this image contains text
-image taken from
Cannibal Corpses
Eaten Back to Life
Slimy, cozing, d
ripping puss,
torn out
fingernails st
arting to fu
ss. Shredded
cartilage victim
lies, eye
sockets, but
no eyes.
Miles of i
ntestines strewn
all about,
facial featu
res strickened wi
th gout. Ha
nging bodies d
ripping with
blood, the
blackened fl
uid sinks in
the mud.
-Cannibal Co
rpse Rotting He
Baphomets Blood
SysOps: Nosferatu/GRiND, Logan
Co-SysOps: Trigger Happy, Shub Niggurat
The Goob Man
Specializing in Occult Files.
Running Renegade 5-31
-image taken from
Cannibal Corpses
Eaten Back to Life
Slimy, cozing, d
ripping puss,
torn out
fingernails st
arting to fu
ss. Shredded
cartilage victim
lies, eye
sockets, but
no eyes.
Miles of i
ntestines strewn
all about,
facial featu
res strickened wi
th gout. Ha
nging bodies d
ripping with
blood, the
blackened fl
uid sinks in
the mud.
-Cannibal Co
rpse Rotting He
Baphomets Blood
SysOps: Nosferatu/GRiND, Logan
Co-SysOps: Trigger Happy, Shub Niggurat
The Goob Man
Specializing in Occult Files.
Running Renegade 5-31
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