this image contains text
Hazmat :: Ascii divsion of Cia -- Proudly i hope presents... ..
Object unknown - Tesko suicide
. O.BJECT : . .. ........
: . /. . . dza!
: .. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- l----- -----
you can skip this somewhat funny thingie if ya want, it was taken
from a message board. imagine if a priest actually wrote a article
like this. heh
Date: 12.1.99/17:58
Father Michael Richards bigdaddy@bible.org / http://www.godhatesfags.com
Fags fellate almost 100 of their sexual contacts and ingest semen from about
half of those. Semen contains virtually every germ carried in the blood
stream, so this is about equivalent to ingesting raw human blood. 70 of fags
admit to having sex only one time with over 50 of their partners.
The average fag has between 20 and 106 partners per year. The average
heterosexual has 8 partners in a lifetime. Sperm readily penetrates the anal
wall which is only one cell thick and gains direct access to the blood
stream. This causes massive immunological damage to the bodys T- and B-cell
defensive systems. 50 of male syphilis is carried by fags as a rectal
infection and can enter through the urethra of another fag during anal sex.
17 of fags eat and/or rub the feces of their partners on themselves. 12 of
fags give/receive enemas as part of sexual pleasure. The average fag fellates
somewhere between 20 and 106 men, swallows 50 seminal discharges, has 72
penile penetrations of the anus, and ingests feces of 23 different men EVERY
YEAR. Many fag sexual encounters occur while drunk, high on drugs, or in an
orgy settins. Fags dont pay heed to warnings of their lifestyles: Knowledge
of health guidelines was quite high, but this knowledge had no relation to
sexual behavior. Activities of fags involve rimming anilingus, golden
showers, fisting, and using toys.
Fags account for 3-4 of all gonorrhea cases, 60 of all syphilis cases, and
17 of all hospital admissions other than for STDs in the United States 5.
Fags live unhealthy lifestyles, and have historically accounted for the bulk
of syphilis, gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, the gay bowel syndrome which attacks
the intestinal tract, tuberculosis and cytomegalovirus 27.
73 of psychiatrists say fags are less happy than the average person, and of
those psychiatrists, 70 say that the unhappiness is NOT due to social
stigmatization 13. 25-33 of fags and dykes are alcoholics 11.
43 of fags admit to 500 or more partners in a lifetime, 28 admit to
1000 or more in a lifetime, and of these people, 79 say that half of those
partners are total strangers, and 70 of those sexual contacts are one night
stands or, as one fag admits in the film The Castro, one minute stands 3.
Also, it is a favorite past-time of many fags to go to cruisy areas and have
anonymous sex.
OK! .. now we get started with the goodies and such. I did not
include a index, just view the whole colly. damn, i hope not one of those
jagoffs that just look for stuff thats for you and then go onto the next
persons art, h0h0.. NOOOOOoooo you shall view it all.. or else! slap!
This is my biggest colly ever, and also my best work ever. I
apperciate it when i get feedback, which i usually do, so thanks!
think i suck? well.. tell me! of course ill have to talk perverted to you
for weeks to come, but hey! thats just me.
Now view my fine collection of fine art for the fine colly :
- tesk
oh.. maybe i should be cool like all the other ascii doodle kids and
have quotes in my colly before or after my art.. lets do it before! woo-hah!
tum but goddamnit
tum i thought drugs would enhance my ability, not destroy it
disco74 crack helps to regulate the homeless.
ralph i made my ansi/ascii in aciddraw and duhdraw..
but when i type it out, its not blocks its letters
volatile the only thing i like doing is moving around
whirr81 ive been in one accident in 10 years, and it was that
fucking drunks fault.
Ohseven whirr - Stop blaming yourself
zero81 r3v81, Reminds me of this girl, who said, if the football
team won, shed suck them all off, and she did, had to get
her stomach pumped.
OK! thats enuff.. finally.. guess what.. no, gary coleman isnt coming over,
its time to view the art!
: Says : Bearic :
- For : Skatter -
./--/./l / . :: :
/B E A R I C ts . : :
: Says : Neuro :
- For : Serial Toon -
1 . .. ... . .
: :: : serial2ns board :
: .: / neuro :: :
//----ts/ --- / ---------- -- -
-- neuro --
/ neuro
......ts// / /
. .i..l
li ..
./ l
: :: NEURO :
ok, i just had to quote s2n from what he said in that kristin logo he did
in mimic 7 .. so here we go...
could volatile have influenced him?
: Says : Sweet Surrender :
- For : Sarah Baby -
:: sweet sweet ::
sweet surrender, its all i had to give
: Says : Spinal Core :
- For : Abstrak -
:: :: ::: : / spinal core
: Says : Remorse :
- For : n/a -
cLAn!rEMOrSE :/. . . ... : ./.: . .
: Says : Ebonickz :
- For : bizzach -
l / eBOnICKz -- - --------/
: / ts/
: Says : Binary Funk :
- For : Kaes -
/---/ binary funk/ / / /
/b.funk/ // l :....
/. i / .: : .. .
/ ts/ / : :
: Says : Otaku :
- For : twoxfh -
u n de rg ro u n d
: Says : CIA :
- For : hrmm.. i wonder -
/ts/ cia /
: Says : Karma :
- For : n/a -
// i
/ karmapresentsfullforce :. ..
.. ... goddamn.. just look at the /-------/
:l diz file for that pack.. its only
i: the diz and it fucking rocks..
: now view the pack, it fucking rocks!
: Says : Dub :
- For : Caster -
/ dUB!kREW
: Says : Channel :
- For : who knows -
l l
/ /i / / / /
//Channel ts/
: Says : Ominous :
- For : Sudifed? : j/k -
// /l // / ts
: Says : CMS :
- For : Mre -
ts:: : :: c.m.s :: :::
: Says : Anal :
- For : Discofunk -
Disco74 anal isnt something i run, it just happens
all i can say is this IS anal style yo!
: Says : DeadLock :
- For : Black Jack -
/ deadlock bbs system
: Says : Mimic Compo :
- For : Me : -
tshzt -- /
haha.. remember that? it was fucked up!
: Says : Karma :
- For : Karma -
:: ::::/ // karma: /
l // . ...
ts// .. ... . .. . . .
/ ts
: Says : Logon :
- For : You? if ya want -
. oo /
/ l l// /l
/ userid: +--------------
password: l
l /---+--
ts /
: Says : Mimic :
- For : Black Jacks Bro -
mimic/ts. /
its weird.. but i like it.
im talking about the ascii asshole
talk about small! :
: Says : Aucoin :
- For : Bugsys B-friend -
aucoin ascii
: Says : Tomato :
- For : ESC !!@ : haha -
l/ / /
/ts /
/ t o m a t o
. l
: Says : Goomba Land :
- For : i forget, wheee -
l /
/ / / / tsmmc/
goomba land
: Says : Compo 24 :
- For : kayozz/me -
. / / / / /. 24
compo /24
: Says : ACiD :
- For : rad ass man! -
: Says : Digital X :
- For : -
digital X
: Says : Tone :
- For : Seltorn *shrug* -
: / //ts :::: :
:.. . ... :. t o n e
: J O I N T S :
1 :: this was a diz i did with merlin, its just being released now
i n i q u i t y
l /l/
ts / :: me /r
2 :: i personally love this one.. dezibel and i did this puppy!
. / /. / /. / / /. / eLement
..: : : / - tsdz -
.. Tesko Suicide of Hazmat and Dezibel of Karma!
3 :: another joint with dezibel.. dezibel and i did this puppy!
/ :.. . - tsdz -
. d j . l o . // :
.. Tesko Suicide of hazmat and Dezibel of Karma!
/ end of art
guesting in this colly were: / ts
. dezibel from karma -- he did the object unknown logo. THANKS!
. kayozz from Element/Mimic Pro. -- did the Greets header, THANKS!
/ / / . zz/e
: ------------ / g r e e t s / -------------- :
Heres that special little section where i make a single tear roll off your
cheek :
First off, id like to greet/thank everyone in Mimic/Remorse/Karma/Hazmat!
keep on going, go strong, become strong, stay strong.. whoopie
People that have made me or helped make me who i am today :art wise:
- merlin/talo/el talo/random nick .. whatever :
- kayozz
- dezibel
you guys suck! hehe.. nah.. you guys kick ass.. your the best
now ill finish off AOL style.. *hug*
could this be.... a hidden.. PORN STORY!@ YEAH!@!@
From: anne018bi@aol.com Anne018bi
Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories
Subject: 12 yr olds f/f,mast,true
Date: 7 Oct 1995 00:23:01 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. 1-800-827-6364
Lines: 182
Message-ID: 454vb53du@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Reply-To: anne018bi@aol.com Anne018bi
Now, dont hold me to any dates or ages. Im going to fix my age
to 12 and the time to the summer of 1990. Also, the events will not
necessarily be in the proper order. The facts will be as accurate as
my memory will allow. The names will not be changed to protect the
guilty! I will need to set up the scene some:
Back in the 1980s my folks had a summer house in Spring
Lake, Michigan. The house was on the lake, and the lake had access
to Lake Michigan via the Grand River. Look on a map, Central West
Michigan just north of Holland. We had 3 boats, a 21 cabin cruiser
with 2 40 horsepower outboards, a 12 Boston Whaler with a 40 hp.
outboard, and a sailboat butterfly class. I raced the sailboat once
on Wed. and twice on both Sat. Sun. I spent 3 summers here, and
many week-ends during the school year. We sold the house a few years
ago, but I still go there to visit as often as I can.
I had 3 girlfriends Tommy, Laura, and Terry. Tommy I usually
call her Tom was my next door neighbor and still is my best friend.
Laura Terry are sisters and lived 4 houses over. Tom is one year
younger than myself, Terry is about my age, and Laura is about 2 years
older. Tommy I spent the whole summers together except from Sat.
sundown to Sun. evening she is a Dutch Reform they cant do ANYTHING
during that time except sit pray go to church. When we got bored,
we got Terry Laura. We spent much of the time water-skiing, driving
the boat to town, and swimming. I slept in the boat almost every night
and Tommy joined me much of the time. There were 2 boys Tom Stu in
the neighborhood. They were real pests, peeking in our windows and
playing tricks on us. Typical 12 year old boys.... enough set-up.
Tommy and I were excited that we got the magazine. She didnt
think that I would do it. It was easy. I just put the Hustler inside
the over-size Life Magazine, and the lady didnt need to touch it when
she rang it up. Now, sitting in the boat, we had it open to the nicest
How can these great looking women pose for pictures like that?
Tommy says, looking at a picture of a lady with all of her private parts
showing. I would just die if someone was looking at pictures of me like
that! We examine the picture very closely. She has really big breasts
and she is holding both of them up like a bra would. She is sitting with
her knees apart and her pussy in all its color is in full view!
I can see some wetness down there. I say, pointing at her pussy.
I think it makes her excited, having her picture took like that! My
little cunt begins to stir and I become flushed. I wonder if Tom is
feeling the same. I turn the pages until I stop at a picture of a women with herfinger half inside the lips of her pussy. Oh! look at her! I scratch
some kind of a itch on my pussy threw my pjs and Tom catches me.
This getting to you? she asks. Maybe we better take a dip?
We slip out of our night cloths and open the cabin door. Its a nice warm
evening and the moon is full. We look up at our houses and see that they
are both dark. I figure that its not quite midnight and few boats will
be out on the lake. We hop on the dock and look at the water. The air
feels great on my nude body, but the water looks dark and cold. I climb
on the piling and grab the flag pole. From here its a nice 6 foot dive
to the water. I want to make my first crash into the water a great one.
So I stand on one leg, hold the flag pole with my right hand, and stick my
other arm and leg out as far as I could.
Watch this! Tommy, right under me looks up and her eyes land
right on my crotch! She remains focused there for a moment, and I feel
those juices stirring again. I let go of the flag pole and perform a
sloppy dive. Tom jumps in after me. The water feels not only great but
very sensual on my naked body and I begin thinking about Tommy in a very
different way. We both have the same kind of bodies. We are skinny, hair-
less, and little boobies just starting their journey outward. I wonder
if she plays with her cunny like I sometimes do. I wonder if I should
try to find out. Im afraid that Id get really embarrassed or that she
might think that Im wierd.
A half hour later we were sitting and air-drying on the floor in
the stern of the boat. I was leaning back with my arms resting on my
upturned knees and I notice Tom looking at my crotch again! Do you think
I have a neat looking cunt? I ask.
Tom looks up and acts embarrassed that she was caught. You have
the nicest looking pussy Ive ever seen! Like shes seen a lot! How
about mine? she says as she pulls her knees apart. She is sitting in a
dark corner, away from the moons light, so I move in for a closer look.
I can see the beginnings of her pubic hair, but its essentially hairless.
Her clit is sticking out of the folds of skin and her slit is most
definitely damp. Using her right hand, she separates the folds around her clit
two fingers. I see that it is swollen and very moist.
This is turning you on, isnt it? I ask, Im feeling something too!
Ya! Lets go into the cabin where its totally private. Maybe we
can compare cunts! We seat ourselves in the cabin on cushions and face
each other. The light in the boat cabin is bright compared to the moonlight
outside. We position our pussys facing each other about a half a foot apart andbegin our examination. Open yourself up like this. Tom, using both
hands this time, opens all of her pussy lips. Her skin is white and inside her
pussy, its very wet and dark pink. She watched as I do the same. My
button is bigger than yours but it looks like your slit is longer.
But, Im just as wet as you! I interrupt. Watch this! I
slowly slip a finger into my pussy and move it in and out. Ive done this
before, but it feels a lot better with Tom watching me. I close my eyes and
continue slowly finger fuck myself for a few moments.
Tommy breaks my concentration with Can I try that!? I expect
her to begin working on her own pussy, but instead, she slides her finger into
me! After the shock wears off, I relax and concentrate on the feeling of
someone else stimulating me. She slowly finger fucks me just as I was
doing. At one point, she stops with her finger all the way inside and
begins bending and turning her finger around. Just as I feel the familiar quiverin the walls of my pussy start, she removes her finger. Here, now you do me!
My voice is weak from the near orgasm and abrupt stop, OK, lie
back and let me have at you! I figure that Tommy didnt know what she was
creating inside me. She surely must have never frigged herself all the
way to orgasm before, or she would have tried to get me off. Well, I guess
she is going to have a surprise! I sit on my hip to her left side and
begin by rubbing her whole crotch with the palm of my left hand. I move my handin circles and push gently down. She begins to move her lower body up and
down. I hear a small grunt from her. With my right hand, I relieve her
clit from the folds of skin and move some moisture up from her cunny onto
her little swollen clit. With the finger of my right hand, I begin by
lightly rubbing the very top of her button. She begins to squirm a bit.
Then I circle it around and around, and then quickly flick the top again.
I feel her hand on my arm, trying to push me away. She must be very
sensitive right now. I hear a little giggle come from her. So I move my fingerdown and slide it into her very wet passage. I slide it out, and then using
two fingers, begin to slowly finger-fuck her.
Oooh! Thats nice! Toms chest is heaving as she speaks.
Faster! she pleads. I pick up the pace and begin to rub her clit with
my other hand. Mmmmm! She is really squirming around now. I feel a
great deal of juice gathering around my two fingers. I continue working on her.
After a minute or two, her upper torso lifts up, her eyes are close
tightly, and her mouth opens. I feel her pussy walls contract and much more
wetness comes out onto my hand as I pump in and out. Then I feel it begin to
Oh! Oooo! Eeee! Ah! no, no, YES! No, stop Her knees come together and
she lowers her legs trying to push my hand out, but I just stop plunging and
keep my two fingers buried deep in her. I feel the contractions slow down and
then stop, so I begin again to slowly move them a short distance in and
out. She squirms and giggles, No, no, stop OK? When I sit back up and look
at her she asks, What was that??? Wow!
You came! You had an orgasm. Im unconsciously fingering
myself as I talk. Ive been making myself do that for a while already. Im
really wet and flushed. My nipples are hard. Now, you do it to me, OK?
Tom kneels between my legs as I settle back on a pillow. Im
really hot and ready for some fun and I wonder if her inexperience will
hinder my adventure. I close my eyes, OK, lets see what you can do for
me! My stomach gets butterflies because I know that she is examining my
pussy in every detail. I feel the back of her fingers rubbing up and down
my wet slit. A finger slides down the slit and back up to my clit. It
hits it sharply and I jerk a bit. Are you teasing me, Tom? Hurry up,
Im going nuts here! I wiggle my butt down into the cushion and grab my
knees opening myself up as much as possible. I feel two hands now, one knuckle
is spinning on my butt hole, and the other hand is sticking its two fingers
into me. She slides them in very easily. Once in, she turns them 180 degrees
around and back for a while. Then the in and out motion starts. Her
other hands finds my clit. Shes doing me now exactly like I did to her, good
girl! My orgasm rockets through out my body. The pleasure is tremendous.
Its much better than when I do it myself! We are both wondering to
ourselves if we are now lesbians.
PART 2 ??
man... i wish i had part 2 .. h0h0
Object unknown - Tesko suicide
. O.BJECT : . .. ........
: . /. . . dza!
: .. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- l----- -----
you can skip this somewhat funny thingie if ya want, it was taken
from a message board. imagine if a priest actually wrote a article
like this. heh
Date: 12.1.99/17:58
Father Michael Richards bigdaddy@bible.org / http://www.godhatesfags.com
Fags fellate almost 100 of their sexual contacts and ingest semen from about
half of those. Semen contains virtually every germ carried in the blood
stream, so this is about equivalent to ingesting raw human blood. 70 of fags
admit to having sex only one time with over 50 of their partners.
The average fag has between 20 and 106 partners per year. The average
heterosexual has 8 partners in a lifetime. Sperm readily penetrates the anal
wall which is only one cell thick and gains direct access to the blood
stream. This causes massive immunological damage to the bodys T- and B-cell
defensive systems. 50 of male syphilis is carried by fags as a rectal
infection and can enter through the urethra of another fag during anal sex.
17 of fags eat and/or rub the feces of their partners on themselves. 12 of
fags give/receive enemas as part of sexual pleasure. The average fag fellates
somewhere between 20 and 106 men, swallows 50 seminal discharges, has 72
penile penetrations of the anus, and ingests feces of 23 different men EVERY
YEAR. Many fag sexual encounters occur while drunk, high on drugs, or in an
orgy settins. Fags dont pay heed to warnings of their lifestyles: Knowledge
of health guidelines was quite high, but this knowledge had no relation to
sexual behavior. Activities of fags involve rimming anilingus, golden
showers, fisting, and using toys.
Fags account for 3-4 of all gonorrhea cases, 60 of all syphilis cases, and
17 of all hospital admissions other than for STDs in the United States 5.
Fags live unhealthy lifestyles, and have historically accounted for the bulk
of syphilis, gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, the gay bowel syndrome which attacks
the intestinal tract, tuberculosis and cytomegalovirus 27.
73 of psychiatrists say fags are less happy than the average person, and of
those psychiatrists, 70 say that the unhappiness is NOT due to social
stigmatization 13. 25-33 of fags and dykes are alcoholics 11.
43 of fags admit to 500 or more partners in a lifetime, 28 admit to
1000 or more in a lifetime, and of these people, 79 say that half of those
partners are total strangers, and 70 of those sexual contacts are one night
stands or, as one fag admits in the film The Castro, one minute stands 3.
Also, it is a favorite past-time of many fags to go to cruisy areas and have
anonymous sex.
OK! .. now we get started with the goodies and such. I did not
include a index, just view the whole colly. damn, i hope not one of those
jagoffs that just look for stuff thats for you and then go onto the next
persons art, h0h0.. NOOOOOoooo you shall view it all.. or else! slap!
This is my biggest colly ever, and also my best work ever. I
apperciate it when i get feedback, which i usually do, so thanks!
think i suck? well.. tell me! of course ill have to talk perverted to you
for weeks to come, but hey! thats just me.
Now view my fine collection of fine art for the fine colly :
- tesk
oh.. maybe i should be cool like all the other ascii doodle kids and
have quotes in my colly before or after my art.. lets do it before! woo-hah!
tum but goddamnit
tum i thought drugs would enhance my ability, not destroy it
disco74 crack helps to regulate the homeless.
ralph i made my ansi/ascii in aciddraw and duhdraw..
but when i type it out, its not blocks its letters
volatile the only thing i like doing is moving around
whirr81 ive been in one accident in 10 years, and it was that
fucking drunks fault.
Ohseven whirr - Stop blaming yourself
zero81 r3v81, Reminds me of this girl, who said, if the football
team won, shed suck them all off, and she did, had to get
her stomach pumped.
OK! thats enuff.. finally.. guess what.. no, gary coleman isnt coming over,
its time to view the art!
: Says : Bearic :
- For : Skatter -
./--/./l / . :: :
/B E A R I C ts . : :
: Says : Neuro :
- For : Serial Toon -
1 . .. ... . .
: :: : serial2ns board :
: .: / neuro :: :
//----ts/ --- / ---------- -- -
-- neuro --
/ neuro
......ts// / /
. .i..l
li ..
./ l
: :: NEURO :
ok, i just had to quote s2n from what he said in that kristin logo he did
in mimic 7 .. so here we go...
could volatile have influenced him?
: Says : Sweet Surrender :
- For : Sarah Baby -
:: sweet sweet ::
sweet surrender, its all i had to give
: Says : Spinal Core :
- For : Abstrak -
:: :: ::: : / spinal core
: Says : Remorse :
- For : n/a -
cLAn!rEMOrSE :/. . . ... : ./.: . .
: Says : Ebonickz :
- For : bizzach -
l / eBOnICKz -- - --------/
: / ts/
: Says : Binary Funk :
- For : Kaes -
/---/ binary funk/ / / /
/b.funk/ // l :....
/. i / .: : .. .
/ ts/ / : :
: Says : Otaku :
- For : twoxfh -
u n de rg ro u n d
: Says : CIA :
- For : hrmm.. i wonder -
/ts/ cia /
: Says : Karma :
- For : n/a -
// i
/ karmapresentsfullforce :. ..
.. ... goddamn.. just look at the /-------/
:l diz file for that pack.. its only
i: the diz and it fucking rocks..
: now view the pack, it fucking rocks!
: Says : Dub :
- For : Caster -
/ dUB!kREW
: Says : Channel :
- For : who knows -
l l
/ /i / / / /
//Channel ts/
: Says : Ominous :
- For : Sudifed? : j/k -
// /l // / ts
: Says : CMS :
- For : Mre -
ts:: : :: c.m.s :: :::
: Says : Anal :
- For : Discofunk -
Disco74 anal isnt something i run, it just happens
all i can say is this IS anal style yo!
: Says : DeadLock :
- For : Black Jack -
/ deadlock bbs system
: Says : Mimic Compo :
- For : Me : -
tshzt -- /
haha.. remember that? it was fucked up!
: Says : Karma :
- For : Karma -
:: ::::/ // karma: /
l // . ...
ts// .. ... . .. . . .
/ ts
: Says : Logon :
- For : You? if ya want -
. oo /
/ l l// /l
/ userid: +--------------
password: l
l /---+--
ts /
: Says : Mimic :
- For : Black Jacks Bro -
mimic/ts. /
its weird.. but i like it.
im talking about the ascii asshole
talk about small! :
: Says : Aucoin :
- For : Bugsys B-friend -
aucoin ascii
: Says : Tomato :
- For : ESC !!@ : haha -
l/ / /
/ts /
/ t o m a t o
. l
: Says : Goomba Land :
- For : i forget, wheee -
l /
/ / / / tsmmc/
goomba land
: Says : Compo 24 :
- For : kayozz/me -
. / / / / /. 24
compo /24
: Says : ACiD :
- For : rad ass man! -
: Says : Digital X :
- For : -
digital X
: Says : Tone :
- For : Seltorn *shrug* -
: / //ts :::: :
:.. . ... :. t o n e
: J O I N T S :
1 :: this was a diz i did with merlin, its just being released now
i n i q u i t y
l /l/
ts / :: me /r
2 :: i personally love this one.. dezibel and i did this puppy!
. / /. / /. / / /. / eLement
..: : : / - tsdz -
.. Tesko Suicide of Hazmat and Dezibel of Karma!
3 :: another joint with dezibel.. dezibel and i did this puppy!
/ :.. . - tsdz -
. d j . l o . // :
.. Tesko Suicide of hazmat and Dezibel of Karma!
/ end of art
guesting in this colly were: / ts
. dezibel from karma -- he did the object unknown logo. THANKS!
. kayozz from Element/Mimic Pro. -- did the Greets header, THANKS!
/ / / . zz/e
: ------------ / g r e e t s / -------------- :
Heres that special little section where i make a single tear roll off your
cheek :
First off, id like to greet/thank everyone in Mimic/Remorse/Karma/Hazmat!
keep on going, go strong, become strong, stay strong.. whoopie
People that have made me or helped make me who i am today :art wise:
- merlin/talo/el talo/random nick .. whatever :
- kayozz
- dezibel
you guys suck! hehe.. nah.. you guys kick ass.. your the best
now ill finish off AOL style.. *hug*
could this be.... a hidden.. PORN STORY!@ YEAH!@!@
From: anne018bi@aol.com Anne018bi
Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories
Subject: 12 yr olds f/f,mast,true
Date: 7 Oct 1995 00:23:01 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. 1-800-827-6364
Lines: 182
Message-ID: 454vb53du@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Reply-To: anne018bi@aol.com Anne018bi
Now, dont hold me to any dates or ages. Im going to fix my age
to 12 and the time to the summer of 1990. Also, the events will not
necessarily be in the proper order. The facts will be as accurate as
my memory will allow. The names will not be changed to protect the
guilty! I will need to set up the scene some:
Back in the 1980s my folks had a summer house in Spring
Lake, Michigan. The house was on the lake, and the lake had access
to Lake Michigan via the Grand River. Look on a map, Central West
Michigan just north of Holland. We had 3 boats, a 21 cabin cruiser
with 2 40 horsepower outboards, a 12 Boston Whaler with a 40 hp.
outboard, and a sailboat butterfly class. I raced the sailboat once
on Wed. and twice on both Sat. Sun. I spent 3 summers here, and
many week-ends during the school year. We sold the house a few years
ago, but I still go there to visit as often as I can.
I had 3 girlfriends Tommy, Laura, and Terry. Tommy I usually
call her Tom was my next door neighbor and still is my best friend.
Laura Terry are sisters and lived 4 houses over. Tom is one year
younger than myself, Terry is about my age, and Laura is about 2 years
older. Tommy I spent the whole summers together except from Sat.
sundown to Sun. evening she is a Dutch Reform they cant do ANYTHING
during that time except sit pray go to church. When we got bored,
we got Terry Laura. We spent much of the time water-skiing, driving
the boat to town, and swimming. I slept in the boat almost every night
and Tommy joined me much of the time. There were 2 boys Tom Stu in
the neighborhood. They were real pests, peeking in our windows and
playing tricks on us. Typical 12 year old boys.... enough set-up.
Tommy and I were excited that we got the magazine. She didnt
think that I would do it. It was easy. I just put the Hustler inside
the over-size Life Magazine, and the lady didnt need to touch it when
she rang it up. Now, sitting in the boat, we had it open to the nicest
How can these great looking women pose for pictures like that?
Tommy says, looking at a picture of a lady with all of her private parts
showing. I would just die if someone was looking at pictures of me like
that! We examine the picture very closely. She has really big breasts
and she is holding both of them up like a bra would. She is sitting with
her knees apart and her pussy in all its color is in full view!
I can see some wetness down there. I say, pointing at her pussy.
I think it makes her excited, having her picture took like that! My
little cunt begins to stir and I become flushed. I wonder if Tom is
feeling the same. I turn the pages until I stop at a picture of a women with herfinger half inside the lips of her pussy. Oh! look at her! I scratch
some kind of a itch on my pussy threw my pjs and Tom catches me.
This getting to you? she asks. Maybe we better take a dip?
We slip out of our night cloths and open the cabin door. Its a nice warm
evening and the moon is full. We look up at our houses and see that they
are both dark. I figure that its not quite midnight and few boats will
be out on the lake. We hop on the dock and look at the water. The air
feels great on my nude body, but the water looks dark and cold. I climb
on the piling and grab the flag pole. From here its a nice 6 foot dive
to the water. I want to make my first crash into the water a great one.
So I stand on one leg, hold the flag pole with my right hand, and stick my
other arm and leg out as far as I could.
Watch this! Tommy, right under me looks up and her eyes land
right on my crotch! She remains focused there for a moment, and I feel
those juices stirring again. I let go of the flag pole and perform a
sloppy dive. Tom jumps in after me. The water feels not only great but
very sensual on my naked body and I begin thinking about Tommy in a very
different way. We both have the same kind of bodies. We are skinny, hair-
less, and little boobies just starting their journey outward. I wonder
if she plays with her cunny like I sometimes do. I wonder if I should
try to find out. Im afraid that Id get really embarrassed or that she
might think that Im wierd.
A half hour later we were sitting and air-drying on the floor in
the stern of the boat. I was leaning back with my arms resting on my
upturned knees and I notice Tom looking at my crotch again! Do you think
I have a neat looking cunt? I ask.
Tom looks up and acts embarrassed that she was caught. You have
the nicest looking pussy Ive ever seen! Like shes seen a lot! How
about mine? she says as she pulls her knees apart. She is sitting in a
dark corner, away from the moons light, so I move in for a closer look.
I can see the beginnings of her pubic hair, but its essentially hairless.
Her clit is sticking out of the folds of skin and her slit is most
definitely damp. Using her right hand, she separates the folds around her clit
two fingers. I see that it is swollen and very moist.
This is turning you on, isnt it? I ask, Im feeling something too!
Ya! Lets go into the cabin where its totally private. Maybe we
can compare cunts! We seat ourselves in the cabin on cushions and face
each other. The light in the boat cabin is bright compared to the moonlight
outside. We position our pussys facing each other about a half a foot apart andbegin our examination. Open yourself up like this. Tom, using both
hands this time, opens all of her pussy lips. Her skin is white and inside her
pussy, its very wet and dark pink. She watched as I do the same. My
button is bigger than yours but it looks like your slit is longer.
But, Im just as wet as you! I interrupt. Watch this! I
slowly slip a finger into my pussy and move it in and out. Ive done this
before, but it feels a lot better with Tom watching me. I close my eyes and
continue slowly finger fuck myself for a few moments.
Tommy breaks my concentration with Can I try that!? I expect
her to begin working on her own pussy, but instead, she slides her finger into
me! After the shock wears off, I relax and concentrate on the feeling of
someone else stimulating me. She slowly finger fucks me just as I was
doing. At one point, she stops with her finger all the way inside and
begins bending and turning her finger around. Just as I feel the familiar quiverin the walls of my pussy start, she removes her finger. Here, now you do me!
My voice is weak from the near orgasm and abrupt stop, OK, lie
back and let me have at you! I figure that Tommy didnt know what she was
creating inside me. She surely must have never frigged herself all the
way to orgasm before, or she would have tried to get me off. Well, I guess
she is going to have a surprise! I sit on my hip to her left side and
begin by rubbing her whole crotch with the palm of my left hand. I move my handin circles and push gently down. She begins to move her lower body up and
down. I hear a small grunt from her. With my right hand, I relieve her
clit from the folds of skin and move some moisture up from her cunny onto
her little swollen clit. With the finger of my right hand, I begin by
lightly rubbing the very top of her button. She begins to squirm a bit.
Then I circle it around and around, and then quickly flick the top again.
I feel her hand on my arm, trying to push me away. She must be very
sensitive right now. I hear a little giggle come from her. So I move my fingerdown and slide it into her very wet passage. I slide it out, and then using
two fingers, begin to slowly finger-fuck her.
Oooh! Thats nice! Toms chest is heaving as she speaks.
Faster! she pleads. I pick up the pace and begin to rub her clit with
my other hand. Mmmmm! She is really squirming around now. I feel a
great deal of juice gathering around my two fingers. I continue working on her.
After a minute or two, her upper torso lifts up, her eyes are close
tightly, and her mouth opens. I feel her pussy walls contract and much more
wetness comes out onto my hand as I pump in and out. Then I feel it begin to
Oh! Oooo! Eeee! Ah! no, no, YES! No, stop Her knees come together and
she lowers her legs trying to push my hand out, but I just stop plunging and
keep my two fingers buried deep in her. I feel the contractions slow down and
then stop, so I begin again to slowly move them a short distance in and
out. She squirms and giggles, No, no, stop OK? When I sit back up and look
at her she asks, What was that??? Wow!
You came! You had an orgasm. Im unconsciously fingering
myself as I talk. Ive been making myself do that for a while already. Im
really wet and flushed. My nipples are hard. Now, you do it to me, OK?
Tom kneels between my legs as I settle back on a pillow. Im
really hot and ready for some fun and I wonder if her inexperience will
hinder my adventure. I close my eyes, OK, lets see what you can do for
me! My stomach gets butterflies because I know that she is examining my
pussy in every detail. I feel the back of her fingers rubbing up and down
my wet slit. A finger slides down the slit and back up to my clit. It
hits it sharply and I jerk a bit. Are you teasing me, Tom? Hurry up,
Im going nuts here! I wiggle my butt down into the cushion and grab my
knees opening myself up as much as possible. I feel two hands now, one knuckle
is spinning on my butt hole, and the other hand is sticking its two fingers
into me. She slides them in very easily. Once in, she turns them 180 degrees
around and back for a while. Then the in and out motion starts. Her
other hands finds my clit. Shes doing me now exactly like I did to her, good
girl! My orgasm rockets through out my body. The pleasure is tremendous.
Its much better than when I do it myself! We are both wondering to
ourselves if we are now lesbians.
PART 2 ??
man... i wish i had part 2 .. h0h0
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