this image contains text
Kinda funny, eh? Talk about a pic and a font that dont mat
ch :
I would have drawn more but everyone knows my busy life caug
ht up with me
this past month... sigh : Ill be back in full force soon.
This summer Ill
be working part time and working on my game Ive signed a c
ontract to work on
a shareware game - doing the entire plot, characters, artwor
k, etc. Stalker
will be doing the music. The company that will bring it to
you? Webfoot
Technologies. Watch for them, so Ill probably be around q
uite a bit.
This is just a hearty thanks from me to the following people
Parasite, Boa, Magnetic M, Kadaver, Necrofiliac, Toon Goon,
Snake Grunger,
Cold and Ugly, Tetanus, Corprate Cow, Zarkon, Apox, Squidgal
ator, Lemonade,
and Syntax Error.
You honestly wouldnt believe how much that ansi means to me
. It is a viewable
symbol of how proud I am to be in iCE its great to see tha
t you guys actually
care about me : Thanks so much to all of you... and thanks
to everyone in iCE
just for being who you are and making it so much fun for me
ch :
I would have drawn more but everyone knows my busy life caug
ht up with me
this past month... sigh : Ill be back in full force soon.
This summer Ill
be working part time and working on my game Ive signed a c
ontract to work on
a shareware game - doing the entire plot, characters, artwor
k, etc. Stalker
will be doing the music. The company that will bring it to
you? Webfoot
Technologies. Watch for them, so Ill probably be around q
uite a bit.
This is just a hearty thanks from me to the following people
Parasite, Boa, Magnetic M, Kadaver, Necrofiliac, Toon Goon,
Snake Grunger,
Cold and Ugly, Tetanus, Corprate Cow, Zarkon, Apox, Squidgal
ator, Lemonade,
and Syntax Error.
You honestly wouldnt believe how much that ansi means to me
. It is a viewable
symbol of how proud I am to be in iCE its great to see tha
t you guys actually
care about me : Thanks so much to all of you... and thanks
to everyone in iCE
just for being who you are and making it so much fun for me
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