this image contains text
october nineteen ninety five october nineteen ninety five october nineteen ninet do you trust me? i asked her. i held out my hand. do you want to see
beyond the darkness? she nodded slowly, and took my hand...
social parasite...
thanks for downloading this pack yet again, i hope your not disappointed with itthis month, as i hope you are not with every pack. not much to say at this
point, other then whats up to our newest member psychosis. he brings some realgood talent to the group. look for him to keep writing in the months to come.
umm, oh yeah, got some new sites also, you know who you are. something new that
we are doing this month and for the months to come is this: each writer will bedoing an essay on something in the world that really bothers them, makes them
angry or makes them not want to live in thie world anymore. i hope you enjoy
those, cause i did. oh yeah, here is my new email address: an359719@anon.penet.fi. or you can probably find me on iRC at HoR and quite possibly punc,
poetry, ansi, acid, or ice. greets to the following people for trying to
their point out, whatever it may be: punc, saz, tdkeb, angst, cripple, sorrow,
jack flack, violetta kitten, luptin, and a very special hello goes out to vixen,for whom one of my poems is dedicated to... peace out
violetta kitten...
Here we are again withe the best present weve had in years.. no, really..
Hey, so weve made it to the next step and here we are again, as hot and
heavy as ever. Seems to me like it has been a year since the last release..
heh, maybe not.. this month is just very slow. Bare with me, Im new to
making well with the public. Im actually not very well with the public
thing, i am sure it will come to me in time though.
As much as it seems like the last release was a year ago, it seems
like the group started yesterday. Odd, I know, but i never claimed to
normal as if there was such a thing. Things all flow together in their
weird ways.. at least beyond my observation they do.
I just wanted to touch on one thing.. writing is the greatest thing in this
world that i know. You can take all of your experiences and your thoughts
and your feelings and melt them all together to make something as beautiful
as a poem or a short story or even just mindless babble. It is taking
something from the inside of you and showing it to others.. kind of like show
and tell, except its your life that you are displaying to everyone. I have
learned alot about myself through my writing also alot about others and
the world in which I exist. I just hope that be reading this, that you might
enjoy it, learn from it, have fun with it.. whatever. I wouldnt participate
in this or anything along the lines if I didnt think it had the chance of
reaching out to at least one person. If one person can take what is being
said and adapt it to themselves in their own way, well.. color me happy.
CCopyright 1995, Horror of Reality Productions. All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly
denied, except for the purposes of reviews. All names, titles, characters, and
text herein are copyrights of Horror of Reality Productions, unless otherwise
october nineteen ninety five october nineteen ninety five october nineteen ninet do you trust me? i asked her. i held out my hand. do you want to see
beyond the darkness? she nodded slowly, and took my hand...
social parasite...
thanks for downloading this pack yet again, i hope your not disappointed with itthis month, as i hope you are not with every pack. not much to say at this
point, other then whats up to our newest member psychosis. he brings some realgood talent to the group. look for him to keep writing in the months to come.
umm, oh yeah, got some new sites also, you know who you are. something new that
we are doing this month and for the months to come is this: each writer will bedoing an essay on something in the world that really bothers them, makes them
angry or makes them not want to live in thie world anymore. i hope you enjoy
those, cause i did. oh yeah, here is my new email address: an359719@anon.penet.fi. or you can probably find me on iRC at HoR and quite possibly punc,
poetry, ansi, acid, or ice. greets to the following people for trying to
their point out, whatever it may be: punc, saz, tdkeb, angst, cripple, sorrow,
jack flack, violetta kitten, luptin, and a very special hello goes out to vixen,for whom one of my poems is dedicated to... peace out
violetta kitten...
Here we are again withe the best present weve had in years.. no, really..
Hey, so weve made it to the next step and here we are again, as hot and
heavy as ever. Seems to me like it has been a year since the last release..
heh, maybe not.. this month is just very slow. Bare with me, Im new to
making well with the public. Im actually not very well with the public
thing, i am sure it will come to me in time though.
As much as it seems like the last release was a year ago, it seems
like the group started yesterday. Odd, I know, but i never claimed to
normal as if there was such a thing. Things all flow together in their
weird ways.. at least beyond my observation they do.
I just wanted to touch on one thing.. writing is the greatest thing in this
world that i know. You can take all of your experiences and your thoughts
and your feelings and melt them all together to make something as beautiful
as a poem or a short story or even just mindless babble. It is taking
something from the inside of you and showing it to others.. kind of like show
and tell, except its your life that you are displaying to everyone. I have
learned alot about myself through my writing also alot about others and
the world in which I exist. I just hope that be reading this, that you might
enjoy it, learn from it, have fun with it.. whatever. I wouldnt participate
in this or anything along the lines if I didnt think it had the chance of
reaching out to at least one person. If one person can take what is being
said and adapt it to themselves in their own way, well.. color me happy.
CCopyright 1995, Horror of Reality Productions. All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly
denied, except for the purposes of reviews. All names, titles, characters, and
text herein are copyrights of Horror of Reality Productions, unless otherwise
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