.. and dont came back, you filthy
ditch pig.
kleenex After using him to wipe a tear fr
om our eye,
we tossed Kleenex into a huge dark abyss.. where he...
err.. well, he draws ansi for Awe and Dark now.
The above comment about Garroter being a filthy ditch p
ig was
really a naughty joke. We still love him, and his va
st knowledge
of various sexual positions.
I also have a correction to make about the quote at the
top of
this infofile. Warpus did NOT, in fact, sleep with
that woman.
It turned out that there actually was no woman, and t
hat his
object of desire was only Fuzzy, our very own Internet
In a related rumour, I heard that Fuzzy has started his
web pornography complex called Fuzzy Bares.
in conclusion
Thanks for viewing the pack assuming that you have, or
to. If you want to join, then apply. Its as simple
as that.
Oh, and if youre looking for a place to sell yourself,
is celebrating their 4th anniversary this October, so g
uest some
art with them. Last years 3rd annivers
ary pack was huge, and
I have a feeling this is going to become
a trend.
thanks for last night
fuzzy For
designing our web page.
haji Once ag
ain, for the same excellent fileid.diz.
header by iro
nghost and warpus. infofile by
header touch-u
ps by quip
Conan OBrien Okay, Ill be Kenneth Starr. Heres a bi
ble.. Do you
swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth?
long pause
Bill Clinton Theyre not really going to ask me that, a
re they?
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