this image contains text
Welcome to hIVE, dARks newest ascii
mmmy division, I would like to thank all the
.y@ ..dept.H.. dARk seniors for making it hap
Anyways onto other news, I have
not yet
.,ay@Ey,.+ appointed any to sub-as
cii head incase of
@ @++ @ any sort of absence by
me. That will be
,@7 yya. picked in due time. As fo
r things with
@.@ @ hIVE at the moment I was su
rprised to see
! things turn out the way they
did and hope
@ @ for the best to come of
it and not just
@, sit and rot like some group
s or even die
@j@ for that matter.
@ @ Right now I would just like t
o inform
@ !@ any of the artists out there t
hat are
slightly or even interested in
@ We still have a nice even roun
d number
open to anyone willing to join
10 to be
exact and spots are just
filling up like
--- crazy so act now while theres
still a
Onto other business and sheit, 1st off:: : Division Poli
cy can be changed
Artists who wish to join will either 1.. hand there work
into me or send
it to my email address at the bottom of the nfo/memlist.
2.. you can apply but dont feel bad if you do not get it
in. 3.. we allow
dualing and nothing else, ex. tekn1k hIVE/iTp or hIVE/rmr
s81 we will not
accept you if you are in more then 2 groups excluding dARk
hIVE. 4.. if
you draw for hIVE and wish to release another medium with
dARk then you
will have to talk to the senior or head of the division. 5
.. quality control
is done by me and will be somewhat strict, im expecting qu
ality and not as
much quantity unless you can produce both.
Right now i cant think of anything else to say about the
policies and blah.
Now onto the members mOo?@!::: :: :
hOlocaust im me and hIVE ascii head.. thats all j00 n
eed to know..
Inspectah Deck comes from a long line of groups and tho
ught he would give
hIVE a try, hope you enjoi your stay. :
Lord Reaper also comes from a long list of groups, nam
ely Morph and Ruckus
ascii, and as well as society, cia and more a
nd is now hailing
from iTp and now hIVE, welcome aboard.
Megaman A local from my a/c and is a pretty good old s
chool artist, expect
some good shit coming from him.
Prodiac You all know him, another good artist who comes
from purg.
Tekn1k another artist whose trying to make his way into
the scene.
yy @@yymmm
,@@ mmmemberlist
.,7 ,@y@@
md !: : dARkhIVEas
ciiHead.. hOlocaust.. mother@yesic.com
dARkhIVEartists,.. Inspectah Deck.. than
Lord Reaper.. lorditp@hotmail.com
Megaman.. megaman@altern.org .: Prodiac..
prodiac@cheesesteak.net i Tekn1k.. tekn
1k@korax.net 1 iL,.
I would also like to thank polymorph and lukeskywalker doin
g guests shots this
month in this pack.
mmmy division, I would like to thank all the
.y@ ..dept.H.. dARk seniors for making it hap
Anyways onto other news, I have
not yet
.,ay@Ey,.+ appointed any to sub-as
cii head incase of
@ @++ @ any sort of absence by
me. That will be
,@7 yya. picked in due time. As fo
r things with
@.@ @ hIVE at the moment I was su
rprised to see
! things turn out the way they
did and hope
@ @ for the best to come of
it and not just
@, sit and rot like some group
s or even die
@j@ for that matter.
@ @ Right now I would just like t
o inform
@ !@ any of the artists out there t
hat are
slightly or even interested in
@ We still have a nice even roun
d number
open to anyone willing to join
10 to be
exact and spots are just
filling up like
--- crazy so act now while theres
still a
Onto other business and sheit, 1st off:: : Division Poli
cy can be changed
Artists who wish to join will either 1.. hand there work
into me or send
it to my email address at the bottom of the nfo/memlist.
2.. you can apply but dont feel bad if you do not get it
in. 3.. we allow
dualing and nothing else, ex. tekn1k hIVE/iTp or hIVE/rmr
s81 we will not
accept you if you are in more then 2 groups excluding dARk
hIVE. 4.. if
you draw for hIVE and wish to release another medium with
dARk then you
will have to talk to the senior or head of the division. 5
.. quality control
is done by me and will be somewhat strict, im expecting qu
ality and not as
much quantity unless you can produce both.
Right now i cant think of anything else to say about the
policies and blah.
Now onto the members mOo?@!::: :: :
hOlocaust im me and hIVE ascii head.. thats all j00 n
eed to know..
Inspectah Deck comes from a long line of groups and tho
ught he would give
hIVE a try, hope you enjoi your stay. :
Lord Reaper also comes from a long list of groups, nam
ely Morph and Ruckus
ascii, and as well as society, cia and more a
nd is now hailing
from iTp and now hIVE, welcome aboard.
Megaman A local from my a/c and is a pretty good old s
chool artist, expect
some good shit coming from him.
Prodiac You all know him, another good artist who comes
from purg.
Tekn1k another artist whose trying to make his way into
the scene.
yy @@yymmm
,@@ mmmemberlist
.,7 ,@y@@
md !: : dARkhIVEas
ciiHead.. hOlocaust.. mother@yesic.com
dARkhIVEartists,.. Inspectah Deck.. than
Lord Reaper.. lorditp@hotmail.com
Megaman.. megaman@altern.org .: Prodiac..
prodiac@cheesesteak.net i Tekn1k.. tekn
1k@korax.net 1 iL,.
I would also like to thank polymorph and lukeskywalker doin
g guests shots this
month in this pack.
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