this image contains text
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: h A L L U C i -
n A T I O n
straight outta compto... er.
. florida
!news from the darqside!
hN!nEWS 05-96 bITZ
-----------spinsane begins his mad p
hat set... ---------------------
---------Ok... This is Halluci
-Nation, The Sons of The Extreme N
udists For Erections and
Excessive Use of Rubber in Womens Fasion
Its late... Its a wednesday night... and
Im tired. There is no rave music
currently playing in the background of my
pimp pad, and my bitch of the nig
had to go home because her mouth is tired
Ahhh... The life of an ascii pimp... p
hear it
On to the stuff that a few people might c
are about... or maybe some people
read.. the Halluci-Nation Info Phile.. ha
xor hax0r.. Ha0/
...ASCII............ .......
No new members that I can think of this m
onth... some really phat shit from
and cannibal, the basic boyz, and Primord
ial is improving at a nice pace. M
y timon the net has been limited,
so I dont have anything for this
paq from our LD
ascii staff.. hopefully theyll be around
next month. A big thanx to Erupt
roxoring out last pack... we needed it
...ANSI............ .......
Rejoice says eye... psychohOlic h
as joined, and has done some phat
shit for thispaq... I lub joo..
We could use some more ansi, but
were not sweating it..
the quality of the packs has really impro
ved in this pack thanks to his wor
Toadie is getting good too... developing
a nice little style of his own.. a
hopefully Two Scoops will have some shit
for next month, he was really busy
get-ting his phreak on with prepp
ie gurlz
...VGA............ .......
Skyfire is the pimp... Im consta
ntly impressed by his shit. He cou
ldve maybe
done a logo on the last GIF, but it was s
till mad phat... Slamming shit
...LIT............ .......
Weve gained two new artists this month b
esides my usually phatness in da l
iznitDeathstar joined us..
. he has some mad potential.. nice
use of original ideas
that I can really groove to Lazyas
..er.. Transient is back in, a
fter feeling
humiliated by being so menacingly served
last month by my pimpness..
...MUSIC............ .......
Long live the unity... keep on truckin a
s Rav would say Peace to the sc
from me...
Its the raver coalition here... Rav
has joined outta conneticuit
and is producinsome phat trance s
3ms. Transient is doing s3
ms as well as lit now.. and I must
grudgingly admit they are smooth and styl
I had some stuff from both Trans and Dist
orted Silence this month, but beca
use of space, were only putting R
avs in this month.. expect a LOT
next month
...CODING......... .......
No real news here... last month, the best
coder around Hollowman fo
rmerly of Goojoined up... he is a
very talented dood.. expect to see
him as the next Slick
Gates Barracuda and I are too busy tra
shing with the 8i3 /-//.0 6
crewto do anything
Thats it for me... maybe c4nn will say so
mething this month, maybe not ..
gr33tz: kal, trip, balls wilson, wh0d, b
latz-, kHz, despair, 25, tgm, ccit
woody, deathinc, baracuda, s0apy, kaos, t
rans, clay, dw, tsc, ds, ph, manif
ps, anyone who i forgot, sorry itz late
-----------spinsanes turntables of
knowledge grind to a halt ------
i forgot all the boards
in the MEM list, heres a quik run
down ...
sorry to all sysops, number w
ill be included in next pack...
WHQ Chaos After Death
PHQ The Void oP:
the shadow caster
P: trip
PCP undergrOund ravers
oP: rav
POT dOink! oP: c
MDA molka
oP: darkheart
XTC indonesia
oP: deathstar
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: h A L L U C i -
n A T I O n
straight outta compto... er.
. florida
!news from the darqside!
hN!nEWS 05-96 bITZ
-----------spinsane begins his mad p
hat set... ---------------------
---------Ok... This is Halluci
-Nation, The Sons of The Extreme N
udists For Erections and
Excessive Use of Rubber in Womens Fasion
Its late... Its a wednesday night... and
Im tired. There is no rave music
currently playing in the background of my
pimp pad, and my bitch of the nig
had to go home because her mouth is tired
Ahhh... The life of an ascii pimp... p
hear it
On to the stuff that a few people might c
are about... or maybe some people
read.. the Halluci-Nation Info Phile.. ha
xor hax0r.. Ha0/
...ASCII............ .......
No new members that I can think of this m
onth... some really phat shit from
and cannibal, the basic boyz, and Primord
ial is improving at a nice pace. M
y timon the net has been limited,
so I dont have anything for this
paq from our LD
ascii staff.. hopefully theyll be around
next month. A big thanx to Erupt
roxoring out last pack... we needed it
...ANSI............ .......
Rejoice says eye... psychohOlic h
as joined, and has done some phat
shit for thispaq... I lub joo..
We could use some more ansi, but
were not sweating it..
the quality of the packs has really impro
ved in this pack thanks to his wor
Toadie is getting good too... developing
a nice little style of his own.. a
hopefully Two Scoops will have some shit
for next month, he was really busy
get-ting his phreak on with prepp
ie gurlz
...VGA............ .......
Skyfire is the pimp... Im consta
ntly impressed by his shit. He cou
ldve maybe
done a logo on the last GIF, but it was s
till mad phat... Slamming shit
...LIT............ .......
Weve gained two new artists this month b
esides my usually phatness in da l
iznitDeathstar joined us..
. he has some mad potential.. nice
use of original ideas
that I can really groove to Lazyas
..er.. Transient is back in, a
fter feeling
humiliated by being so menacingly served
last month by my pimpness..
...MUSIC............ .......
Long live the unity... keep on truckin a
s Rav would say Peace to the sc
from me...
Its the raver coalition here... Rav
has joined outta conneticuit
and is producinsome phat trance s
3ms. Transient is doing s3
ms as well as lit now.. and I must
grudgingly admit they are smooth and styl
I had some stuff from both Trans and Dist
orted Silence this month, but beca
use of space, were only putting R
avs in this month.. expect a LOT
next month
...CODING......... .......
No real news here... last month, the best
coder around Hollowman fo
rmerly of Goojoined up... he is a
very talented dood.. expect to see
him as the next Slick
Gates Barracuda and I are too busy tra
shing with the 8i3 /-//.0 6
crewto do anything
Thats it for me... maybe c4nn will say so
mething this month, maybe not ..
gr33tz: kal, trip, balls wilson, wh0d, b
latz-, kHz, despair, 25, tgm, ccit
woody, deathinc, baracuda, s0apy, kaos, t
rans, clay, dw, tsc, ds, ph, manif
ps, anyone who i forgot, sorry itz late
-----------spinsanes turntables of
knowledge grind to a halt ------
i forgot all the boards
in the MEM list, heres a quik run
down ...
sorry to all sysops, number w
ill be included in next pack...
WHQ Chaos After Death
PHQ The Void oP:
the shadow caster
P: trip
PCP undergrOund ravers
oP: rav
POT dOink! oP: c
MDA molka
oP: darkheart
XTC indonesia
oP: deathstar
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