this image contains text
. -+- g A L M 14a -+- .
: / :14a
// p a c k
: i n f o / : //
/ so here we are again. it took some more time than we
. expected, bnow we present to you artpack 14a by GALM. .
things seem to be moving pretty slow for GALM at the
moment, but i think we kind of got things going again
now. we dont really know why, it might be due to some
some real-life stuff that automaticly came with the
summer .. or something.... oh plz..
we decided that we wanted to release two versions of
the 14:th pack. the first one the one youve
downloaded and is watching right now should contain
ascii and music.......... and the second, b, with
some hirez from our new jugends and of course the
regular stuff.
GALM 14a also features a nice viewer called GALMVIEW,
which is coded by Kaustic and is capable of viewing
ansi ascii gfx. it might be buggy, since its the
first ever release, but i dont care, since im drunk.
well, thats it for now. we hope youll enjoy this
release by GALM.
//moh ..
n i c k / m e m b e r s / t i o n
// n a m e / l o c a
f u n c t i o n s
datachild -+- music -+- stockholm/sweden
eleric ascii vasteras/sweden
ellus ascii the internet
moh music vasteras/sweden
thaione ascii, lorez bredang/sweden
j u g e n d s //
chaleb music vasteras/sweden
kaustic code vasteras/sweden
penpen ascii, hirez stockholm/sweden
/ c o n t a c t. /
: IRC: galm@EFNet :
email: contact@galm.org :
WWW: http://www.galm.org/
GALM HQ: Blood Island.
/ g r e e t z /
: cd xzipolito woffel lithis zabutom jojon :
..: malmen orcus sajruz eye51 mrdeath :..
: evirion Pogue dalton noisex slob epos :
: botani kaustic bobo :
beepdealers impure theloop 123 granma
due to certain homosexual actions performed by these
groups/persons, we feel like we need to express our
feelings about them.
cro, bafh, grim fandango
: / :14a
// p a c k
: i n f o / : //
/ so here we are again. it took some more time than we
. expected, bnow we present to you artpack 14a by GALM. .
things seem to be moving pretty slow for GALM at the
moment, but i think we kind of got things going again
now. we dont really know why, it might be due to some
some real-life stuff that automaticly came with the
summer .. or something.... oh plz..
we decided that we wanted to release two versions of
the 14:th pack. the first one the one youve
downloaded and is watching right now should contain
ascii and music.......... and the second, b, with
some hirez from our new jugends and of course the
regular stuff.
GALM 14a also features a nice viewer called GALMVIEW,
which is coded by Kaustic and is capable of viewing
ansi ascii gfx. it might be buggy, since its the
first ever release, but i dont care, since im drunk.
well, thats it for now. we hope youll enjoy this
release by GALM.
//moh ..
n i c k / m e m b e r s / t i o n
// n a m e / l o c a
f u n c t i o n s
datachild -+- music -+- stockholm/sweden
eleric ascii vasteras/sweden
ellus ascii the internet
moh music vasteras/sweden
thaione ascii, lorez bredang/sweden
j u g e n d s //
chaleb music vasteras/sweden
kaustic code vasteras/sweden
penpen ascii, hirez stockholm/sweden
/ c o n t a c t. /
: IRC: galm@EFNet :
email: contact@galm.org :
WWW: http://www.galm.org/
GALM HQ: Blood Island.
/ g r e e t z /
: cd xzipolito woffel lithis zabutom jojon :
..: malmen orcus sajruz eye51 mrdeath :..
: evirion Pogue dalton noisex slob epos :
: botani kaustic bobo :
beepdealers impure theloop 123 granma
due to certain homosexual actions performed by these
groups/persons, we feel like we need to express our
feelings about them.
cro, bafh, grim fandango
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