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Yah! The pack is here...well great thanks to our hard working coders for
their determination. A lot has happened since this group started, even
though this is our first pack. Members have gone, friends gained,
enemies made, etc. but all in all I am currently quite happy with hat.
Well I did say that i would touch upon this back when I was not exactly
popular with some people...guess it all started with the ROC HAT thing..
NEVERTHELESS, I do believe EVERYTHING significant has been cleared now.
Questions, comments, I know there are still some mislead individuals out
there... send to feedback man ackman! ackman@netcom.com
Members, members, members...well first of all, I would like to recognize
that heathen ansi tactics has TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many members and ONLY gave
credit to those members that contributed to this pack in some way...
New ones, old ones...well you will see some of our art from APPRENTICE
and in some future packs Black Guard, i would like to CLARIFY that both
are NO LONGER IN THIS GROUP. Consequently, you will not see some art from
some good current members, this being that a substantial number of extreme-
ly talented artists have JUST been acquired and couldnt produce for this
pack...watch for some new artists in future packs.
Other groups.
ROC- Buddies...best of luck, BG! come home! just kidding..knock out the
ninth! Zealot, calm down you maniac..
LSD- Get a life and stop phruntin on dis.. you getz none of deez.
KRAP- Keep trying d0odZ, I hope and expect you to surpass LSD.
VOR- Love ya sr! Ack go back! Watch your step.. I hear some Rulers of Chaos
team is getting pretty good...
ICE- I would like to take the time to recognize my role models...one of da
few groups out there that still keep it funny...join hat hellfire!!!
Our philosophy.
If you didnt know, I have founded this group or tried to on a different
basis. Mainly, though some members may disagree with me, I believe that
ansi/art/rip/etc etc should be kept fun and the HOBBY that it is... Unless
you are one of those brothers out there raking in the big bucks for your
work, that is all this is about.. so stop being so serious and negative.
Dont get me wrong, if you want to sweat blood for your art and walk across
burning coal for your team for nothing, thats fine.. but I am specifically
addressing those being so negative towards us..
Until next time.
Well thanks for taking the time to look into our group.. If you have any
questions, sent us internet mail ACKMAN@NETCOM.COM or get on one of our
support groups.. and hey, we know we aint ACID, so please try to keep
it positive.
Ninja-Man Bob
Heathen Ansi Tactics
their determination. A lot has happened since this group started, even
though this is our first pack. Members have gone, friends gained,
enemies made, etc. but all in all I am currently quite happy with hat.
Well I did say that i would touch upon this back when I was not exactly
popular with some people...guess it all started with the ROC HAT thing..
NEVERTHELESS, I do believe EVERYTHING significant has been cleared now.
Questions, comments, I know there are still some mislead individuals out
there... send to feedback man ackman! ackman@netcom.com
Members, members, members...well first of all, I would like to recognize
that heathen ansi tactics has TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many members and ONLY gave
credit to those members that contributed to this pack in some way...
New ones, old ones...well you will see some of our art from APPRENTICE
and in some future packs Black Guard, i would like to CLARIFY that both
are NO LONGER IN THIS GROUP. Consequently, you will not see some art from
some good current members, this being that a substantial number of extreme-
ly talented artists have JUST been acquired and couldnt produce for this
pack...watch for some new artists in future packs.
Other groups.
ROC- Buddies...best of luck, BG! come home! just kidding..knock out the
ninth! Zealot, calm down you maniac..
LSD- Get a life and stop phruntin on dis.. you getz none of deez.
KRAP- Keep trying d0odZ, I hope and expect you to surpass LSD.
VOR- Love ya sr! Ack go back! Watch your step.. I hear some Rulers of Chaos
team is getting pretty good...
ICE- I would like to take the time to recognize my role models...one of da
few groups out there that still keep it funny...join hat hellfire!!!
Our philosophy.
If you didnt know, I have founded this group or tried to on a different
basis. Mainly, though some members may disagree with me, I believe that
ansi/art/rip/etc etc should be kept fun and the HOBBY that it is... Unless
you are one of those brothers out there raking in the big bucks for your
work, that is all this is about.. so stop being so serious and negative.
Dont get me wrong, if you want to sweat blood for your art and walk across
burning coal for your team for nothing, thats fine.. but I am specifically
addressing those being so negative towards us..
Until next time.
Well thanks for taking the time to look into our group.. If you have any
questions, sent us internet mail ACKMAN@NETCOM.COM or get on one of our
support groups.. and hey, we know we aint ACID, so please try to keep
it positive.
Ninja-Man Bob
Heathen Ansi Tactics
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