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S E P T E M B E R 1 9 9 6
1. Well, this month was kind of excessively quiet and boring... sorry. Slothy
got his rubber chickens taken away so he had to sit in the corner all month.
We have managed to put together yet another all-star pack together and released
on-time, so enjoy this months fix.
2. Quietly departing this month were Thrasher, Grindstone, TNA, and Deeply
Disturbed. We sadly wave goodbye to them and hope they find whatever they are
looking for in their new location. Joining the ice family with their
appropriate enthusiasm are ansi artists Black Viper and The 4th Disciple,and
the VGA wonder Wax. We welcome these three extremely talented new artists and
hope they heard already about Force Ten and his seductive lingerie. NO,
hampsters are not an initiation ritual, no matter what he tells you!
3. Lord Soth was caught shouting from the rooftops about the horrific rash his
rhesis monkey gave him... more at 11.
4. Food, folks, and fun. Have you had your iCE today?
5. Once again we apologize for the lack of exciting things going on this
month. Well see if we can get the Chaos-o-meter jump-started for next month
so as to fill the NFO with exciting news, info, and brand new childrens games!
6. That was a joke. The info will be left out next month to make room for the
childrens games.
7. We at iCE are proud to announce Sylum Entertainments soon to be released
video game, Curlys Adventure from Sylum Entertainment who are not only a fan
of iCE, but also house 1 of our members. A Playable Demo of Curlys Adventure
will be out in the near future and available through their webpage. Youre
welcomed to check it out. Infact we insist you do! Fans of such successful
games as Day of the Tentaclec and other silly slapstick laugh your ass off
adventure games, will certainly enjoy this nonstop comedic rollercoaster with
more humor then Cochrans closing arguements at the OJ trial. So fill your
socks with spray cheeze, and grab your beer hats... because its bad humor at
its worst, and best of all, it not another Doom game!!!!
Curlys Adventures web page is www.epicgames.com/curly.htm
Force Ten Friar Tuck Lord Soth Syntax Error
S E P T E M B E R 1 9 9 6
1. Well, this month was kind of excessively quiet and boring... sorry. Slothy
got his rubber chickens taken away so he had to sit in the corner all month.
We have managed to put together yet another all-star pack together and released
on-time, so enjoy this months fix.
2. Quietly departing this month were Thrasher, Grindstone, TNA, and Deeply
Disturbed. We sadly wave goodbye to them and hope they find whatever they are
looking for in their new location. Joining the ice family with their
appropriate enthusiasm are ansi artists Black Viper and The 4th Disciple,and
the VGA wonder Wax. We welcome these three extremely talented new artists and
hope they heard already about Force Ten and his seductive lingerie. NO,
hampsters are not an initiation ritual, no matter what he tells you!
3. Lord Soth was caught shouting from the rooftops about the horrific rash his
rhesis monkey gave him... more at 11.
4. Food, folks, and fun. Have you had your iCE today?
5. Once again we apologize for the lack of exciting things going on this
month. Well see if we can get the Chaos-o-meter jump-started for next month
so as to fill the NFO with exciting news, info, and brand new childrens games!
6. That was a joke. The info will be left out next month to make room for the
childrens games.
7. We at iCE are proud to announce Sylum Entertainments soon to be released
video game, Curlys Adventure from Sylum Entertainment who are not only a fan
of iCE, but also house 1 of our members. A Playable Demo of Curlys Adventure
will be out in the near future and available through their webpage. Youre
welcomed to check it out. Infact we insist you do! Fans of such successful
games as Day of the Tentaclec and other silly slapstick laugh your ass off
adventure games, will certainly enjoy this nonstop comedic rollercoaster with
more humor then Cochrans closing arguements at the OJ trial. So fill your
socks with spray cheeze, and grab your beer hats... because its bad humor at
its worst, and best of all, it not another Doom game!!!!
Curlys Adventures web page is www.epicgames.com/curly.htm
Force Ten Friar Tuck Lord Soth Syntax Error
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