this image contains text
ARTPACK 4: This Evening
Hi, glad to see you again! Yep, this is my
4rd artpack - this evening. Well, actualy
theres nothing special in this title. Just a
usual evening. Here youll find some ascii
works and a few hirez pics. Hope youll like it, if
you wont... fuck it.
Hm, what more can I say... nothing! I cant express
my mood, Im just having fun and hell with troubles!
Fuck em! You know, sometimes we all get crazy. Many
months I was suffering, thinking about past and
present. Was trying to understand people and events.
Today, looking into their eyes I can tell them:
From the bottom of my heart, FUCK YOU!
Burn in hell... and have a nice day!
Its time to forget and time to build new life with
new ideals and new dreams. Time to reload my soul...
Thank You:
tomek, jazzman, nobodysjt, maxxtro, keep, cluster,
yohel, ng, nY152, spectator, virtualica
The only thing necessary for triumph of evil is for
good men to do nothing
Edmund Burke
..... Contact tcatnoC .....
mail: liquid.heaven@gmail.com
site: www.fandango.org
irc: team-53 irc.by
asciiart made by
Kristina Orbakaite Rulez!
ARTPACK 4: This Evening
Hi, glad to see you again! Yep, this is my
4rd artpack - this evening. Well, actualy
theres nothing special in this title. Just a
usual evening. Here youll find some ascii
works and a few hirez pics. Hope youll like it, if
you wont... fuck it.
Hm, what more can I say... nothing! I cant express
my mood, Im just having fun and hell with troubles!
Fuck em! You know, sometimes we all get crazy. Many
months I was suffering, thinking about past and
present. Was trying to understand people and events.
Today, looking into their eyes I can tell them:
From the bottom of my heart, FUCK YOU!
Burn in hell... and have a nice day!
Its time to forget and time to build new life with
new ideals and new dreams. Time to reload my soul...
Thank You:
tomek, jazzman, nobodysjt, maxxtro, keep, cluster,
yohel, ng, nY152, spectator, virtualica
The only thing necessary for triumph of evil is for
good men to do nothing
Edmund Burke
..... Contact tcatnoC .....
mail: liquid.heaven@gmail.com
site: www.fandango.org
irc: team-53 irc.by
asciiart made by
Kristina Orbakaite Rulez!
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