this image contains text
In the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy
Forgive me father, for I have sin-
ned.. It has been... A long time..
nce my last confession... and I
have done many questionable things
s of violence... and betrayal.
Ive killed men..
women.. and even
... childre
n.. Each time, standing
on the edge of the black abyss,
the blood runs in my ears... I try
to resis
t. Weak. Alone. I fail....
and the darkness consumes me, a
s I
sk in the glory of the bloodlust
-- b o d
i l y
h a r m
ANSiAnarchy FilesVGA
Demos.669 Music Files
/CiD NJ Outpost - Quiver
Distribution Site - OBV/2 B
eta Site
Psychosis Distribution Site - V
GANSi Distribution Site - Hyper N
etwork Node
CyberCrime International Network
Node - ToXiC Net World
Paramount Network Node - Hy
per Network Node - Interpool
Node - Impact Net
Nemesis Distribution Site - S
ysop: FusioN /CiD
ANSi Copyright MCMXCIII - By Raistlin M
ajere of iCE Advertisementstm
Yeah.. Yeah.. I know, his heads too big.. Fuck you. : N
ext time.. :
the Son, and of the Holy
Forgive me father, for I have sin-
ned.. It has been... A long time..
nce my last confession... and I
have done many questionable things
s of violence... and betrayal.
Ive killed men..
women.. and even
... childre
n.. Each time, standing
on the edge of the black abyss,
the blood runs in my ears... I try
to resis
t. Weak. Alone. I fail....
and the darkness consumes me, a
s I
sk in the glory of the bloodlust
-- b o d
i l y
h a r m
ANSiAnarchy FilesVGA
Demos.669 Music Files
/CiD NJ Outpost - Quiver
Distribution Site - OBV/2 B
eta Site
Psychosis Distribution Site - V
GANSi Distribution Site - Hyper N
etwork Node
CyberCrime International Network
Node - ToXiC Net World
Paramount Network Node - Hy
per Network Node - Interpool
Node - Impact Net
Nemesis Distribution Site - S
ysop: FusioN /CiD
ANSi Copyright MCMXCIII - By Raistlin M
ajere of iCE Advertisementstm
Yeah.. Yeah.. I know, his heads too big.. Fuck you. : N
ext time.. :
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