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Whats New in iCE Recently.
1. This month were proud to include artwork from the other side. In the
section marked 5o are the ansis from iCE Europe: Spar, Wiz, Ranx, and
Genesis who is the European Coordinator. All of the European ansis are
drawn in 5o line mode, what we refer to as Squished Mode Even considered
naming them .SQU : The Euro ansis can be viewed with Masterview
by pressing right arrow, or M, and there is a .DAT file prepared with
the names and descriptions of the Euro ansis to make life easier.
Their style might take some getting used to at first, but youll soon
realize their unique perspective on things. Theyve got some font ideas
that knocked our socks off! Dont be to hasty to judge these guys by the
size and standards of ANSi over here ANSi is a relatively new concept in
Europe, and this is the cream of the European crop.
2. iCE says goodbye to two good members this month: Amroth and The Magical
Gangster. Good luck guys.
3. From two members departing, to two members joining: This month we welcome
both Lepper Messiah and Danzig to full iCE member status. One month ago
LP was doing only fonts... needless to say, were impressed.
4. Along with his art and Courier Coordinating duties, this month marks the
first in what will hopefully be many that Shihear Kallizad will be
compiling the iCEPack. Hopefully this will take some of the pressure off
the staff.
5. *NOTE* To All iCE Sites: If you are the sysop of an iCE Site, it is
important for you to be aware that its up to YOU to inform us if there
is a problem with your courier. If you are not receiving the iCEPACK after
a reasonable amount of time, make sure you let either the CC, or a Staff
member know. If we could make rounds to check up on all the sites we
would, but its simply not feasable.
In a similar note: We arent able to talk to all the artists all the
time either so, if you as an iCE Artist or Member have a problem or need
something taken care of, or just want to keep in touch, please contact:
Genesis, Metal Head, Ricochet, Shihear Kallizad, Sought After, The BBS
Bouncer, or Tormented Soul. Any one of these people can handle your
problem, keep you up to date on recent iCE events, or readily contact a
staff member if its warranted.
6. Articles are steadily being collected for the iCE Magazine. After the
first issue is released, its scheduled to come out about every three
months. A monthly schedule was discussed but it didnt seem practical,
first, the pressure would be immense, and second, we didnt feel there
would be enough to report every month. The first issue will concern iCE,
and consecutive issues will be more general with a section about iCE.
While it isnt possible for everyone in the group to produce the
magazine the whole too many chiefs, not enough indians thing, were
trying to include as many iCE members as possible and get as much input
from them. Please leave any questions, suggestions, or articles on
Hardwired, Sanctuarytm, Rivendell when it goes back up!!, or leave
Felony Netmail to Tempus Thales or Shihear Kallizad.
7. Speaking of the Mag, weve included SURVEY.ANS in this Pack. If you have
an opinion, and want to be represented in the mag, just fill this out
it out and get it to one of the HQs, or leave netmail to a staff member.
This is for anyone, btw.
8. If there was an award for most improved iCE artist, it would almost
unanimously go to Icy. His incredible progress can by charted by checking
the past four iCEPACKs, two ansis steadily every month and each month
better than that last. Great job guy, but watch out for LP!
9. The VGA for Soul of the Hunter by Juice was released in .PCX format to
prevent the incombatibility problems associated with coding hi-resolution
10. Looks like we had another month in the traditon of September, and November
of 92, as well as January of 93. To quote Force Ten We had a month and
a half this month!. Since we seem to be going in two month cycles here,
dont expect April to be anything close to this month.
- Looking for a new BBS software? Check out LiQUiD. Forum hack with original
artwork by iCE and ACiD artists.
- Tempus Thales iCE Senior Staff
Shihear Kallizad CC
Greets to: Force Ten - ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz........ .. .
How bout those VGA artists? :
Mitch - Why do you even have a handle?
We want CCi repeat as desired
Captain Kaos - M-i-C Couriers, pft. K-E-Y Bah, they suck.
M-O-U-S-E! Fuck this. Im going to Disney World!
Lord Carnuss - I got your competition...riiigght here bud. Grin.
Cant wait for your next ansi in July -SK
QUiCK SiLVER - Year to date, QS vs SK:
QS ahead, but 9 months still to go! Stay tuned!
SharP - iCE is a BUS? A BUS?!
I guess that makes ACiD a Pinto :
Tank - I hope we provided you with
some more bricks this month... :
Dreamevil - Glad you stayed in the game, Yuan-San.
AADA - Great pair of ads this month..by far your best!
ED - Ed...back from the dead?
Napalm - Cmon guy.. wheres that promise youd showed?
Thanks to all the iCE Artists and Members who contributed this month.
1. This month were proud to include artwork from the other side. In the
section marked 5o are the ansis from iCE Europe: Spar, Wiz, Ranx, and
Genesis who is the European Coordinator. All of the European ansis are
drawn in 5o line mode, what we refer to as Squished Mode Even considered
naming them .SQU : The Euro ansis can be viewed with Masterview
by pressing right arrow, or M, and there is a .DAT file prepared with
the names and descriptions of the Euro ansis to make life easier.
Their style might take some getting used to at first, but youll soon
realize their unique perspective on things. Theyve got some font ideas
that knocked our socks off! Dont be to hasty to judge these guys by the
size and standards of ANSi over here ANSi is a relatively new concept in
Europe, and this is the cream of the European crop.
2. iCE says goodbye to two good members this month: Amroth and The Magical
Gangster. Good luck guys.
3. From two members departing, to two members joining: This month we welcome
both Lepper Messiah and Danzig to full iCE member status. One month ago
LP was doing only fonts... needless to say, were impressed.
4. Along with his art and Courier Coordinating duties, this month marks the
first in what will hopefully be many that Shihear Kallizad will be
compiling the iCEPack. Hopefully this will take some of the pressure off
the staff.
5. *NOTE* To All iCE Sites: If you are the sysop of an iCE Site, it is
important for you to be aware that its up to YOU to inform us if there
is a problem with your courier. If you are not receiving the iCEPACK after
a reasonable amount of time, make sure you let either the CC, or a Staff
member know. If we could make rounds to check up on all the sites we
would, but its simply not feasable.
In a similar note: We arent able to talk to all the artists all the
time either so, if you as an iCE Artist or Member have a problem or need
something taken care of, or just want to keep in touch, please contact:
Genesis, Metal Head, Ricochet, Shihear Kallizad, Sought After, The BBS
Bouncer, or Tormented Soul. Any one of these people can handle your
problem, keep you up to date on recent iCE events, or readily contact a
staff member if its warranted.
6. Articles are steadily being collected for the iCE Magazine. After the
first issue is released, its scheduled to come out about every three
months. A monthly schedule was discussed but it didnt seem practical,
first, the pressure would be immense, and second, we didnt feel there
would be enough to report every month. The first issue will concern iCE,
and consecutive issues will be more general with a section about iCE.
While it isnt possible for everyone in the group to produce the
magazine the whole too many chiefs, not enough indians thing, were
trying to include as many iCE members as possible and get as much input
from them. Please leave any questions, suggestions, or articles on
Hardwired, Sanctuarytm, Rivendell when it goes back up!!, or leave
Felony Netmail to Tempus Thales or Shihear Kallizad.
7. Speaking of the Mag, weve included SURVEY.ANS in this Pack. If you have
an opinion, and want to be represented in the mag, just fill this out
it out and get it to one of the HQs, or leave netmail to a staff member.
This is for anyone, btw.
8. If there was an award for most improved iCE artist, it would almost
unanimously go to Icy. His incredible progress can by charted by checking
the past four iCEPACKs, two ansis steadily every month and each month
better than that last. Great job guy, but watch out for LP!
9. The VGA for Soul of the Hunter by Juice was released in .PCX format to
prevent the incombatibility problems associated with coding hi-resolution
10. Looks like we had another month in the traditon of September, and November
of 92, as well as January of 93. To quote Force Ten We had a month and
a half this month!. Since we seem to be going in two month cycles here,
dont expect April to be anything close to this month.
- Looking for a new BBS software? Check out LiQUiD. Forum hack with original
artwork by iCE and ACiD artists.
- Tempus Thales iCE Senior Staff
Shihear Kallizad CC
Greets to: Force Ten - ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz........ .. .
How bout those VGA artists? :
Mitch - Why do you even have a handle?
We want CCi repeat as desired
Captain Kaos - M-i-C Couriers, pft. K-E-Y Bah, they suck.
M-O-U-S-E! Fuck this. Im going to Disney World!
Lord Carnuss - I got your competition...riiigght here bud. Grin.
Cant wait for your next ansi in July -SK
QUiCK SiLVER - Year to date, QS vs SK:
QS ahead, but 9 months still to go! Stay tuned!
SharP - iCE is a BUS? A BUS?!
I guess that makes ACiD a Pinto :
Tank - I hope we provided you with
some more bricks this month... :
Dreamevil - Glad you stayed in the game, Yuan-San.
AADA - Great pair of ads this month..by far your best!
ED - Ed...back from the dead?
Napalm - Cmon guy.. wheres that promise youd showed?
Thanks to all the iCE Artists and Members who contributed this month.
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