this image contains text
mm+-- -+- :::.::::.::::.. -+- - --- +-
bEehIVEissue1 ++mmm@@7
yt .,,. yty yy@,
..yyy, !: ,y7 !@b@
@ .,yy,. ..+
!@! !y@,. !! ,y7
@, .j@ ..,,,
i @: :ii :@i@@
@b ,,yy@
@im,. !. @ .,. @
.. :i @ .
.,,,,.@ ,
i @: @b,!mmmmmmmmm
mhO@@ @,,*@@
@! @ @ !b
@yyj@immmm y ..,,
..j .. j
@ @
d@ !,
,@ by
: y!
Welcome to bEe hIVE, this is dark asciis newest nfo file
! m@
called bee hive, i figured if all other groups get to have
a @!
sPiFf info file why cant we. Well anyways 1st off i would
@ !
like to welcome you once again and hOPe you enjoy the pack
a :
Onto other news there has been a lack of art being put int
o packs and im
not liking that one bit, i think i might just have to start
cutting members
from hIVE and surely dont want to do that, so a forewarning
to : the artists
in hIVE, no art in next pack then expect to be off the list
, ivei warned you
all b4hand about this and it doesnt seem like you listen.
So if.@ your names
not in the dARk member listing when the next pack releases
which@b will be in
two months time and your names not on it, dont come begging
back to me to
let you in.
As for other news we have a new member joining us a great
old school artist
and resides by the name eXtriate we welcome you and hope yo
u enjoy your stay
with us.
Two more things b4 i leave you to see the rest of the pack
1st off.. i have
recruited a good friend of mine and former dARk senior and
guest artist back
once in bASiC!aSCii if you guys remember he resides by the
name 4thdiscyple and is now the new *TEMP* hIVE dARk
aSCii head and all questions after this pack
will be related to him as for me i am taking a leave of abs
ence from the scene
for the reason im still in college and its not done and 2n
d this will be my
first break since ive started the scene and last but not l
east my iNET acs
after a year and a month expires and i have no money to pay
for it so i might be back in time for the next hIV
E release if not then i guess ill c u guys when i do
.. and all questions will now be forwarded to 4th Disc
yple and not me. , the oLDschool origi
nator ::: : @ .:!:. hOloca
ust Former dARk ascii head +m,. ... ::
: i!: :@@@@@ @@ yyy,
,!. ,@ :.1oooriginal,.:i
bEehIVEissue1 ++mmm@@7
yt .,,. yty yy@,
..yyy, !: ,y7 !@b@
@ .,yy,. ..+
!@! !y@,. !! ,y7
@, .j@ ..,,,
i @: :ii :@i@@
@b ,,yy@
@im,. !. @ .,. @
.. :i @ .
.,,,,.@ ,
i @: @b,!mmmmmmmmm
mhO@@ @,,*@@
@! @ @ !b
@yyj@immmm y ..,,
..j .. j
@ @
d@ !,
,@ by
: y!
Welcome to bEe hIVE, this is dark asciis newest nfo file
! m@
called bee hive, i figured if all other groups get to have
a @!
sPiFf info file why cant we. Well anyways 1st off i would
@ !
like to welcome you once again and hOPe you enjoy the pack
a :
Onto other news there has been a lack of art being put int
o packs and im
not liking that one bit, i think i might just have to start
cutting members
from hIVE and surely dont want to do that, so a forewarning
to : the artists
in hIVE, no art in next pack then expect to be off the list
, ivei warned you
all b4hand about this and it doesnt seem like you listen.
So if.@ your names
not in the dARk member listing when the next pack releases
which@b will be in
two months time and your names not on it, dont come begging
back to me to
let you in.
As for other news we have a new member joining us a great
old school artist
and resides by the name eXtriate we welcome you and hope yo
u enjoy your stay
with us.
Two more things b4 i leave you to see the rest of the pack
1st off.. i have
recruited a good friend of mine and former dARk senior and
guest artist back
once in bASiC!aSCii if you guys remember he resides by the
name 4thdiscyple and is now the new *TEMP* hIVE dARk
aSCii head and all questions after this pack
will be related to him as for me i am taking a leave of abs
ence from the scene
for the reason im still in college and its not done and 2n
d this will be my
first break since ive started the scene and last but not l
east my iNET acs
after a year and a month expires and i have no money to pay
for it so i might be back in time for the next hIV
E release if not then i guess ill c u guys when i do
.. and all questions will now be forwarded to 4th Disc
yple and not me. , the oLDschool origi
nator ::: : @ .:!:. hOloca
ust Former dARk ascii head +m,. ... ::
: i!: :@@@@@ @@ yyy,
,!. ,@ :.1oooriginal,.:i
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