this image contains text
l // l //
/ l / / / / / / / / l / - c i
// // l // // //
::::: l / / / /l / ::::::
/ l / / / / / / / / / l /
// // l // . // // //
/ /l /l /l / /
:..................: h a l l u c i - n a t i o n :...........: :.....:
cannhn!basic :..................................: :....:
/ halluci-news 04/96 beotch! / / halluci- // /
hrmm.. splits are fun... thought id clarify that...
ok.. hmm.. well this is halluci-nations 5th pack... and hey, its alright! Er
since cannibal and I are both using haqed accounts that we cant DCC SEND on we
could use someone to courier the files for us on the net... um.. you can be a
local, or LD dood.. ill send ya the file regardless o where ya live... ok, on
the the shit
we roxors... im doing pics now.. check em in the BASIC pack... they arenot done for Halluci-nations release... c4nn is doing joints with half the scene.. primordial soup really shows some promise. I finally found Creed, whod benMIA for a couple of months. He said he was in China or something. So he should
be back next month for us and Apathy trip roxors. Uh.. our ascii is gh0dly...
ph34r uZ
er.. lithium has been dropped... Comrade and Toadie have taken up for
his absence, while the ever elite Two Scoops is kickin his style into gear and
improving big time... TSC had some phat jointz dis month, literally
its me.. doing lit.. yeah..
we picked up T.S.W. who has released several pieces independantly acrossthe world... he is pretty good.. check his XMs out. The Exorcist has not been
seen in several months, but hes such a bad-ass we made him an alumni along wituninhibited.. oh yeah, check out Distorted Silences s3m this month..it is VERYgood..
skyfire be pimpin
uh... im getting tired... hrm.. uh.. well.. TTE, Baracuda and
Hollowman are all in the process of doing some stuff.. check out all the ZIPs
in this pack for the various projects..
uh.. thats it.
greets: kaleidas. despair. all the ppl involved in 4/4s big split warz .
c4nn, s0apscum, kaos, transient, verjigorm, tgm, cc, 25, tsc.. anyone i missed.
look for spinsane on irc... and in the Basic Ascii packs
/ l / / / / / / / / l / - c i
// // l // // //
::::: l / / / /l / ::::::
/ l / / / / / / / / / l /
// // l // . // // //
/ /l /l /l / /
:..................: h a l l u c i - n a t i o n :...........: :.....:
cannhn!basic :..................................: :....:
/ halluci-news 04/96 beotch! / / halluci- // /
hrmm.. splits are fun... thought id clarify that...
ok.. hmm.. well this is halluci-nations 5th pack... and hey, its alright! Er
since cannibal and I are both using haqed accounts that we cant DCC SEND on we
could use someone to courier the files for us on the net... um.. you can be a
local, or LD dood.. ill send ya the file regardless o where ya live... ok, on
the the shit
we roxors... im doing pics now.. check em in the BASIC pack... they arenot done for Halluci-nations release... c4nn is doing joints with half the scene.. primordial soup really shows some promise. I finally found Creed, whod benMIA for a couple of months. He said he was in China or something. So he should
be back next month for us and Apathy trip roxors. Uh.. our ascii is gh0dly...
ph34r uZ
er.. lithium has been dropped... Comrade and Toadie have taken up for
his absence, while the ever elite Two Scoops is kickin his style into gear and
improving big time... TSC had some phat jointz dis month, literally
its me.. doing lit.. yeah..
we picked up T.S.W. who has released several pieces independantly acrossthe world... he is pretty good.. check his XMs out. The Exorcist has not been
seen in several months, but hes such a bad-ass we made him an alumni along wituninhibited.. oh yeah, check out Distorted Silences s3m this month..it is VERYgood..
skyfire be pimpin
uh... im getting tired... hrm.. uh.. well.. TTE, Baracuda and
Hollowman are all in the process of doing some stuff.. check out all the ZIPs
in this pack for the various projects..
uh.. thats it.
greets: kaleidas. despair. all the ppl involved in 4/4s big split warz .
c4nn, s0apscum, kaos, transient, verjigorm, tgm, cc, 25, tsc.. anyone i missed.
look for spinsane on irc... and in the Basic Ascii packs
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