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----+--- helium ansi competition - february 24th, 1996---------
---introduction-----+------helium is a ansi logo competition, which takes place on helium..there are n
o special days for the competition, yet! but the next competitionwill be on friday, and it will start 5:00 PM eastern standard time..the current organizers is abnormalme! and mendator
, both are members of theswedish art group stile..this idea is totally stolen from nootropic! We do not wish to compete withhis font competition nectar, nor steal all his conte
stents.. We do thisjust for fun!rules and shit----+--------- everyone who wants to join the competition shall be in helium abo
ut 10 minutes before the competition starts. we accept contestants to join the competition after 5:00, but then they wont get as much time as the other contestents.. its quite self-explonary..:- I a
bnormal will randomly choose a number 1-1000. Then all contestents will /msg me a number. The person who comes closest the choosen number will decide the logos text ie.his board name
- the logo can be anything. a small picture ect. is allowed..
- the artists have 45 minutes to draw.. at 5:45 you shall send your ansi to
abnormal! we accept late entries, but not to late if you dont have a
*good* excuse.
- when I got all the ansis from the contestens i will zip all the ansi into
one file.. signs will be removed and the ansis will be renamed.. this is done
so people dont vote on their friends only..
- the contestants will get the zip file, and then they shall choose the three
best logos, and /msg me abnormal their choices.. number one will get three
points, number two will get two points and number three will get one point,
simple as that! then i will count the votes and notify the result to all the
people in helium in about 10 minutes.. the day after the compo
i will release the results, with the correct ansi and a info-
file... one more thing! you may not vote on your own logo!!
short greetings/thanks...
mendator for helping me
iod for choosing the name helium
all members in stile all the contestants in helium1
nootropic, sorry that we stole your idea! :
dont forget to be in helium friday 5:00 pm est! 01/03/1996
---introduction-----+------helium is a ansi logo competition, which takes place on helium..there are n
o special days for the competition, yet! but the next competitionwill be on friday, and it will start 5:00 PM eastern standard time..the current organizers is abnormalme! and mendator
, both are members of theswedish art group stile..this idea is totally stolen from nootropic! We do not wish to compete withhis font competition nectar, nor steal all his conte
stents.. We do thisjust for fun!rules and shit----+--------- everyone who wants to join the competition shall be in helium abo
ut 10 minutes before the competition starts. we accept contestants to join the competition after 5:00, but then they wont get as much time as the other contestents.. its quite self-explonary..:- I a
bnormal will randomly choose a number 1-1000. Then all contestents will /msg me a number. The person who comes closest the choosen number will decide the logos text ie.his board name
- the logo can be anything. a small picture ect. is allowed..
- the artists have 45 minutes to draw.. at 5:45 you shall send your ansi to
abnormal! we accept late entries, but not to late if you dont have a
*good* excuse.
- when I got all the ansis from the contestens i will zip all the ansi into
one file.. signs will be removed and the ansis will be renamed.. this is done
so people dont vote on their friends only..
- the contestants will get the zip file, and then they shall choose the three
best logos, and /msg me abnormal their choices.. number one will get three
points, number two will get two points and number three will get one point,
simple as that! then i will count the votes and notify the result to all the
people in helium in about 10 minutes.. the day after the compo
i will release the results, with the correct ansi and a info-
file... one more thing! you may not vote on your own logo!!
short greetings/thanks...
mendator for helping me
iod for choosing the name helium
all members in stile all the contestants in helium1
nootropic, sorry that we stole your idea! :
dont forget to be in helium friday 5:00 pm est! 01/03/1996
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