this image contains text
it says grill!@ the reaper/purg+cia
SSS,SSSysSSSSSSSyy,. s,s @,SSS , SSy,SSSyy..SSyy. S Sl syyySS s @, l l S lSS s SS,yS, l SS y,SS,s ySsy,,ysS.Y Sy,, lY syySSy S Sy,.,S,ySSySS yyyyyyysS, yS@, y..Sy, l l,Sy,.,y .ySSy S l @ S S S,Sl . l l SSyS S ySsyS ,ySy , ySyyyyy , ,S s s s
shitty attempt at dy and cains style.... ive seen it enough that i thought
id give it a try.. i kinda like the style, just dunno if i can keep it up!
anyways, this is for my guest release in grill... sounded like a kewlio group
to guest in so here we go!
grtz:!!@:grill peepholez, purg peepholez, etc, do art for the reapers realm also known as trr and fuckin like it!@ check out the purg release coming soon
purg-05.zip!@ and whatever other paks are OVER-due out
SSS,SSSysSSSSSSSyy,. s,s @,SSS , SSy,SSSyy..SSyy. S Sl syyySS s @, l l S lSS s SS,yS, l SS y,SS,s ySsy,,ysS.Y Sy,, lY syySSy S Sy,.,S,ySSySS yyyyyyysS, yS@, y..Sy, l l,Sy,.,y .ySSy S l @ S S S,Sl . l l SSyS S ySsyS ,ySy , ySyyyyy , ,S s s s
shitty attempt at dy and cains style.... ive seen it enough that i thought
id give it a try.. i kinda like the style, just dunno if i can keep it up!
anyways, this is for my guest release in grill... sounded like a kewlio group
to guest in so here we go!
grtz:!!@:grill peepholez, purg peepholez, etc, do art for the reapers realm also known as trr and fuckin like it!@ check out the purg release coming soon
purg-05.zip!@ and whatever other paks are OVER-due out
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