- title
- GRiM News Bulletin 8/94
- author
- GRiM
- group
- date
- --
- comments
- g part of a mature
group, and help a worthy cause, by all mean
s, stop sitti[A
[57Cng there reading this
and go fill out t
he application! (I apologize for not ha[A
[57Cving an applica
generator completed, I was working on the viewer all mon
[0;34mGR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR
[13C[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM
[27C[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[A
[38C[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[A
[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[A
GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[A
[0;36mIf you are a Sysop of a BBS that would like to
[50C become an official
distrobution site for GRiM, an a
pplication for you is al[A
[57Cso included. We
are looking
for systems that meet specific quality crite[A
[57Cria. We
limiting ourselves to one distrobution site per area cod[
[57Ce, but there are
always exceptions to every rule.
[0;34mGR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[A
[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[A
6mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[A
[38C[0;34mM GR[
0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[A
[52C[0;36mi[0;34mM G
R[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[A
[63C[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34m
M GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[A
Finally, I would like to inform you about GRiM[A
[50CNet, the
official GRiM
and Ffejware! support network. This network is
NOT limi[A
[57Cted to distrobution
sites only. Please ref
er to the GRIMN001.ZIP package fo[A
[57Cr details on
[0;34mGR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[
[13C[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[A
27C[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[A
4mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[A
0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[A
[63C[0;34mM GR[0;36m
i[0;34mM GR[0;36mi[0;34mM GR[A
[77C[0;36mi[0;34mM[0m - datatype
- filetype
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