this image contains text
G R i M S C U M TM August 6, 1996
1-The Usual Disclaimer
We are in no way responsible for any damages arising from the use of this
program, and blah blah blah, and so on...
2-System Requirements
* 386 CPU or later
* 4 megs of RAM 2560k of free memory needed at runtime
* VGA graphic card
* SVGA graphic card and a VESA BIOS or a driver like UNIVBE installed if
you want to use higher resolutions 640x480 and above.
* Gravis Ultrasound with 512k of DRAM or Sound Blaster if you want to
hear music and sound effects.
3-Questions Answers
Q: I tried to run your eLiTe PRoGGY, but it crashed and my computer froze!
A: Type GRIMSCUM /? at the DOS prompt for help about that. If this freezes
your computer again, e-mail Overbored ovrbored@ice.org and complain
about it.
Q: I have a GUS/SB but i cant hear any sound!
A: As it says when you type GRIMSCUM /?, make sure your environment variable
is set correctly. If you already checked that and theres still no sound,
maybe your sound cards IRQ is above 7, which is known to cause some
problems with the music player that bug should be fixed soon.
Q: I tried everything but I still cant hear any sound!!
A: Bah.. just use the /nosound switch and shut up.
Q: Ok. I just got the program working. But... how does the interface work? I
wanna know! Tell me!! Please!!!
A: er.. press F1.
Q: Could you tell me more about Kris?
A: Well... Kris is a young mass murderer. Youll learn more about him and his
weird personnality in upcoming issues of Grim Scum.
Q: What are those coordinators in the member list at the end? Are they
really doing something useful?
A: They are in charge of the Quality Control: they correct spelling mistakes,
add some jokes, beta-test the newly developed interface and make some good
Q: Sounds KeWL! I wanna become a coordinator too!
A: Sorry, but we dont need any other coordinator.
Q: But i can do other stuff. Please! I wanna join!! I can do anything!!!
A: Whatever. Read the next section.
4-How To Join The Grim Scum Crew
If youd like to join in as a writer, just write a short story that would
fit in a 1- to 5-page comic book and e-mail it to Snake Grunger
fbernier@aei.ca. If your entry is accepted, we will use it in a future
issue. After that, you can continue writing stories for Grim Scum if you
want to, but we wont bug you about it if not.
If youre interested in tracking some music for an upcoming issue, go
ahead and e-mail your module to Snake Grunger. As with story-writing, if
we pick your tune for one of our issues, feel free to track other songs,
but then again we wont come to your house with a shotgun if you dont
want to. :D
Also, if you want to do any kind of art ansi, vga, logos, FILEIDs,
anything for us, that could be used in a comic book or just as a small
advertisement, e-mail your work to Snake Grunger. Once it has been
approved, you can continue to draw stuff for us if you wish. If you dont feel like it,
worry: we wont take members of your family as hostages. P
I really need someone good at coloring up pages. If youd like to help me
with this, just attach your best vga to an e-mail and send it to Snake
Grunger. Note: pixel artists abstain - I want someone who works with
programs like Photoshop or Fractal Design Painter.
If youre a good ASM or C programmer and you have coded a game or a demo
before, you might want to help us with our vga game project see next
section. As usual, e-mail Snake Grunger for more info about it.
5-Future Projects
We are working on a Grim Scum ansi game. It should be the next thing we
While working on that game, Soul Assassin is also drawing the pages for
the second issue. The story is by Trip and it should be a 4- or 5-page
Of course, well create a Grim Scum web page as soon as we can.
We are also going to be working on a huge vga game project while we
continue releasing new issues of Grim Scum, after the ansi game is done.
6-Bug Reports, Comments Suggestions
If you find a bug in the Grim Scum Interface, please e-mail Overbored
ovrbored@ice.org. If you have any good suggestions or comments, feel
free to e-mail our k-rad official mail-reading coordinator, Snake Grunger
fbernier@aei.ca about it.
Thank you for reading,
Soul Assassin Overbored
c Copyright 1996 Soul Assassin. All rights Reserved.
Grim Scum and the Grim Scum Logo are trademarks of Soul Assassin.
G R i M S C U M TM August 6, 1996
1-The Usual Disclaimer
We are in no way responsible for any damages arising from the use of this
program, and blah blah blah, and so on...
2-System Requirements
* 386 CPU or later
* 4 megs of RAM 2560k of free memory needed at runtime
* VGA graphic card
* SVGA graphic card and a VESA BIOS or a driver like UNIVBE installed if
you want to use higher resolutions 640x480 and above.
* Gravis Ultrasound with 512k of DRAM or Sound Blaster if you want to
hear music and sound effects.
3-Questions Answers
Q: I tried to run your eLiTe PRoGGY, but it crashed and my computer froze!
A: Type GRIMSCUM /? at the DOS prompt for help about that. If this freezes
your computer again, e-mail Overbored ovrbored@ice.org and complain
about it.
Q: I have a GUS/SB but i cant hear any sound!
A: As it says when you type GRIMSCUM /?, make sure your environment variable
is set correctly. If you already checked that and theres still no sound,
maybe your sound cards IRQ is above 7, which is known to cause some
problems with the music player that bug should be fixed soon.
Q: I tried everything but I still cant hear any sound!!
A: Bah.. just use the /nosound switch and shut up.
Q: Ok. I just got the program working. But... how does the interface work? I
wanna know! Tell me!! Please!!!
A: er.. press F1.
Q: Could you tell me more about Kris?
A: Well... Kris is a young mass murderer. Youll learn more about him and his
weird personnality in upcoming issues of Grim Scum.
Q: What are those coordinators in the member list at the end? Are they
really doing something useful?
A: They are in charge of the Quality Control: they correct spelling mistakes,
add some jokes, beta-test the newly developed interface and make some good
Q: Sounds KeWL! I wanna become a coordinator too!
A: Sorry, but we dont need any other coordinator.
Q: But i can do other stuff. Please! I wanna join!! I can do anything!!!
A: Whatever. Read the next section.
4-How To Join The Grim Scum Crew
If youd like to join in as a writer, just write a short story that would
fit in a 1- to 5-page comic book and e-mail it to Snake Grunger
fbernier@aei.ca. If your entry is accepted, we will use it in a future
issue. After that, you can continue writing stories for Grim Scum if you
want to, but we wont bug you about it if not.
If youre interested in tracking some music for an upcoming issue, go
ahead and e-mail your module to Snake Grunger. As with story-writing, if
we pick your tune for one of our issues, feel free to track other songs,
but then again we wont come to your house with a shotgun if you dont
want to. :D
Also, if you want to do any kind of art ansi, vga, logos, FILEIDs,
anything for us, that could be used in a comic book or just as a small
advertisement, e-mail your work to Snake Grunger. Once it has been
approved, you can continue to draw stuff for us if you wish. If you dont feel like it,
worry: we wont take members of your family as hostages. P
I really need someone good at coloring up pages. If youd like to help me
with this, just attach your best vga to an e-mail and send it to Snake
Grunger. Note: pixel artists abstain - I want someone who works with
programs like Photoshop or Fractal Design Painter.
If youre a good ASM or C programmer and you have coded a game or a demo
before, you might want to help us with our vga game project see next
section. As usual, e-mail Snake Grunger for more info about it.
5-Future Projects
We are working on a Grim Scum ansi game. It should be the next thing we
While working on that game, Soul Assassin is also drawing the pages for
the second issue. The story is by Trip and it should be a 4- or 5-page
Of course, well create a Grim Scum web page as soon as we can.
We are also going to be working on a huge vga game project while we
continue releasing new issues of Grim Scum, after the ansi game is done.
6-Bug Reports, Comments Suggestions
If you find a bug in the Grim Scum Interface, please e-mail Overbored
ovrbored@ice.org. If you have any good suggestions or comments, feel
free to e-mail our k-rad official mail-reading coordinator, Snake Grunger
fbernier@aei.ca about it.
Thank you for reading,
Soul Assassin Overbored
c Copyright 1996 Soul Assassin. All rights Reserved.
Grim Scum and the Grim Scum Logo are trademarks of Soul Assassin.
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