this image contains text
june 3rd, 1999. function
7 infofile.
glue number twent
Forgive me for the above mishap.
Blame it on force of habit, I guess.
Hello, and welcome to Glue 22. This month,
I, Psidream, am the
organizer of our offering, because Catch22 is in the hospita
l. The story
goes as follows.. Apparently, while getting some
in his bed, in his room,
Catch22 fell out of the bed and landed, face first, on a sta
ck of bricks.
The bricks were, unfortunately, also infested with scorp
ions. Luckily no one
else was hurt.. the only reason that no one else was hurt wa
s that no one
else was there. Ewww.
The truth is, being that its pack 22, Catch
22 is taking a break.
He has a very tight schedule, as most homosexual, ch
cabbage eating, fire-breathing carnie fol
k do. Not to say that he is in with
the carnie crowd.. but note that I did not say that he isnt
. Hey, did I
mention that his sister is a hottie? Okay, Im going to sto
p now.
This month, we received three new members..
but who cares, as long as
we still have Zero Vision, right? WRONG.
The three new members are:
Aztec You may know him better as
Ellis Dee. Hes been in the
scene for a very long time
, and were hoping that well
be impressed by what he ha
s learned over this period
of time. And even if he s
ucks, as long as he doesnt
start calling me Susi
e, I dont mind having the guy
around. inside joke
Minister I dont know whether he
still wants to be called Offset
or whatever.. so Im ju
st going to call him Minister.
The point is, this mont
h, he improved by leaps and
bounds, and were happy
to have him drawing with us.
Propane A last minute addition t
o the roster, Propane shows much
promise as an up-and-com
ing ansi artist. We hope to see
his art impact the scene
in a way that will put Somms to
I dont think anybody left. I could be wrong.
Smack me if Im wrong.
Avenge died recently. That really sucks, be
cause Avenge was really
cool. Respect to Creator and Zeus II
for making it cool while it lasted.
Okay, and now that I am finally done with the news p
ortion of this
infofile, I am going to ramble on and make fun of pe
ople, like I am
constantly reminded that I constantly do.
This month, Warpus made a return to IRC. Ma
ny of us knew and loved
Warpus before, when he was in frequent contact with the IRC
scene, but now
he... well, he tells really bad math jokes. Fil
th tried to lure him away
from the channel with the URL to a fetish page, but to no av
ail, we were
still harassed with Warpus vast knowledge of calculus
- quite possibly the
worst thing in the world. Thanks a lot, you Polish beet
-eating bastard.
Leth, who is not actually in Glue, b
ut is a frequent participant
in sessions of verbal abuse emitted from the depths of glue
, is a hick. He
sits up all night playing a game which he calls Beat the De
vil where you
light a match, and see if you can hold it until it stops bur
ning. And yes,
ladies, he IS single!!
In other Leth-related news, Leth is one
pov tm mother fucker. He
is so pov tm that if you put someone who was reall
y really pov tm next to
him, then that person wouldnt look so pov tm anym
ore. Leth lives in a
town with a population of eight.. they also have a cow and a
couple chickens.
If thats not pov tm then I dont know what is.
Dont even begin to ask.
Another GlueCon was held this month! This t
ime, the party was held
in Dundas, a city near Hamilton, Ontario th
ats in Canada, you fucking
moron. Basically, no ansi was drawn, no music was made, an
d very few drugs
were consumed. The party was organized for the sole purpose
of beating the
crap out of Putrid Carcass hippie van. Many rocks
were thrown, and many
large pieces of metal fell from the van. A good time was ha
d by.. almost
everybody. Oh, and Catch22 was hit in the head with
a rather large piece of
plywood. By me. He cried like a little girl, and we all la
ughed at him.
I saw a daredevil stunt thing on television last nig
ht, starring
Robbie Knievel. He was supposed to jump over the gr
and canyon on a
motorcycle. He made it, landed, apparently may have broken
his leg, blah
blah blah. The point is, the camper that he got out of, bef
ore doing his
stunt, had a sign on the side that said Parking in front of
camper for
Americans only.
I havent seen The Phantom Menace yet, and I
dont care. Movie hype
is pathetic. If youre not George Lucas, and that movie, fo
r you, is the
and I quote event of the century, then you are one sad l
ittle brainwashed
After tracking drum and bass music for quite a while
, and listening
to crazy electronic music on a constant basis, I finally dec
ided to get off
my bony ass and go to a rave. The rave was called E1
and was held in the
area in Vancouver commonly labelled as Crackville,
in a place called the
Korean Cultural Centre. Fortunately, no Koreans attended.
Im joking.. I
think. The rave was good, I went crazy, danced for nine hou
rs, and now I can
barely move. My body is so sore that I feel like Catch2
2 when he and his
cat.. err.. hey, look at the time!
And so ends another edition of the Glue Pack
! Please tune in next
month, where I will be continuously trashed by Catch22 becau
se of my antics
in the preceding text.
Oh! I almost forgot. Here is this months complete
ly inaccurate,
but equally-amusing-as-last-months-laid-list Laid List
Enzo - 2
I dont really know how many points Enzo had
, nor do I care. The
fact that he emailed me personally just to make sure that I
added him to the
list is enough for me. Oh, and please note that Catc
h22 is NOT on this
list. Now, if there were a Laid-by-a-Glue-member List, th
en this would be
a different story. Err.. sorry Enzo.
7 infofile.
glue number twent
Forgive me for the above mishap.
Blame it on force of habit, I guess.
Hello, and welcome to Glue 22. This month,
I, Psidream, am the
organizer of our offering, because Catch22 is in the hospita
l. The story
goes as follows.. Apparently, while getting some
in his bed, in his room,
Catch22 fell out of the bed and landed, face first, on a sta
ck of bricks.
The bricks were, unfortunately, also infested with scorp
ions. Luckily no one
else was hurt.. the only reason that no one else was hurt wa
s that no one
else was there. Ewww.
The truth is, being that its pack 22, Catch
22 is taking a break.
He has a very tight schedule, as most homosexual, ch
cabbage eating, fire-breathing carnie fol
k do. Not to say that he is in with
the carnie crowd.. but note that I did not say that he isnt
. Hey, did I
mention that his sister is a hottie? Okay, Im going to sto
p now.
This month, we received three new members..
but who cares, as long as
we still have Zero Vision, right? WRONG.
The three new members are:
Aztec You may know him better as
Ellis Dee. Hes been in the
scene for a very long time
, and were hoping that well
be impressed by what he ha
s learned over this period
of time. And even if he s
ucks, as long as he doesnt
start calling me Susi
e, I dont mind having the guy
around. inside joke
Minister I dont know whether he
still wants to be called Offset
or whatever.. so Im ju
st going to call him Minister.
The point is, this mont
h, he improved by leaps and
bounds, and were happy
to have him drawing with us.
Propane A last minute addition t
o the roster, Propane shows much
promise as an up-and-com
ing ansi artist. We hope to see
his art impact the scene
in a way that will put Somms to
I dont think anybody left. I could be wrong.
Smack me if Im wrong.
Avenge died recently. That really sucks, be
cause Avenge was really
cool. Respect to Creator and Zeus II
for making it cool while it lasted.
Okay, and now that I am finally done with the news p
ortion of this
infofile, I am going to ramble on and make fun of pe
ople, like I am
constantly reminded that I constantly do.
This month, Warpus made a return to IRC. Ma
ny of us knew and loved
Warpus before, when he was in frequent contact with the IRC
scene, but now
he... well, he tells really bad math jokes. Fil
th tried to lure him away
from the channel with the URL to a fetish page, but to no av
ail, we were
still harassed with Warpus vast knowledge of calculus
- quite possibly the
worst thing in the world. Thanks a lot, you Polish beet
-eating bastard.
Leth, who is not actually in Glue, b
ut is a frequent participant
in sessions of verbal abuse emitted from the depths of glue
, is a hick. He
sits up all night playing a game which he calls Beat the De
vil where you
light a match, and see if you can hold it until it stops bur
ning. And yes,
ladies, he IS single!!
In other Leth-related news, Leth is one
pov tm mother fucker. He
is so pov tm that if you put someone who was reall
y really pov tm next to
him, then that person wouldnt look so pov tm anym
ore. Leth lives in a
town with a population of eight.. they also have a cow and a
couple chickens.
If thats not pov tm then I dont know what is.
Dont even begin to ask.
Another GlueCon was held this month! This t
ime, the party was held
in Dundas, a city near Hamilton, Ontario th
ats in Canada, you fucking
moron. Basically, no ansi was drawn, no music was made, an
d very few drugs
were consumed. The party was organized for the sole purpose
of beating the
crap out of Putrid Carcass hippie van. Many rocks
were thrown, and many
large pieces of metal fell from the van. A good time was ha
d by.. almost
everybody. Oh, and Catch22 was hit in the head with
a rather large piece of
plywood. By me. He cried like a little girl, and we all la
ughed at him.
I saw a daredevil stunt thing on television last nig
ht, starring
Robbie Knievel. He was supposed to jump over the gr
and canyon on a
motorcycle. He made it, landed, apparently may have broken
his leg, blah
blah blah. The point is, the camper that he got out of, bef
ore doing his
stunt, had a sign on the side that said Parking in front of
camper for
Americans only.
I havent seen The Phantom Menace yet, and I
dont care. Movie hype
is pathetic. If youre not George Lucas, and that movie, fo
r you, is the
and I quote event of the century, then you are one sad l
ittle brainwashed
After tracking drum and bass music for quite a while
, and listening
to crazy electronic music on a constant basis, I finally dec
ided to get off
my bony ass and go to a rave. The rave was called E1
and was held in the
area in Vancouver commonly labelled as Crackville,
in a place called the
Korean Cultural Centre. Fortunately, no Koreans attended.
Im joking.. I
think. The rave was good, I went crazy, danced for nine hou
rs, and now I can
barely move. My body is so sore that I feel like Catch2
2 when he and his
cat.. err.. hey, look at the time!
And so ends another edition of the Glue Pack
! Please tune in next
month, where I will be continuously trashed by Catch22 becau
se of my antics
in the preceding text.
Oh! I almost forgot. Here is this months complete
ly inaccurate,
but equally-amusing-as-last-months-laid-list Laid List
Enzo - 2
I dont really know how many points Enzo had
, nor do I care. The
fact that he emailed me personally just to make sure that I
added him to the
list is enough for me. Oh, and please note that Catc
h22 is NOT on this
list. Now, if there were a Laid-by-a-Glue-member List, th
en this would be
a different story. Err.. sorry Enzo.
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