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hALLUCI-nATIOn o6/96 nFo
read this elite shit!
Well now, I dont have very much to say this month, and my enter key is
busted and that sucks b4dl-3 so Ill keep this short. Uh this is our 7th
pack, and with a slew of 888/800 numbers that popped out of Ma Bells ass this
month, I hope to get some good distribution... Oh yeah, I can offer on the
net too so everthing should work out ok this month... as far as distribution
and shit. Well, uh, psychohOlic is conspiciously missing from action this month
but he says hell have some stuff next month. I hope so. Really.
New members that I can think of off the top of my head... Clark, who Ive
been trying to get to join for years joins out of FoS. Totalitarian is a new
ascii artist for us who I got from aSH which I just joined this month, since
basic is dead. Creed has become an official bad-ass who in not really in the
group, but does such cool zine shit that hes an honorary member who will releasehis occasionaly artwork through us. Creed is cool. y0lk is cool. Check out yOlkthis line dedicated to yOlk magazine y0lk 96 y0lk 96 y0lk 96 y0lk 96 y0lk 96 y Other new members this month are the ever infamous Neo Negro who was gonna
join up when he was Infinity.. well, its full circle time on that ass@!@ Hes now officially in the group, and he did this bad-azz nfo border/header thing, and the diz this month. Also joining is my lil lit homeboy Darby Crash. Hes
damn good. Ill say that. Read his lit, its nice, insane shit. I can dig it.
Fatal Darkness coded us an app gen, but it got lost somehow.
CHAOS AD IS TEMPORARILY DOWN! This really sucks, kill cannibals dad. Oh
yeah, c4 is in Trank now, once again, because Basic died. Fuck Trank. Its
ascii for a corporate society. The big boys suck.
The scene is dead locally to me since Chaos Ad is down. If you want to
reach me, reach me on the net, or in the warez boards of 813. I dont call
any non-warez boards anymore. I sold out.
Im sure theres more for me to say. But Im a bitter, jaded little anti-
scene croney. So ignore all my rambling hate. Uh, if you need some art from
me, find me on pOO, dOink, or Napalm Dynasty. Those are my LD HQs. Oh yeah,
big thanks to eRUPT for being a cool ass warez dood. Not many of those around.
Halluci-Nation isnt about mega phat, no life, releases... its more about fun
and being cool. Id say Im friends with everyone in HN, and I want to keep it
that way... lates
gr33ts: everyone in Hn. c4!@!!@!@@!@@@!@!, s0apscum, deathinc, primO
tsc, fatal d, transient, rav, clay, cyburn, tgm, cc, ewheat, trip, kal, bALlZ
wILSON@!@!, spear, defiant, cain, EVERY BIG TIME FUCKING RAVER IN ANSI, WE
ROCK THE PUNKS ASSES... all the people who make the scene fun, hooch, wh0d,
trank, bitecrash, divine intervention, totalitarian, darby, my penis, s0apscumshoochie ass g/f.
double gr33tz to all the old school tampa ravers. let us keep looking hard and
mean, maybe the newbies will go away... its a freak a thon.. rock rock planet
rock... roller skating vibe... happy is good, preppy is bad remember that.
hALLUCI-nATIOn o6/96 nFo
read this elite shit!
Well now, I dont have very much to say this month, and my enter key is
busted and that sucks b4dl-3 so Ill keep this short. Uh this is our 7th
pack, and with a slew of 888/800 numbers that popped out of Ma Bells ass this
month, I hope to get some good distribution... Oh yeah, I can offer on the
net too so everthing should work out ok this month... as far as distribution
and shit. Well, uh, psychohOlic is conspiciously missing from action this month
but he says hell have some stuff next month. I hope so. Really.
New members that I can think of off the top of my head... Clark, who Ive
been trying to get to join for years joins out of FoS. Totalitarian is a new
ascii artist for us who I got from aSH which I just joined this month, since
basic is dead. Creed has become an official bad-ass who in not really in the
group, but does such cool zine shit that hes an honorary member who will releasehis occasionaly artwork through us. Creed is cool. y0lk is cool. Check out yOlkthis line dedicated to yOlk magazine y0lk 96 y0lk 96 y0lk 96 y0lk 96 y0lk 96 y Other new members this month are the ever infamous Neo Negro who was gonna
join up when he was Infinity.. well, its full circle time on that ass@!@ Hes now officially in the group, and he did this bad-azz nfo border/header thing, and the diz this month. Also joining is my lil lit homeboy Darby Crash. Hes
damn good. Ill say that. Read his lit, its nice, insane shit. I can dig it.
Fatal Darkness coded us an app gen, but it got lost somehow.
CHAOS AD IS TEMPORARILY DOWN! This really sucks, kill cannibals dad. Oh
yeah, c4 is in Trank now, once again, because Basic died. Fuck Trank. Its
ascii for a corporate society. The big boys suck.
The scene is dead locally to me since Chaos Ad is down. If you want to
reach me, reach me on the net, or in the warez boards of 813. I dont call
any non-warez boards anymore. I sold out.
Im sure theres more for me to say. But Im a bitter, jaded little anti-
scene croney. So ignore all my rambling hate. Uh, if you need some art from
me, find me on pOO, dOink, or Napalm Dynasty. Those are my LD HQs. Oh yeah,
big thanks to eRUPT for being a cool ass warez dood. Not many of those around.
Halluci-Nation isnt about mega phat, no life, releases... its more about fun
and being cool. Id say Im friends with everyone in HN, and I want to keep it
that way... lates
gr33ts: everyone in Hn. c4!@!!@!@@!@@@!@!, s0apscum, deathinc, primO
tsc, fatal d, transient, rav, clay, cyburn, tgm, cc, ewheat, trip, kal, bALlZ
wILSON@!@!, spear, defiant, cain, EVERY BIG TIME FUCKING RAVER IN ANSI, WE
ROCK THE PUNKS ASSES... all the people who make the scene fun, hooch, wh0d,
trank, bitecrash, divine intervention, totalitarian, darby, my penis, s0apscumshoochie ass g/f.
double gr33tz to all the old school tampa ravers. let us keep looking hard and
mean, maybe the newbies will go away... its a freak a thon.. rock rock planet
rock... roller skating vibe... happy is good, preppy is bad remember that.
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