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+61.3.9816.9771 +o trip
A few words... First off, mucho apologies for the Ice crew for my l
ack of
pics over the past couple of months. Life hasnt given me many oppor
to draw, but Im still alive. To those who have followed FOS in 97,
yes it
is still around -- 5 should be out right around the new year. Thank
s for
patience from both groups over the past months.
Greets to 4thds, tetanus, and the other metal scum...
+61.3.9816.9771 +o trip
A few words... First off, mucho apologies for the Ice crew for my l
ack of
pics over the past couple of months. Life hasnt given me many oppor
to draw, but Im still alive. To those who have followed FOS in 97,
yes it
is still around -- 5 should be out right around the new year. Thank
s for
patience from both groups over the past months.
Greets to 4thds, tetanus, and the other metal scum...
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