this image contains text
t-bobs version: ,t. .
b. .4b.
b. .47b.....................
b. .47 7
,adSSba. b. .47 ,t.
,db. ,aa, b.
d77b b.
7 .47
77 .47 ,adSSba.
. . ** ,. ,db.
.b. .47 a,a b. .77b
b.47 b. .
7 7 .
7, , . .
bx,....,nd7 . .
77 .xd
7SS7 7
des original:
/ /l
,,*, * ,il :
/ ,7
/ 47 7 , .
/ .,,,,*@ 7, .
/ b,,,7*i
7*, 7*/
7*, *
de had asked me to fix up this newschool font of his some time ago. as you
can see, it was quite beyond repair. i went for a complete overhaul instead.
-- t-bob
afterthought: this ascii was drawn to Ernest Ranglins phenominal Below the
Bassline LP. i stongly recommend you buy it.
b. .4b.
b. .47b.....................
b. .47 7
,adSSba. b. .47 ,t.
,db. ,aa, b.
d77b b.
7 .47
77 .47 ,adSSba.
. . ** ,. ,db.
.b. .47 a,a b. .77b
b.47 b. .
7 7 .
7, , . .
bx,....,nd7 . .
77 .xd
7SS7 7
des original:
/ /l
,,*, * ,il :
/ ,7
/ 47 7 , .
/ .,,,,*@ 7, .
/ b,,,7*i
7*, 7*/
7*, *
de had asked me to fix up this newschool font of his some time ago. as you
can see, it was quite beyond repair. i went for a complete overhaul instead.
-- t-bob
afterthought: this ascii was drawn to Ernest Ranglins phenominal Below the
Bassline LP. i stongly recommend you buy it.
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