this image contains text
flame blabbers...
wow, its may already.. it seems like
its been forever. anyways, if
you dont know the deal, i used to run that group ca
lled rile. yeah, it
was ok forawhile, butit wasn
t going very far. well, i was talking to
spear, and a
couple others in rile, and we were thinking of
form- ing a better,
more stable group. well, that brings
us to humid.
yea, i could go
on forever
i suppose, but i gotta get this pack
out. : weve
acquired a L
OT of great talented members in
this past
month alone. ah well
, im gonna get on to the members,
because they are the ones who actually make it happen
the members...
weve accumulated like, lots of talent this pas
t month :. here
the members who joined this month. the others
were from
- former ice member, this guy just
n rocks. : hes a great art
ist, and were glad to have him
on the force.
neurosis - ex-acid logoist. his logos are
awesome. he was with tide
before they joined up with
pyro - an upcoming ansi artis
t, who does neato joint productions with neo
negro. hes got a killer style, so
look out.
burnt - another upcoming ansi artist,
who is learning fast. hes doing
full length pics now, and we
hope to see some more from him. hes
also got a killer logo style.
bambooz - you may have seen h
is asciis in the soap packs. he has a
cool style, and is here to
do ansi and ascii for humid. phear.
crayon - can we say originality?.
yes, he has a kickin original style.
if you havent seen anything f
rom him, look in this pack. his
logos are cool. yay crayon!
slayer - this guy has been drawing
for about 3 months, and is already
good enough. he tells me he
draws freehand really good, and i
think that has somethign to do wi
th his artistic talent :
be sure to look for more fro
m this guy in the future..
iseilice - former founder of the gr
oup SIN, ise joins up to do some ansi
for humid. he couldnt ge
t anything to me this month, so he
INSISTED that i put his wo
rk from the cancer pack in this
pack. just check his style. i
ts spiff.
valacar - this guy rocks at pics, A
ND is a good coder. if you havent
seen his stuff, look in some run
e packs. hes got a neat
neo negro - most of you know neo ni
g from blade. yes, he rocks. :
we hope to see more from
him in the future packs to come.
check out his elite diz.
yay! :
epistasis - another member from tid
e, this guy is an upcoming artist who
has been experimenting with originalit
y dangerous, eh? whoa
his stuff rocks. check out his ass too. its firm.
element - element, another member f
rom rune, has an AWESOME original
style. this guys ansis
remind me of early nootropic work.
well see more from him in
the next pack or so :
twilight - yet another member from
rune, who still resides in rune. he
is a decent pic artist, bu
t didnt have the time this month to
get in a pic on time. next
month, though. :
blandest - an upcoming vgaist, who
is getting some help from catbones uh
oh, im phearing already : .. plus, h
e just plain rocks. :
lucifer - whoa. this guy is REALLY
starting to look impressive. youve
probably seen his works in
cia, and blade. he is also exper-
imenting with originality.
check out his logos, and his
sinister x - former acid/saga membe
r, this guy just plain old rocks the
house with his
skills. we got him kinda late in the month,
so he didnt have any time to
do anything for the pack boo
but hopefully well see some stuff fr
om him in the packs to
come. :
mekong - his old school ascii will
make you phear. he also joined kinda
late, and couldnt produce in tim
e. ah well, thats life :
trend hippie - youve pr
obably seen his stuff in oil and soap. phear his
ascii pics :
sniper - yes, another member from r
une. his stuff also rocks the house.
check out his stuff in the p
black knight - an awesom
e coder, and ascii artist. im sure youve seen
his app gens everywhere.
if not, oh well : he rocks
death angel - also resid
ing in anemia, and 2 other groups which i
forgot :, his ansi skills a
re pretty nift.
bloodlore - a good pic artist who i
s also in blur, bloodlore has joined
up to do some art for humid : his st
yle is awesome..
arsen - this guys style is pretty
killer. he produces a lot too from
what ive heard : and he has som
e stuff for this pack. check
it out.
rheostatic - a good ascii artist, w
ho will have some stuff for the next
pack, due to joining late.
red sand - also known as night blad
e, who is currently in mop. youve
probably seen his stuff in
there, and it rocks. great logos.
youll see more from him i
n the next pack.
obscure - formerly known as the cro
w, hes joined up to do some ansi with
humid. glad to have him with
the crue :
oxygen - this guy is local to me, a
nd has a cool style in pics. look for
more stuff from this guy. he
s good.
mack 10 - even though he joined YES
TERDAY, he STILL had something for the
pack. he rools :
cidica - joining, leaving, joining,
leaving, either way, cidica has
always rocked : he has decided to s
tay with humid to do some
ascii. i phear.
im done. . ..,..
ok, well, that about wraps up this ne
wsletter. aside from being slightly lateyea, who
cares? about 5 other groups were late too. bah., it
s been
a very interesting month. well, for me at least. :
if you think you have
the talent required to join humid, and feel like JOI
NING humid, email me at
fl901@iglou.com, or call rare soma at
1-606-277-8324 and upload 3 peices of
your works from the matrix you dont even have to h
ave an account. thanks
for reading this peice of shit, and enjoy the pack.
NOTE: some of the members didnt get a chanc
e to show off their elite work due
to joining late, and finals, and other stuff like
that. im sure you
understand. if not, too damn bad. :
written by:
art by
: flame. :
- e0f
flame blabbers...
wow, its may already.. it seems like
its been forever. anyways, if
you dont know the deal, i used to run that group ca
lled rile. yeah, it
was ok forawhile, butit wasn
t going very far. well, i was talking to
spear, and a
couple others in rile, and we were thinking of
form- ing a better,
more stable group. well, that brings
us to humid.
yea, i could go
on forever
i suppose, but i gotta get this pack
out. : weve
acquired a L
OT of great talented members in
this past
month alone. ah well
, im gonna get on to the members,
because they are the ones who actually make it happen
the members...
weve accumulated like, lots of talent this pas
t month :. here
the members who joined this month. the others
were from
- former ice member, this guy just
n rocks. : hes a great art
ist, and were glad to have him
on the force.
neurosis - ex-acid logoist. his logos are
awesome. he was with tide
before they joined up with
pyro - an upcoming ansi artis
t, who does neato joint productions with neo
negro. hes got a killer style, so
look out.
burnt - another upcoming ansi artist,
who is learning fast. hes doing
full length pics now, and we
hope to see some more from him. hes
also got a killer logo style.
bambooz - you may have seen h
is asciis in the soap packs. he has a
cool style, and is here to
do ansi and ascii for humid. phear.
crayon - can we say originality?.
yes, he has a kickin original style.
if you havent seen anything f
rom him, look in this pack. his
logos are cool. yay crayon!
slayer - this guy has been drawing
for about 3 months, and is already
good enough. he tells me he
draws freehand really good, and i
think that has somethign to do wi
th his artistic talent :
be sure to look for more fro
m this guy in the future..
iseilice - former founder of the gr
oup SIN, ise joins up to do some ansi
for humid. he couldnt ge
t anything to me this month, so he
INSISTED that i put his wo
rk from the cancer pack in this
pack. just check his style. i
ts spiff.
valacar - this guy rocks at pics, A
ND is a good coder. if you havent
seen his stuff, look in some run
e packs. hes got a neat
neo negro - most of you know neo ni
g from blade. yes, he rocks. :
we hope to see more from
him in the future packs to come.
check out his elite diz.
yay! :
epistasis - another member from tid
e, this guy is an upcoming artist who
has been experimenting with originalit
y dangerous, eh? whoa
his stuff rocks. check out his ass too. its firm.
element - element, another member f
rom rune, has an AWESOME original
style. this guys ansis
remind me of early nootropic work.
well see more from him in
the next pack or so :
twilight - yet another member from
rune, who still resides in rune. he
is a decent pic artist, bu
t didnt have the time this month to
get in a pic on time. next
month, though. :
blandest - an upcoming vgaist, who
is getting some help from catbones uh
oh, im phearing already : .. plus, h
e just plain rocks. :
lucifer - whoa. this guy is REALLY
starting to look impressive. youve
probably seen his works in
cia, and blade. he is also exper-
imenting with originality.
check out his logos, and his
sinister x - former acid/saga membe
r, this guy just plain old rocks the
house with his
skills. we got him kinda late in the month,
so he didnt have any time to
do anything for the pack boo
but hopefully well see some stuff fr
om him in the packs to
come. :
mekong - his old school ascii will
make you phear. he also joined kinda
late, and couldnt produce in tim
e. ah well, thats life :
trend hippie - youve pr
obably seen his stuff in oil and soap. phear his
ascii pics :
sniper - yes, another member from r
une. his stuff also rocks the house.
check out his stuff in the p
black knight - an awesom
e coder, and ascii artist. im sure youve seen
his app gens everywhere.
if not, oh well : he rocks
death angel - also resid
ing in anemia, and 2 other groups which i
forgot :, his ansi skills a
re pretty nift.
bloodlore - a good pic artist who i
s also in blur, bloodlore has joined
up to do some art for humid : his st
yle is awesome..
arsen - this guys style is pretty
killer. he produces a lot too from
what ive heard : and he has som
e stuff for this pack. check
it out.
rheostatic - a good ascii artist, w
ho will have some stuff for the next
pack, due to joining late.
red sand - also known as night blad
e, who is currently in mop. youve
probably seen his stuff in
there, and it rocks. great logos.
youll see more from him i
n the next pack.
obscure - formerly known as the cro
w, hes joined up to do some ansi with
humid. glad to have him with
the crue :
oxygen - this guy is local to me, a
nd has a cool style in pics. look for
more stuff from this guy. he
s good.
mack 10 - even though he joined YES
TERDAY, he STILL had something for the
pack. he rools :
cidica - joining, leaving, joining,
leaving, either way, cidica has
always rocked : he has decided to s
tay with humid to do some
ascii. i phear.
im done. . ..,..
ok, well, that about wraps up this ne
wsletter. aside from being slightly lateyea, who
cares? about 5 other groups were late too. bah., it
s been
a very interesting month. well, for me at least. :
if you think you have
the talent required to join humid, and feel like JOI
NING humid, email me at
fl901@iglou.com, or call rare soma at
1-606-277-8324 and upload 3 peices of
your works from the matrix you dont even have to h
ave an account. thanks
for reading this peice of shit, and enjoy the pack.
NOTE: some of the members didnt get a chanc
e to show off their elite work due
to joining late, and finals, and other stuff like
that. im sure you
understand. if not, too damn bad. :
written by:
art by
: flame. :
- e0f
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