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Getting better all the time.
NewsLetter Issue 3
Havok has suffered some major setbacks this month, which range
from loss of users, to loss of artwork, to lack of motivation.
Havok continues to exist, however, shows some very unworthy
artists as of lately..
New Members:
New members include Buckwheat. He has joined us from spLat, which
broke up towards the end of the month. He joins us as a coder, and
shows some great skill in coding.
Members resigning:
Ozzy has left us, who joined from the iLLUSiON Merge. Where he plans
to go, and what he plans to do is unknown, but fortunately he leaves
us on good terms.
Asrael has left our RIP department, leaving for ACiD Productions,
who offered him to draw for them.
Mr. Corruption has left us to form his own group, Fury. We wish
him the best of luck.
Techie has left us for the time being to code a viewer for CiA
who is paying him 50 to do so, which is more than we offered
him. Coding is a HUGE setback for Havok once again. So if you
have the talent, please give us a call.
In RIP this month, we are back to what we started with, ONE RIP
artist, our 2nd artist who came from iLLUSiON, Asrael, got an
offer from ACiD and accepted. Good luck Asrael.
VGA work is slow this month, showing very little work. VGA Art
is limited in Havok, as we lack in VGA Artists.
However, Zaphod has been elected as Head of VGA Art, and did some
fantastic work this month.
Nightbreed again shows an outstanding collection of ANSi work this
month. Incredible job NB. Sword Weaver as well continues to
amaze us with his outstanding work, however minimal due to college
entrance exams. He plans to start drawing more again this month.
He contiues to show that he can also do origional artwork, and
not copy from Comic books. :
Nightbreed has been nominated Head of ANSi Art. Congradulations
The Lit department is again very solid, with Zaphod contributing
another large quantities of work, as well as quality. Destiny
has continued to amaze me with her truly origional poetry, and the
ability to make a poem not only sound good, but have appeal to the
vision as well. Destiny has accepted the position of Head of
Literture department.
This has been the update for this month. Any questions
about Havok can be answered by myself on CiPNet, KMANet, ValiantNet,
ThunderNet, my board, ANY of the Havok HQs, or my voice
line 7O8557-2825.
Anyone interested in becoming a site for Havok can apply using
the Application Generator, and uploaded to either The Thieves
Guild 7O8261-1849, or The Acropolis 7O8557-2826.
-Lars Ulrich
NewsLetter Issue 3
Havok has suffered some major setbacks this month, which range
from loss of users, to loss of artwork, to lack of motivation.
Havok continues to exist, however, shows some very unworthy
artists as of lately..
New Members:
New members include Buckwheat. He has joined us from spLat, which
broke up towards the end of the month. He joins us as a coder, and
shows some great skill in coding.
Members resigning:
Ozzy has left us, who joined from the iLLUSiON Merge. Where he plans
to go, and what he plans to do is unknown, but fortunately he leaves
us on good terms.
Asrael has left our RIP department, leaving for ACiD Productions,
who offered him to draw for them.
Mr. Corruption has left us to form his own group, Fury. We wish
him the best of luck.
Techie has left us for the time being to code a viewer for CiA
who is paying him 50 to do so, which is more than we offered
him. Coding is a HUGE setback for Havok once again. So if you
have the talent, please give us a call.
In RIP this month, we are back to what we started with, ONE RIP
artist, our 2nd artist who came from iLLUSiON, Asrael, got an
offer from ACiD and accepted. Good luck Asrael.
VGA work is slow this month, showing very little work. VGA Art
is limited in Havok, as we lack in VGA Artists.
However, Zaphod has been elected as Head of VGA Art, and did some
fantastic work this month.
Nightbreed again shows an outstanding collection of ANSi work this
month. Incredible job NB. Sword Weaver as well continues to
amaze us with his outstanding work, however minimal due to college
entrance exams. He plans to start drawing more again this month.
He contiues to show that he can also do origional artwork, and
not copy from Comic books. :
Nightbreed has been nominated Head of ANSi Art. Congradulations
The Lit department is again very solid, with Zaphod contributing
another large quantities of work, as well as quality. Destiny
has continued to amaze me with her truly origional poetry, and the
ability to make a poem not only sound good, but have appeal to the
vision as well. Destiny has accepted the position of Head of
Literture department.
This has been the update for this month. Any questions
about Havok can be answered by myself on CiPNet, KMANet, ValiantNet,
ThunderNet, my board, ANY of the Havok HQs, or my voice
line 7O8557-2825.
Anyone interested in becoming a site for Havok can apply using
the Application Generator, and uploaded to either The Thieves
Guild 7O8261-1849, or The Acropolis 7O8557-2826.
-Lars Ulrich
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