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Honored Artists in Legion Info January, 1995
Welcome to the HAiL Premier Pak. I will keep this short, cause I know a
lot of you guys dont really read this crap. Anyway, we are a new group of
artists, writers, and programmers who have banded under a common name in
which we release our work on the 1st of each month. Theres no deadlines
for us, we work when we feel like it. We feel quality is more important
than quantity, so our first few packs may be sorta small.
We are sorta interested in a merger. You can call Paragon and leave me an
We have a lot of positions opened to whoever is interested, such as
General Coordinator, Art Coordinator, Music Coordinator, Lit Coordinator,
Coding Coordinator, Couriering Coordinator, and Public Relations.
We are looking for someone who has the know-how of setting up a net for
our HAiL-NET. I know like nothing about nets, so I need a real genius-dude
to help us out.
We are looking for guys in the following positions... Coordinators in
positions mentioned above, ANSi Artists, VGA Artists, ASCii Artists, RiP
Artists, Writers, Musicians, Coders, and Couriers. We will take in anyone
who shows any sign of talent, and for those of us who arent sure about our
talent, we will help you improve your talents.
We are looking for Affiliate Boards. We have spots open for Western,
Northern, and Southern HeadQuarters. The only requirements is that your
board supports art, and is pretty big and popular. The sysop also has to be
able to call the WHQ every week. We are also accepting distro sites. We are
limiting it to 2 boards per area code, except for New Jersey, where we will
take 3. We will drop boards to accept bigger boards in the same area. We
will accept unlimited 1-8oo boards. If we get our Net set up, we will ask
you to participate in it, but you dont have to.
If you have any questions, call one of the following boards.
Paragon Quarantine Systems Infinity -TBH
ViRGiL The Fugitive Fartknocker
9o8.322.2737 9o8.752.9349 2o1.379.4694
World HQ US HQ Application HQ
Where it all began New Board Contact Steelflight
Welcome to the HAiL Premier Pak. I will keep this short, cause I know a
lot of you guys dont really read this crap. Anyway, we are a new group of
artists, writers, and programmers who have banded under a common name in
which we release our work on the 1st of each month. Theres no deadlines
for us, we work when we feel like it. We feel quality is more important
than quantity, so our first few packs may be sorta small.
We are sorta interested in a merger. You can call Paragon and leave me an
We have a lot of positions opened to whoever is interested, such as
General Coordinator, Art Coordinator, Music Coordinator, Lit Coordinator,
Coding Coordinator, Couriering Coordinator, and Public Relations.
We are looking for someone who has the know-how of setting up a net for
our HAiL-NET. I know like nothing about nets, so I need a real genius-dude
to help us out.
We are looking for guys in the following positions... Coordinators in
positions mentioned above, ANSi Artists, VGA Artists, ASCii Artists, RiP
Artists, Writers, Musicians, Coders, and Couriers. We will take in anyone
who shows any sign of talent, and for those of us who arent sure about our
talent, we will help you improve your talents.
We are looking for Affiliate Boards. We have spots open for Western,
Northern, and Southern HeadQuarters. The only requirements is that your
board supports art, and is pretty big and popular. The sysop also has to be
able to call the WHQ every week. We are also accepting distro sites. We are
limiting it to 2 boards per area code, except for New Jersey, where we will
take 3. We will drop boards to accept bigger boards in the same area. We
will accept unlimited 1-8oo boards. If we get our Net set up, we will ask
you to participate in it, but you dont have to.
If you have any questions, call one of the following boards.
Paragon Quarantine Systems Infinity -TBH
ViRGiL The Fugitive Fartknocker
9o8.322.2737 9o8.752.9349 2o1.379.4694
World HQ US HQ Application HQ
Where it all began New Board Contact Steelflight
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