this image contains text
Art Pack 2
the art of self destruction
Members as always: Release Date: 06/97
silentkid Original Release to: Track BBS 902477-4406
Picture filename Comments
Date - Time
Genesis 2 And the earth was without form, and void and
Genesis.jpg darkness was upon the face of the deep. and the
Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters
6/4/97 3 And God said, let there be light: and there was
1:26am was light.
At last the war was over, and the triumphant Gods
serene and unmolested once more, took up the
work of creation which this strife had
interrupted. The earth which they had made lay
before them, green and fresh and lovely, though
in places cruelly torn by the mighty Titans...
Above the earth spread the blue sky, with the
lights that the gods had made set in it to mark
the day and the night...
In the beginning there was an explosion. Not an
explosion like those familiar on earth, starting
from a definate center and spreading out to
engulf more and more of the cicumambient air, but
an explosion which occured simultaneously
everywhere, filling all space from the beginning
with every particle of matter rushing apart from
every other particle.
sunny implosion
of sincerity i dream to heal your wounds but i bleed myself
3/8/97 every out of place thing i have ever said has
8:27am more sincere than winnie the pooh on XtC. yet
it goes unheard.. ignored... dejected...
at the heart of it i will let you down i will make you hurt
all full of broken thoughts that i cannot repair
heart.jpg if i could reach you maybe i could leave this
pleace a warm place if only i could reach that
6/4/97 warm place with you i am so impure i am so impure
3:40am fix me smash me erase me fix me please i am so
impure need to contaminate to alleviate this
wretched loneliness it wont give up it wants me
me dead
delusionary authority figure gives me bottles of pills...
salvation some to stay happy, some to stay calm, some to
delsalv.jpg stay asleep. false sense of security. take them
away, and leave me with nothing but delusions.
6/4/97 pop the hit to delude myself with my own little
5:17am world, not the world of false promises and long
term carelies.
final realization
final.jpg survey says: help me i am in hell
as the number one reason my life sucks
With the exception of Sunny Implosion of Sincerity, all these pictures were
done during the course of one of my real bad fucking moods, while listening
to Further Down The Spiral by NiN, hence the lyric bits, and titles of
pictures. Representing a depressional spiral.. that, in my probable somewhat
melodramatic state, is supposed to be my life. Starting from birth.. to..
well... death or my present state, and right now.. im not sure which is worse.
Anyways.... HALO8 is and always will be a one man thing so dont offer me
anything graphic wise. and also as always i can be reached at:
Track BBS 902477-4406
Email: silent@cryogen.com
-- silentkid
the art of self destruction
Members as always: Release Date: 06/97
silentkid Original Release to: Track BBS 902477-4406
Picture filename Comments
Date - Time
Genesis 2 And the earth was without form, and void and
Genesis.jpg darkness was upon the face of the deep. and the
Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters
6/4/97 3 And God said, let there be light: and there was
1:26am was light.
At last the war was over, and the triumphant Gods
serene and unmolested once more, took up the
work of creation which this strife had
interrupted. The earth which they had made lay
before them, green and fresh and lovely, though
in places cruelly torn by the mighty Titans...
Above the earth spread the blue sky, with the
lights that the gods had made set in it to mark
the day and the night...
In the beginning there was an explosion. Not an
explosion like those familiar on earth, starting
from a definate center and spreading out to
engulf more and more of the cicumambient air, but
an explosion which occured simultaneously
everywhere, filling all space from the beginning
with every particle of matter rushing apart from
every other particle.
sunny implosion
of sincerity i dream to heal your wounds but i bleed myself
3/8/97 every out of place thing i have ever said has
8:27am more sincere than winnie the pooh on XtC. yet
it goes unheard.. ignored... dejected...
at the heart of it i will let you down i will make you hurt
all full of broken thoughts that i cannot repair
heart.jpg if i could reach you maybe i could leave this
pleace a warm place if only i could reach that
6/4/97 warm place with you i am so impure i am so impure
3:40am fix me smash me erase me fix me please i am so
impure need to contaminate to alleviate this
wretched loneliness it wont give up it wants me
me dead
delusionary authority figure gives me bottles of pills...
salvation some to stay happy, some to stay calm, some to
delsalv.jpg stay asleep. false sense of security. take them
away, and leave me with nothing but delusions.
6/4/97 pop the hit to delude myself with my own little
5:17am world, not the world of false promises and long
term carelies.
final realization
final.jpg survey says: help me i am in hell
as the number one reason my life sucks
With the exception of Sunny Implosion of Sincerity, all these pictures were
done during the course of one of my real bad fucking moods, while listening
to Further Down The Spiral by NiN, hence the lyric bits, and titles of
pictures. Representing a depressional spiral.. that, in my probable somewhat
melodramatic state, is supposed to be my life. Starting from birth.. to..
well... death or my present state, and right now.. im not sure which is worse.
Anyways.... HALO8 is and always will be a one man thing so dont offer me
anything graphic wise. and also as always i can be reached at:
Track BBS 902477-4406
Email: silent@cryogen.com
-- silentkid
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