this image contains text
,.,. l a s h e r m a n a s
,- / // : / d e l p e r r o
/ / // : / m a g nti c o
/ ::/:::: // / / Arl
/ / Y / /
:: / :: / :/ Arl
:::: ::::::::: j: . :: . ::::
/: ::: :--,.:::::::::::: :g,. ,./::/::,/ ::: :::
L., :: :: ::: :::::: / :::/-,:::.. :::/-,. /::: : ::
: ::::: ------- : :: ::::: ,,db. / .
L ::.. /
/ L ::::.. /
Las hermanas, son / The sisters, are:
Acid Brain AR
Alakran AR
: Ale Perez AR
Arlequin AR
Checo AR
Deadguy AR
La Bonzai AR
Mr Roboto AR
Teletextt AR :
Toshi AR
Typ0 AR
El Drome consta de un solo espacio angosto, con una barra a un lado
y mesas al otro, atiborrado de rufianes y tratantes, ,
y un misterioso surtido de traficantes.
Aquella noche estaban en la puerta las Hermanas del Perro Magntico,
y no me atraa la idea de tener que pasar junto a ellas al salir si
las cosas no llegaban a marchar bien.
Medan dos metros de altura y eran delgadas como galgos.
Una era negra y la otra blanca, pero aparte de eso eran casi tan idnticas
como la ciruga cosmtica las haba podido hacer. Eran amantes desde
haca aos, y tenan fama de violentas.
Nunca supe con certeza cul de las dos haba sido varn en un
The Drome is a single narrow space with a bar down one side and
tables along the other, thick with pimps and handlers and
a arcame array of dealers.
The Magnetic Dog Sisters were on the door that night, and I didnt
relish trying to get out past them if things didnt work out.
They were two meters tall and thin as greyhounds. One was black and the
other white, but aside from that they were as nearly identical as
cosmetic surgery could make them.
Theyd been lovers for years and were bad news in the tussle.
I was never quite sure which one had originally been male.
Johnny Mnemonic, William Gibson.
,- / // : / d e l p e r r o
/ / // : / m a g nti c o
/ ::/:::: // / / Arl
/ / Y / /
:: / :: / :/ Arl
:::: ::::::::: j: . :: . ::::
/: ::: :--,.:::::::::::: :g,. ,./::/::,/ ::: :::
L., :: :: ::: :::::: / :::/-,:::.. :::/-,. /::: : ::
: ::::: ------- : :: ::::: ,,db. / .
L ::.. /
/ L ::::.. /
Las hermanas, son / The sisters, are:
Acid Brain AR
Alakran AR
: Ale Perez AR
Arlequin AR
Checo AR
Deadguy AR
La Bonzai AR
Mr Roboto AR
Teletextt AR :
Toshi AR
Typ0 AR
El Drome consta de un solo espacio angosto, con una barra a un lado
y mesas al otro, atiborrado de rufianes y tratantes, ,
y un misterioso surtido de traficantes.
Aquella noche estaban en la puerta las Hermanas del Perro Magntico,
y no me atraa la idea de tener que pasar junto a ellas al salir si
las cosas no llegaban a marchar bien.
Medan dos metros de altura y eran delgadas como galgos.
Una era negra y la otra blanca, pero aparte de eso eran casi tan idnticas
como la ciruga cosmtica las haba podido hacer. Eran amantes desde
haca aos, y tenan fama de violentas.
Nunca supe con certeza cul de las dos haba sido varn en un
The Drome is a single narrow space with a bar down one side and
tables along the other, thick with pimps and handlers and
a arcame array of dealers.
The Magnetic Dog Sisters were on the door that night, and I didnt
relish trying to get out past them if things didnt work out.
They were two meters tall and thin as greyhounds. One was black and the
other white, but aside from that they were as nearly identical as
cosmetic surgery could make them.
Theyd been lovers for years and were bad news in the tussle.
I was never quite sure which one had originally been male.
Johnny Mnemonic, William Gibson.
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